I have some questions.1, The machine was delivered from Oregon to Japan, and now I have it. Is it possiable to charge you shipping fee for return? ( it will probably be cost over 200$)2, After repairing, It will be charged shipping fee, forwarding fee, tariff, and tax. Could you pay for those costs since they are additional costs for the trouble?3. Returning the machine will cause 2 expensive costs above. So, as a plan B, I will repair it in Japan. Then, could you cover the costs by your insurance?
ある時、読書をしていると起業家が社会に与える影響の大きさを痛感。雇われている人では決して味わうことができない苦しみや達成感を味わってみたくなりました。 すぐに会社を辞めて、一ヶ月間東南アジアを旅行。タイ、マレーシア、シンガポール、ベトナム、ラオス、カンボジアの計六カ国。特にタイ、ベトナムの成長には目覚しいものを感じました。現在は日本で埋もれている良い商品を海外のお客様へ販売しています。また、海外のいい商品を日本へ輸入しています。将来的にはアジアの国で起業する予定です。
Oneday, I realized the effects to the society which entrepreneurs make.I came to want to feel accomplishment and anguish employees will never feel. I had left my job, then I left for journey to Southeast Asia for a month including Thai, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam,Laos, Cambodia.In Thai and Vietnam, espesially, I felt extraordinarily economic growth.Now, I'm operating my business selling good, but not well known, Japanese products to overseas customers.And also, importing overseas products to Japan.In the future, I will establish new business in Asia countries.
I have got last shipment.However, I did not receive the case which must be sent two for free.Please send it to me with next shipment.I got a complaint about product B for early failure.The crane unable to stand horizontally because Iron plate connecting to tripod was bent.Now, I'm working for replacement negotiation.Please check attached photo of the products received from the customer.Could you send product B with this order for free if possiable?That is order in this time.Please send me a invoice.