Tomoe Nakamura (tomoenk6)

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語

Tomoe Nakamura was born in 1967 in Osaka Japan. She is a visual artist, and photographer. Nakamura is currently living in Osaka, Japan. She got thyroid sickness when she was 19, so she had to quit her first university in Osaka majoring literary art, and since then her life has been ups and downs. After that she sought to find what she could do with her condition, and she studied film, photography, literature and art at different schools both in Japan and the US. She also traveled in Asian countries and North America and take photographs. She sent photos to different competitions and won some awards in Japan as well as merit scholarships from US schools. She finally obtained BFA from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco USA in 2010. She is interested in painting, mixed media, collage, recycled art, as well as taking travel photography and writing travel essay. Her themes relate to city scenes, travel, still life, and awareness of peace and ecology.

Her mother was an English tutor teaching English at home, so she learned about different cultures and languages since she was young. She has visited the U.S. continuously since 1979. And she stayed with family during the school summer in Korea at her 10 and North Dakota USA at her 12. She has kept traveling in the world since then as though she got a habit of traveling. She developed international and liberal mind, which has influenced by western culture, especially in art and film. Even though some of her art are related to Japanese culture and scenes, her frankness and directness of the concept are more like western, or other countries in the world, as opposed to ambiguity of Japanese art and people.

In 2012, she joined the group show at Layers, at the Brick Lane gallery, London England, and also 6x6x2012 at the Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Rochester, NY.


レベル & 言語ペア Market依頼
(完了数 / 作業中数)
(翻訳回数 / 文字数)
(翻訳回数 / 文字数)
Starter 日本語 ≫ 英語 0 0  / 0 7  / 1391
Starter 英語 ≫ 日本語 0 0  / 0 6  / 3406