石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 男性 70代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
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The filing also shares the official reasons for accepting the merger from each company’s board (beginning on page 103). Youku’s reasons are more or less what you would expect — the merger gives Youku control of Tudou, after all — but some of Tudou’s reasons for acceptance belie that the company was struggling to increase the value of its shares, and concerned about its inability to do so on its own. They also reveal that Tudou management was still wondering whether it could have gotten a higher price had there been an open sale and bids from other competitors, but obviously, it decided not to risk Youku’s offer being withdrawn by pursuing that.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Internet-based File System

So from the get-go Kanbox has been focusing on individual data storage as well as multi-terminals accessibility. It now supports almost all mainstream devices or OS including Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Symbian and of course it has a web-based service.

You can imagine what Kanbox is working on as an Internet-based file system, Huang explained. The file system has totally gloss over the significance of different terminals, no matter what phone or which tablet you’re holding, you can always gain access to your individual data with your Kanbox account through Internet connection.





tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Launching Pricing Plan in H2

Kanbox allocates 5 GB of free storage to every new user, and similar to Dropbox’s marketing approach, you can upgrade your space by inviting friends. One successful registration entitles you to one more gigabyte of virtual disk space.

The cloud storage service which to date claims tens of million users is still free of charge. However, Huang said they’re preparing a pricing plan to launch in the second half of this year.

Conventional wisdom is that Chinese people didn’t pay for online services, well, how did Tencent build its empire by selling virtual items? And why paid app downloads saw massive growth after Apple’s iTunes store accepts yuan?






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A division of SingTel’s Digital L!fe Group which focuses on creating new digital growth engines, Amobee offers comprehensive, end-to-end mobile advertising solutions and services for advertisers, publishers and operators worldwide while AccuWeather on the other hand, is an innovator in mobile advertising by making its mobile inventory, mobile applications and mobile web highly contextual by providing over 100 weather, lifestyle and location attributes for advertisers to choose from.

With its US$321 million acquisition of Amobee last month, SingTel has set its sights on expanding into the mobile marketing arena, especially in the area of one-to-one connections between brands and consumers.


新たなデジタル産業の成長エンジンの創造に集中するSingTelのDigital L!fe Groupとして、Amobeeは世界中の広告主、出版社およびオペレーターに包括的なエンドツーエンドのモバイル広告ソリューションとサービスを提供しており、その一方AccuWeatherはモバイル広告のイノベーターとしてモバイル・インベントリー、モバイル・アプリケーションおよびモバイル・ウエッブを作っており、それらは広告主に100以上の天気、ライフスタイルおよび位置属性情報の選択肢を提供して高い文脈のあるものにしている。


tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

“Crowdsource content across platforms: Cross-pollinate content across your social media channels, playing to each channel’s individual strength. Websites like statigr.am or HootSuite are great tools to coordinate this type of tactic. At Sweetgreen, we’re always on the lookout for our favorite Instagram photos tagged #sweetgreen. We share those on our Facebook Page with a shout-out to the Instagram photog. Our Facebook fans see the image and make the connection to head to our Instagram page, and our Instagram photographers get love from the shout-out.


「プラットフォームの全域でコンテンツをクラウドソースすること。つまりあなたのソーシャルメディア様々なチャネルのいたるところでコンテンツを相互交流させ、各チャネルそれぞれの強みを発揮させるのです。StatigramやHootSuiteといったウェブサイトはこの手の戦術をコーディネートする上での卓越したツールです。Sweetgreenでは、われわれの気に入る#sweetgreenのタグがつけられたInstagram写真はないかといつも目を光らせています。そういう写真は当社のFacebook PageでInstagram photog.へのシャウトアウトをつけて披露しています。当社のFacebookのファンはその画像を見て関連づけ、当社のInstagramサイトに向かいます。そうして、わがInstagramフォトグラファーたちはそのシャウトアウトの挨拶を受け取るのです。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

China’s Biggest B2C E-Commerce Site, Tmall, Finally Gets an iPhone App

China’s leading B2C e-commerce site, Tmall, now has a brand-new iPhone app, which launched earlier today. If the app’s arrival seems surprisingly late, it’s likely because the e-tailer used to be covered by the Taobao app, which was the overarching name for all of Alibaba’s online shopping efforts until quite recently. But since Tmall struck out as an independent company last summer, then got itself a Chinese name change and a new feline icon earlier this year, it’s now time for its standalone app as well.


中国最大のB2C EコマースサイトのTmallについにiPhoneアプリ登場

中国のトップB2C eコマースサイトのTmall(天猫網購)で、いまや新しいiPhoneアプリが手に入る。本日朝発売されたもの。このアプリの登場の遅さには意外の感がするかもしれないが、それもおそらく、このeテイラーがかつてはタオバオ(淘宝網)のアプリでカバーされていたからだろう。タオバオがごく最近まで、すべてのAlibaba(阿里巴巴集団)のオンラインショッピング事業の包括名だった。しかし昨夏、Tmallが独立会社として明確になって以来、中国名を変更し、今年前半には新たにネコのアイコンとしていた。今回はスタンドアローンのアプリを出す時期が来たということである。

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The new Tmall for iPhone allows users to browse and purchase items from all of its B2C brand partners and independent stores, and also ties in some basic social features such as ‘likes’ and comments. Plus it supports full order management, so your purchases can be tracked whilst they’re on the road.

The UI looks quite distinctive, and seems more minimal than most mobile shopping apps, with a hint of classy influences from well-designed apps like Pinterest and Color. It has only been online on iTunes this afternoon, but already has 490 reviews and – amazingly for a new app – is on an average of five stars.




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360buy to Ramp up Jewelry Effort

360buy announced today to ramp up its jewelry e-tailing business with partnership with some of the top-notch Chinese jewelry name brands as well as retailers including Hong Kong-based Chow Sang Sang, Shanghai-headquartered ZBird.com and so forth.

The Beijing-based company is targeting at RMB 700 million sales for the effort by year-end.

360buy, or Jing Dong Mall launched its jewelry channel in last November and from then on has seen fast growth of the business, probably a motivation to enhance it.

Jing Dong also said that it will be strengthening logistics service with regard to jewelry delivery in terms of packaging, privacy protection and delivery supervising etc.


360buy 宝飾品営業を強化

360buyは今日、一流中国宝飾品製造業者ブランドならびに小売業者数社と協同で宝飾品電子小売事業を強化すると発表した。共同先は香港拠点のChow Sang Sang(周生生)、上海に本社を置くZBird.comなど。


360buy、またはJing Dong Mallは、去る11月に自身の宝飾品チャネルを立ち上げて以来同事業を急速に成長させてきたが、それがさらなる拡大を動機付けのひとつとなったと思われる。

Jing Dongはまた、宝飾品の配送に関するパッケージング、プライバシー保護および配送管理などの物流サービスも強化するとも述べた。