My customer is requesting for a change to be made to the respective items' order quantity.Since there are too many modification, would it be easier for you if we cancel the order first and place another one from your website?Here are the list of modification to be applied to the items.No other items are affected by this change.Sorry for the trouble, but please take care of this.* document requires an official documentation.The initial order does not have too many quantities, so if it gets costly to obtain the document, I will modify the order by replacing it with *.In this case, additional documents are required other than the food import permission.Are the following documents able to be prepared at your end?
I used the forwarding service since I reside in Japan. I was going to return the item to you but was told that it cannot be shipped back to the forwarder's address.I will pay you the remaining balance of the shipping cost via PayPal, so would you please ship M1700GRA for Japan?
Congratulation for his razors My name is Luis Lamas Loped and I reside in Spain I am interested in buying a Kamisori Iwasaki Tamahamade of 58 mm new, I liked to know if you can obtain it ,and his price --I want to buy a NEW Kamisori or in condition NOS of the craftsman Iwasaki with steel Tamahagane the one that has you to the this secondhand sale seem to me, but correct me you and say to me exactly if it is used or NOS(new old stock) You can obtain a Kamisori Iwasaki Tamahagane with leaf of NEW court of 50-60 mm or in condition NOS?If it is that it has someone can it me send photos?I ask him excuse for my Englishman , I need translatorI wish to be able to understand with you am grateful for his answers To Him
剃刀の件おめでとうございます。私はLuis Lamas Lopedです。スペイン在住です。新品の58㎜であるイワサキタマハマデの購入を検討しています。実際に入手していただけるかとその価格を教えてください。ーー新品の剃刀またはNOSコンディションでイワサキの職人が作成したスチール製タマハガネであなたが中古品としてお持ちでいらっしゃるものをお譲りいただきたいと思っておりますが、今一度あなたがおっしゃっていたのは中古品もしくはNOS(新品の旧在庫)であったかを教えてくださう。イワサキタマハガネの剃刀を新品で50-60㎜の刃またはNOSのものを入手できますか?どなたか所有しているものであればその方に頼んで写真をお送りいただけますか?英語が拙くて申し訳ありません、通訳が必要です。その方から回答がいただけると助かります。
For the other order that goes to 8-1 26-CHOME, we need to have some more information from you. From my understanding, you are looking to have the order shipped with your FedEx account in FedEx International Economy. Unfortunately, the order is too big and will need to go LTL. I am wondering if you want us to ship to your freight forwarders or the FedEx account you have is LTL account.If we are using your FedEx LTL account, please let me know who is the FedEx contact. Or if you want us to ship to your freight forward, we will still need the contact information and there will be additional shipping charge for us to ship to your freight forwarder. Please let me know how do you want us to process the order.
8-1 26-CHOME宛のもう一方の注文に関しましては、詳細な情報をいただく必要がございます。私の理解では、お客様はこのご注文内容をお客様のFedExアカウントによりFedEx 国際配送エコノミーにて配送をご希望でいらっしゃるということですね。残念ながらご注文のサイズが大きすぎるため、LTLで送る必要がございます。貨物の配送業者とお客様がLTLアカウントをお持ちでいらっしゃるFedExアカウントのどちらでの配送をご希望でしょうか?お客様のFedEx LTLアカウントを使用する場合は、FedExの連絡先の担当者を教えてください。もしくはお客様の貨物配送業者へ転送をご希望の場合も連絡先情報をいただく必要があり、さらに貨物配送業者宛に発送するために追加の配送料金が発生することになります。お客様のご注文をどのように手続きすればよいかご連絡をお願いいたします。
Since my boss was out of office until yesterday, I spoke with him regarding this matter once again.As a result, unfortunately, we are not able to accept it in the current amount.Regarding A, we have already received PO in USD OO, so B also has to be in USD OO as well.If this request does not work, we will accept only A and would like to cancel B.Please know that this is not my individual decision but the judgment of my superior.We are very sorry, but please reconsider the amount at your end.
弊社のAW Billが使用され、請求も問題なく弊社にくるようになっていました。今回は色々とお手数をお掛けして申し訳ございませんでした。丁寧にサポートしていただき大変感謝しております。弊社はフロリダに倉庫があるのですが、フロリダの倉庫宛であれば弊社の手続き不要で対応してもらえますか?送料を前払いすることは可能です。もし対応可能であれば参考までに今回掛かったであろう国内送料の概算を教えてほしいです。御社とは継続してお付き合いしたいので手続きをより簡易化したいと思っております。
Your AW Bill is used and it was supposed to be delivered to us without any invoice or any issues.I apologize for the trouble that has been caused to you this time.Your careful support is very much appreciated.We have our warehouse in Florida. If the ship to destination is to the warehouse in Florida, would you please handle without our procedure?Shipping cost can be paid in advance.If it is possible, I would like you to consider the domestic shipping cost which should have occurred this time.We would like to simplify the procedure wishing for our long-lasting business relationship with you.
To be honest, there is something I should let you know.It has become official this month that my daughter will be transferring to her sister's school from next year. She will be at the current school until the end of the semester.For my daughter, having met your daughter and built friendship with her at the school, leaving the school is going to be heartbreaking I think. The fact that your daughter became her best friend was such a blessing.The teacher contacted me today that kids had a moment to express which friends they want to be in the same class next year.
Although my daughter was aware of the transfer to another school, after having spoken with your daughter about it, things became real to her again and got her confused. Your daughter might explain this to you later, but I wanted to let you know what happened in advance.
カナダのlocal delivery serviceは不満が多いとよく聞きますしかし、私がそれを改善できないことはご理解頂けると思いますあなたの国の税関を通ってからの配達は、local delivery serviceに完全にお任せするからですJapan postより良い発送手段はないので変更することもできません現地のlocal delivery serviceに改善するように言ってみてはどうでしょうか?私がどんなに迅速に荷物を発送しても、到着が遅れてしまうことはよくあります
I often hear dissatisfaction about the Canadian local delivery service.However, I think you can understand that there is nothing I can do to improve that.Deliveries after passing the customs clearance in your country will be totally left up to the local delivery service.There is no better shipping method than using Japan Post, so I cannot make a change.How about asking the local delivery service for improvements?No matter how promptly I ship something, delay is something which happens often.
はじめまして。ABの田中さんの紹介で連絡しましたGP Inc.の佐藤です。XYのwebサイトを拝見し、ひと目見て御社製品をとても気に入りました。私は田中さんと御社の交渉の進捗状況は報告を受け、概要を把握しています。早速サンプルパッケージを購入したいです。PayPalアカウントを知らせて下さい。配送先は下記記載の弊社住所です。弊社は創業8年目の輸入商社です。創業当初から撮影機材を自社のウェブショップなどで販売しています。ちなみに、このウェブショップの検索ボリューム2位がHです。
How do you do. I am Sato from GP Inc. and contacting you as Tanaka-san at AB referred to me.As I saw XY website, I fell in love with your products at first sight.I am aware of the overview from the report of the progress status of negotiation between Tanka-san and you.I would like to order a sample package ASAP.Please advise your PayPal account.For ship-to address, please use our below address.We are an import trading company established eight years ago.Since establishment, we have been selling photography equipment at our web shop.By the way, the second place of the search volume of this web shop is H.
These special editions of Lamborghini Aventador S Roadster were designed celebrate the Italian marque completing 50 years in the Japanese market. The Real Cars will only be available in Japan and are inspired by the five natural elements in Japanese culture - Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, and Sky.
こちらのLamborghini Aventador S Roadsterスペシャルエディションは日本市場参入50周年を記念したイタリアブランドを祝してデザインされたものです。Real Carは日本限定で地風火水空という日本文化を象徴する5つの自然要素にインスピレーションを受けています。
I have placed an order for this item to you in the past. As I attempted to place an additional order, the following message appeared and I was not able to order. Do you set a restriction for an order quantity? Is it possible for you to release such setting? I would be very happy if I could place another order. I await your reply.
今回無事取り引きが完了したら次回からはスムーズに進めることができるようになると思います。送料については元払いに設定しているので、添付したAW Billをドライバーに渡していただければ貴社に請求されることはありません。FedExからメールが貴社に送られますので、ピックアップ日時を指定してください。添付したAW Billとインボイス、原産地証明書を印刷し、貨物と一緒にドライバーに渡して下さい。FedExのコントロール番号は下記の通りです。xxx上記の進め方でよろしいですか?
We should be able to make things moving forward smoothly from next time if the business transaction is completed without any problem this time.As the shipping cost is set with prepayment, no charges shall be invoiced to you if you hand over the attached AW Bill to the driver.An email will be sent from FedEx, so please specify your pickup time and date. Please print out and hand over the attached AW Bill, invoice, certificate of the country of origin, and give them to the driver with a freight. Here is the FedEx control number.xxxIs the above procedure okay with you?
Visually confirm the standard. There is no numerical standard as it only required to visually compare with the limit sample.Although the dryness is controlled by temperature and time, there is no confirmation standard to see if the dryness is complete or not.Is the vertical axis in the attached graph an inlet pressure?Also, can the operation condition be disclosed?As for the element disconnection, since the element cannot be removed from the center pole without applying heat process with A, it cannot be disconnected while resin is kept inside.Even though it could be disconnected, there is nothing we can judge from the condition of the resin inside.
Thank you for your understanding.So it it okay to reimburse you 200 dollars?I am so glad that you liked this item so deeply.I appreciate your time and effort for the repair indeed.I look forward to hearing from you.In fact, I sent you a small gift today.It will take about two weeks, so please look forward to it.I am so blessed to have a business transaction with someone like you who has a true understanding.Once again, thank you so much.
The purchasing website can be anywhere like Amazon, Rakuten, etc.Please use the address shown on my page upon purchase.After the arrival, I will be reflecting them on my page.Thank you,
How do you do? I am OO from AHPLUS.I am reaching you as we received your letter.We have been notified by misioo that the entire payments have been settled as of March 22.However, may I know why we receive a letter from you?Would you please confirm with misioo if our payment has been complete?Thank you,
親愛なるJason Knaseへ先日は日本の着物屋さんお買い上げくださり真に有り難うございました。商品は気に入ってくれましたか?お店の看板が出来上がりましたのでプレゼントします。今回はあなたと取り引きが出来て私は本当に幸せです。またの機会があることを楽しみにしています。それでは良い1日を!
Dear Jason Knase, Thank you so much for purchasing lots of Japanese kimonos the other day.Hope you liked the items.The store kanban plate is complete, so we give it to you as a gift.I am truly blessed to have had such a business transaction with you this time.Looking forward to our future business opportunities.Have a wonderful day!
You may register our address with O.Or we could purchase on their behalf.However, in that case, the merchandise fee will be received via PayPal, so an additional 4 % will be charged as a handling fee.Also, have you already registered with our service yet?If not, please do so.You can register for free.Our main business is the trade sales support.We look forward to hearing from you as we are willing to be of your support.
ご連絡有難う御座います。1ヶ月程前にラスベガス店の店員のAmberから同様の連絡がe-mailでありました。現在パスポートの写真・クレジットカードの写真・credit card authorization formをe-mailに添付してお送りする直前の段階まで進んでおります。このままラスベガス店からspecial orderで注文を進めても大丈夫でしょうか?もしくはSashaがいる本店のニューヨーク店から注文するほうが宜しいでしょうか。お返事お待ちしております。
Thanks for your contact.We have received a similar email from a Las Vegas shop assistant about a month ago.Currently we are proceeding to the stage right before attach and email the passport photo and credit card authorization form by attaching them to an email.May proceed with your order as a special order from Las Vegas store as is?Or would you prefer to place an order from the main branch in New York where Sasha is located?