Y0UHEY (y0u_hey) 翻訳実績

11年以上前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) ドイツ語 英語
y0u_hey 英語 → 日本語

And that is when I began my painting time. Since the time I was so fascinated by abstraction, and started to experiment myself more and more. My favorite artists are Robert Motherwell and Franz Kline. I also admire the work of Friedensreich Hundertwasser.
However Lithuania is a small country and living on art is impossible. And internet shopping was not so popular yet, so I started to work as children's room furniture designer, Then after a year later I started to design the interiors. I was painting all the time, but I started to sell my paintings only last year. I just don't have here to put them all :D

Now I am working as a freelancer interior designer and sell my prints and artworks on ebay.




y0u_hey 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

The rule of the dynast Pompeius in 60 B.C. and during the years following depended upon control, open or secret, of the organs of govemment. Pompeius and his allies did not claim to be the government or the State: it was enough that their rivals should be thwarted and impotent. They now abolished the private rights of citizenship--no disproportionate revenge for men who had been declared public enemies.There were many men alive who remembered Sulla. Often enough before now proscriptions had been the cause of secret apprehension, the pretext of hostile propaganda, or the substance of open menaces.Tales of miraculous escapes adorned the many volumes which this unprecedented wealth of material evoked.

