yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

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音楽 文化 ファッション IT Arts 漫画 マニュアル 旅行・観光 ソフトウェア
yakuok 英語 → 日本語

“We need to add some more features for communication and participation by parents and students. We want to add more features for parents to use in the home… and next year we will start to test a business model,” Choong said.

Surprisingly, Class123 still lacks a business model for generating revenue. That will be an important part of its plan for 2015, and no doubt vital to successfully raising a Series A round.

On the issue of doing a startup in South Korea, still seen as a relatively isolated market similar to Japan due to cultural and language barriers, Choong had some observations. He believes VCs from the United States and Japan are most active in the country’s startups.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

“There are many government support programmes… [and] global companies are coming to Korea for investing, so it’s very good,” he said, but acknowledged there are still barriers. “The first one is language, I think. Koreans are not so fluent in other languages. That is the first [difficulty] for global startups. Then there is definitely also bureaucracy,” he added.

Challenges for Class123 have been largely in persuading teachers to adopt new technology, something echoed recently by School of Music Online’s Founder in an interview with e27. But this has been less difficult with the younger generation of teachers in South Korea.



Class123にとっての課題は、主に教員に新しいテクノロジーに慣れ親しんでもらうよう促すことで、これは先頃School of Music Onlineの創始者がe27とのインタビューで繰り返し述べていたことだ。だが、これは韓国の若い世代の教員にはさほど難しい課題ではなくなっている。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

“Teachers are very conservative for new things. They need some belief and confidence. We need some time for persuading teachers, and we have to become a credible brand in Korea and the global market. It will take some time I think,” Choong said.

“Younger teachers are much more favourable for the technology and Internet services. In Korea, the young men are most favourable,” he added.

For now, Class123 marches on bringing its cuteness-overload solution into classrooms in South Korea and beyond, and ingeniously managing school kids’ behaviour without them ever detecting the sneaky coercion. Welcome to the age of the avatar.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Recently, China has been stepping up and making impressive moves. Its GDP, adjusted for purchasing power, is now bigger than the United States. It has been willing to step in and bail out countries on the outs, like Russia. And it has been capable of solving complex geopolitical problems through pure innovation and resourcefulness: Witness its approach to the cold war over the oil-rich Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. After spending 15 years facing off with the Philippines, which staked its claim by running a WW2-era landing craft aground on the disputed Second Thomas Shoal and garrisoning the rusting wreck with a dozen starving Philippine Marines, China has done an end run and started building islands.


昨今、中国はステップアップを図り、素晴らしき進歩を遂げている。購買力に伴い調整された同国のGDPは、今では米国のGDPよりも高い。中国は、ロシアなどといった軋轢が生じている国々に歩みより、それらの国々に対して財政援助を行うつもりでいた。そして、イノベーションそのものと臨機の才をもって、複雑な地政学的な問題を解決する力を持っていた。これは、石油が豊富な東シナ海の南沙(スプラトリー)諸島をめぐる冷戦に対する中国のアプローチを見れば明瞭だ。同諸島の領有を主張し、世界第2次大戦時に使用された上陸用舟艇を係争中のアユンギン礁(Second Thomas Shoal)に乗り上げ、飢えに苦しむ少数のフィリピン海兵隊を守備隊として錆びついた破船に配置したフィリピンとの15年に渡る対立の後、中国は回避策を打ち出し、島々を建造し始めた。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

In an open letter to staff, Xiaomi’s Lei Jun reveals the company sold over 61 million smartphones in 2014

Early this morning Xiaomi founder and CEO posted an open letter to the company’s employees on his personal Weibo account, in which he reflects on Xiaomi’s performance in 2014 and looks towards the future.

In the letter, Lei reveals that the company sold 61.12 million smartphones last year, nailing its target right on the bullseye. Tax-inclusive revenues according to the founder hit RMB 74.3 (almost US$12 billion), marking a 135 percent increase from the previous year, when it claimed to have brought in RMB 31.6 billion (US$5.18 billion).


XiaomiのLei Jun氏、従業員へのオープンレター上で同社が2014年に6100万台のスマートフォンを販売したことを明らかに



yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Currently, the level of research and imitation of Xiaomi’s model by industry peers is as detailed as studying pixels in a picture. In 2015, the smart devices playing field will become extremely competitive, especially as the growth of the smartphone industry in mainland China slows down. As industry players seek to outdo one another, the test of endurance and the robustness of each player’s overall ecosystem will determine which one eventually gets eliminated.

Therefore, starting this year, we need to reset our attitude and restart our journey. We should possess the determination to fight this battle to the end, and look towards a bright future for every single one of us at Xiaomi.


