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transcontinents 英語 → 日本語

That experience taught me that in countries such as the U.S., such crises make people very scared. People in the U.S. live in a system that usually works well and as an individual you don’t have worry about much. In the emerging world, individuals have to fix things that don’t work by themselves. Hence people tend to react to crises more calmly than their developed-world counterparts.

This is exactly what happens even in the possibility of a war, even as people oppose that very possibility. Entrepreneurs are even calmer, their hearts set on building things.

Last night on Twitter, #savasahayir (translated from Turkish to mean “no war”) was trending globally; and it’s the word on many anti-protesters’ signs.





transcontinents 英語 → 日本語

Also at the conference, Caglar Erol, an angel investor with several investments in the Middle East-North Africa region, said he thought this dispute wouldn’t become serious. Naturally, he is against war and thinks things will be over quickly. He doesn’t have a Plan B.

Another investor, Numan Numan, the managing director of 212 Venture Capital, was also calm. “All of our investments in Turkey are long term and will take at least six to seven years to exit. If there is a war, of course, it will affect foreign direct investment, as well as our startups, and we will change the nature of our business. But I am not worried at all, as we have seen these things before several times.”


会議の場においても、中東と北アフリカ地域で複数の投資を行っているエンジェルインベスターCarl Erol氏はこの紛争は深刻なものではないだろうと発言した。当然彼も戦争には反対しており、早期解決を望んでいる。彼にはBプランはないのだ。

212 Venture Capitalの最高経営責任者であるもうひとりの投資家Numan Numan氏も冷静さを失っていなかった。「私たちのトルコにおける全ての投資は長期的なものであり、少なくとも6年から7年がかりです。戦争が起こればもちろん外国からの直接的投資に影響を及ぼし、私たちの新規事業もビジネスの性質を変えざるをえません。しかし私は全く心配していません。これまでにもこういうことは何回もありましたから。」

transcontinents 英語 → 日本語

There were guests from different countries and I was curious if they would feel differently. They didn’t. “I did not really feel anything today. People mentioned about the incident but we mostly talked business,” said Omar Christidis, founder of ArabNet, a hub for Arab entrepreneurs based in Beirut. “Politics gets us nowhere. We, as entrepreneurs, should just build companies and make the world a better place.”

He underscored one way to do that, even as political discussions and demonstrations waged outside: “Employing someone,” he said, “is a stronger political act for me than demonstrating on the street.”


外国からの来賓も出席していて、私は彼らの感じ方が違うのか興味津々だった。だをがそうではなかった。「今日は何も感じませんでした。人々は例のことについてふれましたが、私たちは概ねビジネスの話しかしませんでした。」ベイルートを拠点とするアラブ企業家を繋ぐArabNetの創始者であるOmar Christidis氏は言った。「政治は私たちに何ももたらしません。私たち企業家が会社を作り、よりよい世界を作って行くべきなのです。」
