Unfortunately, MUJI products do not ship to Russia. And I do not know where I can buy MUJI products in Russia.For people who want Japanese products, there is a website that do personal shopping service. Maybe you can inquire them?
Some days ago, I went to the exhibition of some picture mount crafter, but I could not take photos.If he is a popular person, it is understandable.However, I think that more he is famous I hope he should spread his works to the world.Everyone thinks that he does not like to be copied he works or show his works easily, but if many people see his works there is more demand in the business.The picture mount business will have more reputation.It would have more bad effect if more people see his works as well.
There is abuse and criticism because they are all kinds of people.The maker said that only people understand his works can understand.It means that he care about his customers, and there is no use that he can deplore about it.He has to do his best within limited information.Oh yes, I will be a famous person and show works more openly and back up all the mounting business!I am kind of impudent..But I have no other ideas that I can think of.I have to start something.I want to respect history of mounting business, but overturned the history.Do the best I can...
Based on the current evidence, your complaint is invalid. Now we have 2 options for you. You can only choose one option. Please negotiate with seller and give us your option within 3 calendar days. If you two parties add the effective evidence during these 3 calendar days, we will remediate the case accordingly. 1. We suggest a refund of 0% for a box of black color is accepted and wrong color of stick is also accepted. If you can't accept this refund amount, please negotiate with seller, or provide us with as much as evidence to remediate. Once there is more effective evidence provided, we have the right to remediate the order.
現在の証拠を元にすると、あなた(お客様)の苦情は無効になります。現在の所私たちは2つのオプションがあります。その中でオプションを1つ選ぶ事が出来ます。販売者と交渉し、3日以内にあなたのオプションを私どもにお伝え下さい。両者が効果的な証明を3日の間に加えて頂ければ、私どもがそれに応じてその判例について仲介を致します。1. 私どもの黒色の箱の払い戻しは0%しか認められません。しかし違う色の棒の注文は認められます。もし払い戻しの額に納得が行かなければ、販売者と交渉して頂くか、私どもが仲介するための証拠を出来るだけご用意下さい。ひとたび効果的な証拠が揃った時点で、私どもはその注文に対して仲介する権利があります。
2. Return for full refund. Please note that you should bear the shipping fee of return which may be expensive. If seller agrees to bear the shipping back cost for you, please negotiate with him/her to transfer the shipping fee to you offline based on your agreement. AliExpress could only arrange the total amount of this order after seller receives the goods. Also we suggest you confirm the shipping fee with the Post Office before you decide to return. If you choose this way, we will ask seller to provide the returning address. Please be aware that the returning address must be confirmed or provided by seller. If you send it to a wrong place, you will be responsible for the loss.
2. 払い戻しに話しを戻します。配送料が高額になりますがその費用をおわなければ行けない事をご了承下さい。もし販売者が配送料をおえる場合、契約に従って、販売者に直接送料を転送してもらえるように交渉して下さい。AliExpressが全てのご注文の後で、そのコストをアレンジしてくれます。またご返却の前にもよりの郵便局に送料を確認する事をお勧めします。もしこの方法を選ばれるなら、販売者に返送先の住所をこちらからお知らせします。返送先住所はご確認の上、販売者に提供される事をご確認下さい。もし住所が間違っていた場合、紛失はそちらのご責任になります。
Please response to this case and let us know your option within 3 calendar days, otherwise we will do as the suggestion we give and close this dispute directly.If there’s any agreement reached with the supplier before this case is closed, please provide your supportive evidence on the complaint centre.If you two parties have more evidence provided during these 3 calendar days, we will remediate the case without further confirmation. Hopefully you two parties reach an agreement and have more business cooperation in the future.Your understanding and cooperation will be appreciated.Best regards,Please note that when you cancel the claim, we will assume you agree to release the payment to the seller.
3. この件につきましては責任を持って、あなたのオプションを3日以内にお知らせ下さい。さもなければ今回の争議についてはご提案の通り、打ち切らせて頂く事になります。もし何らかの形で争議が打ち切られる前に製造者と合意に達した場合、クレームセンター支持される証拠を提出して下さい。もし双方が3日以内にこれ以上の証拠を用意した場合、私どもは本件の一歩進んだ裏付けの仲介をしたいと存じます。双方が合意に達する事を希望し、将来的に協力的なビジネス関係が持てる事を希望します。お客様のご理解とご協力感謝致します。草々このクレーム自体をキャンセルなさる場合、あなたが販売者とのご契約上のお支払いに同意されたと見なします事をご了承下さい。
Hello!I said I will order 12 pieces the other day, but I did not have a fund on my card, so I could not purchase.I am sorry for the trouble.I would like to order 10 pieces now, so please send me the bill?It would be of help if you send me as soon as possible.KoutaHello.I would like to order Vargo again next month, so please send me the written estimate.100 pieces200 pieces300 piecesI would like to have the prices on the purchase. (Please write the prices next to it.)I am looking forward to your reply.Thank you.Kouta
BK122 is now sold out if I find any I will let you know,just letting you know bk126 is also almost completely sold out,this is the lowest qty of all our bikes.Do you wish me to create an invoice and I see you purchased 4 x 1:18 750rs do wish to combine these in freight,.........
BK122は売り切れました。もし他に見つけたらお知らせします。BK126も完全に売り切れた事もお知らせします。この自転車はほとんど数がないものです。インボイスを制作希望ですか?ご購入なさったと理解しています。4×1:18 750のこれらの荷物を併せて梱包しますか?