Thank you for your email.Regarding the S project, I appreciate that you give us a discount for the estimation.We will approve with the amount, then we are sending an order paper with US $4,024.The ordering paper is going to be arrived on 11th, because currently all employees work from their home to keep them safe from infection of the COVID-19.Thus, the office is going to open on Wednesday,11th. Regarding T project, it is on the review now and I would have some questions so I will send you later.
【握手会開催決定】お台場新大陸 めざましライブ【握手会開催決定!】日程:2014年8月1日(金)場所:新大陸 Great Summer スタジアム・ステージ上にて時間:12時~13時イベント当日特設会場にてSUPER☆GiRLS11thシングル「アッハッハ!~超絶爆笑音頭~」Music Card Cheeky Par adeメンバーver.をご予約購入頂きましたお客様は、Cheeky Paradeグループ別握手会にご参加いただけます。
Handshake event is going on!Date: Friday, August 1st in 2014Place: On the stadium-stage in the SHINTAIRIKU Great summerTime: 12:00pm-13:00pmIf you have booked "the AHHAHHA!- the Super funny chorus-"s Music Card Cheeky Parade Member ver. of a 11th single of SUPER☆GIRLS at the place of event on the day, take part the Cheeky Parade shaking hands event divided each groups.
The chancel of purchases was caused because I made mistake when I fill the appreciations.Thank you for your quickly response, I always feel secure.It will be useful after this.Thank you for the regard.
R1 Shallow 440ccに興味を持っています。日本でまだ誰も販売をしていないので、商品知識が全くありません。R1 V1-V3とR1 Shallowとの違いを具体的に教えていただけると嬉しいです。
I am interested in R1 Shallow 440cc, though I do not have enough knowledge about that at all because of not selling in Japan yet.Could you tell me about differences R1 V1-V3 and R1 Shallow concretely?
Similarly, he did not think it right to argue with the brother, because of his affection for the father of both of them. Caesar announced his decision on the whole matter, giving part of the kingdom to each of the brothers, and half of it to Archelaus. Caesar treated Nicolaus with honor. He gave Archelaus the title of ethnarch, and promised that if he proved himself worthy, he would soon make him king. He appointed the other brothers, Philippus and Antipas, to betetrarchs.He spent all [the money] that he had requested on the works themselves, showing that he was not swayed by [love of] money; and soon he won a brilliant reputation, because he had not done anything improper to gain more money.
We will improve the problem you reported immediately. I am very sorry to trouble you, but do you mind me asking you which products you pointed out?We will take actions as soon as when we receive your reply.Moreover, we really apologize about our mistakes and will attempt to never happen same things again.