The blog article list gets displayed in 2 columns from the second title in the list, but how do I make it all show in 1 column?
I started delivery marketing to FBA as soon as the product arrived. While others sold a product for $70, I lowered the price to about $52, summarized the variation to 1 page, and chamged the product details to a proper one. On top of that, I put an advertisement for SEO countermeasures. Allow me to add the following to my orders. Are there enough stocks left? Since the quantity is low, I prefer DHL for delivery, and next time I will choose delivery by steamer. Then I will be able to lower the cost in Japan more
Our English training included a 4hour one to one lesson in the afternoon. If you were to find a class like this in Japan, it would be extreemely expensive, but in Cebu Island, the proce is reasonable. That is one of the many attractive points of Cebu.After the 3 day English lesson, we went to the beach. The blue sky and sea was very inspiring. It was the first time I felt the goodness of the island. Visiting 3 times, there is one thing I realized. That is, Cebu is not a beach resort or a vacation spot.
If you examine closely, the places that seem glamorous in Cebu are much more collapsed compared to Japan, and this comes from the poverty of the region. However, that does not mean that the whole of the Philippines is poor. Young people with higher education are full of dreams. That was one point I felt the most difference compared to Japan.Going to the Philippines, English is not the only excitement. Meeting aggressive young men and feeling their excitement is the number one charm of the country.
ビクトリア様 お返事ありがとうございますとてもうれしかったですお取引について質問なのですが送料、最低金額、最低個数を教えていただけますでしょうかお忙しいところ大変恐縮ですがご返答いただけると幸いです
Ma. Victoria, Thank you for the reply. I was very delighted.I have one question regarding the transaction. Could you please tell me the delivery cost, minimum price, and minimum number of product? I am sorry to take your time. Thank you.
Blockchains for Business: Why Decentralization is Still a FactorA lot of people know blockchain as an innovative technology introduced together with its first use case – Bitcoin, a decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency. However, blockchain technology has since also been used for business and organizational purposes, either with a cryptocurrency of its own as a public blockchain, or without one as a private blockchain. While aspects of the technology are seen as something that could be useful for such purposes, there are some concerns as to why a business would want decentralization at all, leading some to, incorrectly, dismiss blockchain technology as a hyped-up trend and nothing more.
ビジネスにおけるブロックチェーン: なぜ分散は未だに重要な要素なのかブロックチェーンが最初の活用方法、peer-peer暗号通貨ビットコインと共に現れた革新的な技術であることは有名だ。しかし、最近では自分の暗号通貨を持つパブリックブロックチェーンや、持たないプライベートブロックチェーンとしてビジネスの場でも活用されている。そのようにブロックチェーンの技術が有効なものとしてみられている一方、ビジネスにおける分散を疑問視する声もあり、ブロックチェーンの技術を一つの流行りとして手放す例もある。
Below are a few business benefits we’re seeing attributed to decentralization with blockchain:Security – Since records are distributed across multiple areas and are updated as each block is created, there is always a high level of availability for the data. So, even if a large number of nodes fail or are shut down by an attack, the data is still available for people to access. In addition, since the system is regularly updated with the latest block, accessing any of the active nodes means acquiring the latest data, even in the event of a DDoS attack – a highly-desirable trait for network security.
Distributed Processing – In addition to being able to access the latest block from any active node, the system can also continue to process additional data and add more blocks into the blockchain. So, not only is the data accessible, the system can continue operating as long as there are active nodes in the system. Thus, if an attacker wants to shut down the system to halt processing, they would need to shut down every node on the blockchain, making it even more restrictive to achieve.
Partnerships and Consortiums – While partnerships and consortiums are usually created with the best intentions and with all of the necessary legal agreements in an attempt to protect all parties involved, there still lingers the concern of trust, especially in cases when the parties involved are in competition in other areas. Because of the decentralized nature of blockchain, the issue is significantly mitigated as trust is not needed in terms of processing data as well as storing it. Verifying that one has the same information that another party has is relatively easy to do without the need for additional trust among the parties involved.
These are just a few of the benefits businesses can have when using blockchain technology due to its decentralized structure. With the increasing number of businesses looking into solutions that blockchain can provide, we’re sure to find even more benefits of decentralization in the near future. Know of other ways that decentralization with blockchain helps businesses? Tweet us @Hyperledger with #decentralized
これらはビジネスがブロックチェーンの分散データベースを利用する利点の一部に過ぎない。ブロックチェーンが提供できるソリューションを求めている企業が増えている今、分散データベースの利点をさらに探し出すことができるでしょう。他にビジネスの場面で分散データベースが活躍できる方法を知っている方は#decentralized で@Hyperledgerまでツイートをお願いします。
Can I also get #M02 how much to ship them all together ? I can purchase now.i am interested to buy your product.can you ship this item via japan post E-Packet or Air mail ? because EMS makes problem in my country when clearing through by them and charge whole a lot of customs charge also. hope you understand :)Please properly packaged, prevent broken!Please be sure to write the words on my phone number!Please do not through the federal express delivery, they are not good at the Chinese customs clearance ability, will bring us a loss.what does not work on this item?Is it in working condition, ready to use?
私達はBROMPTONの「BROMPTON TOOLKIT」を20個、「FRONT CARRIER BLOCK」を10個購入したい。あなたは割引できますか?もし割引できるのなら、割引後の商品代金と日本までの送料を教えてください。配送会社は一番安いところで計算してください。多少、配送日数がかかっても構いません。この取引が成功すれば、私達はあなたから継続的に購入するつもりです。前向きに検討し、良い返事をください。よろしくお願いいたします。
We will like to purchase 20 Brompton Toolkits and 10 Front Carrier Blocks by Brompton. Is it possible to have a discount? If possible, please tell me the price after discount and the shipping charge to Japan. It would help if you would calculate the cheapest shipping company. I do not mind about the number of days it takes to deliver, as long as it is not too long. If we can pull off this deal successfully, we will continue to purchase from you. We will look forward for a good reply. Thank you in advance.