Tearz (tearz) 翻訳実績

4.9 232 件のレビュー
英語 (ネイティブ) 日本語 フランス語 スペイン語(ラテンアメリカ)
サイエンス 医療 法務 文化 IT 技術
84 時間 / 週
tearz 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Dear Seller,

Greeting From Amazon Seller Support.

My name is Bittu and I am the associate who has been assigned to handle the concern that you have raised through this case.

I understand your concern for VAT transaction report from where you can calculate the VAT from Seller central.

As per your previous reply I would like to inform you that once you go on report section and choose fulfilment by amazon you will find at the right hand corner Tax section from where you can download the VAT transaction report.

However the previous link which i have provided was for Amazon VAT Transactions Report where you can download the report for the month which you require.

Please login to seller central before accessing the link:



Amazonn Seller Supportよりご挨拶申し上げます。



前回の回答の通り、Reportセクションへ進みFulfilment by Amazonをご選択いただきますと右隅のTaxセクションよりVAT取引報告書をダウンロードすることが可能です。


そのリンクにアクセスする前にSeller Centralにログインして下さい。

tearz 英語 → 日本語

Congratulation for his razors
My name is Luis Lamas Loped and I reside in Spain
I am interested in buying a Kamisori Iwasaki Tamahamade of 58 mm new, I liked to know if you can obtain it ,and his price


I want to buy a NEW Kamisori or in condition NOS of the craftsman Iwasaki with steel Tamahagane the one that has you to the this secondhand sale seem to me, but correct me you and say to me exactly if it is used or NOS(new old stock) You can obtain a Kamisori Iwasaki Tamahagane with leaf of NEW court of 50-60 mm or in condition NOS?
If it is that it has someone can it me send photos?
I ask him excuse for my Englishman , I need translator
I wish to be able to understand with you am grateful for his answers To Him


私はLuis Lamas Lopedです。スペイン在住です。


tearz 英語 → 日本語

For the other order that goes to 8-1 26-CHOME, we need to have some more information from you. From my understanding, you are looking to have the order shipped with your FedEx account in FedEx International Economy. Unfortunately, the order is too big and will need to go LTL. I am wondering if you want us to ship to your freight forwarders or the FedEx account you have is LTL account.

If we are using your FedEx LTL account, please let me know who is the FedEx contact. Or if you want us to ship to your freight forward, we will still need the contact information and there will be additional shipping charge for us to ship to your freight forwarder.

Please let me know how do you want us to process the order.


8-1 26-CHOME宛のもう一方の注文に関しましては、詳細な情報をいただく必要がございます。私の理解では、お客様はこのご注文内容をお客様のFedExアカウントによりFedEx 国際配送エコノミーにて配送をご希望でいらっしゃるということですね。残念ながらご注文のサイズが大きすぎるため、LTLで送る必要がございます。貨物の配送業者とお客様がLTLアカウントをお持ちでいらっしゃるFedExアカウントのどちらでの配送をご希望でしょうか?

お客様のFedEx LTLアカウントを使用する場合は、FedExの連絡先の担当者を教えてください。もしくはお客様の貨物配送業者へ転送をご希望の場合も連絡先情報をいただく必要があり、さらに貨物配送業者宛に発送するために追加の配送料金が発生することになります。
