Celebrities who were erased and disappeared.干され&消された芸能人Dark rumors can not be disclosed on TV.TVでは明かさない黒い噂celebrities who does not get along and co-work.仲が悪い、共演NG芸能人Celebrities whose annual income is beyond imagination!!年収がヤバ過ぎる!!芸能人How much is guaranteed fee? あのギャラはどれくらい?General questionaires.一般からの質問Cereblities who made a slip of a tongue and made reckless remarks.失言・暴言をした芸能人About the film.放映される映画についてInterview, co-work with other channnel.他チャンネルと対談、共演Interview with an each channel各媒体からのインタビューBroadcasitng accident、scandal, etc.放送事故、不祥事などTo become an entertainer.芸能人になるにはAbout the film映画についてgo visit to a filmed spot.撮影スポットへ言ってみたStory of rumors from those who have known the entertainment industry is spread via an internet.芸能界を知り尽くした人間から噂の話がインターネット上で配信される!