石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 男性 70代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Can you provide us with any magicians that you know in Japan for a reference.Do you work with any Japanese Magic Dealers?If we can find a way to get approval for the sale with PayPal.The item would be shipped by USPS Priority Mail.We can place a LOW value on the shipment to help reduce your import taxes however,you must understand that if you choose this option the item will not be fully insured. I am sorry for this extra work but we have to be careful with credit card fraud. We have NEVER had a problem with Japan with this issue, but we must follow protocol none-the-less.


どなたか日本でご存知のマジシャンらを参考のため列挙していただけますか? 日本のマジック・ディーラーらとの関係はおありでしょうか? PayPalから本販売の承認を得る方法が見つかるかどうか。 本アイテムはUSPSのプライオリティーメールにて送られます。送り出しで「低い」価格をつけて輸入税を低くして差し上げることはできますが、しかし、この方法を選択すると、本アイテムの保険が完全にはカバーされなくなることをご承知ください。さらに追加のご面倒をおかけして申し訳ないのですが、クレジットカード詐欺に注意を払う義務があります。こうした件で日本との間で問題があった例は「一度も」ないのですが、それでもプロトコールには従わなければなりません。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

I would have placed the order for the pens but honestly the pen samples i saw had some sprinkling of powder which got stuck on the base urushi applied to the tracking, so i want to make sure people admire it only and not find faults. I will take the turtle and crane pen if you recommend it, but i ahve to see a sample befoe anything else. I understnd writing will soct extra but i think i can get the japan message written india fr a lit less they may not be the japan colours or pigments but yes you can always guide me. I had asked you for $100 with box, i will of course pay shipping extra. i have other pens coming to india fr sampling for as low as $75 but i liked your presentation on ebay so i wrote to you also.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Back in Japan Eyeland has about half a million users, which is promising. Assuming more than half of its users are active, we should see some interesting content tagged to locations. The key is getting the masses to create meaningful user generated content. Our mobile phones have way too many messaging and location-based discovery apps already, in my opinion. The idea is cool, but it still needs to serve a real need to earn a place on my iPhone. Perhaps I’m turning into a dinosaur that only uses Google, Twitter, and Facebook for almost everything…

But I do encourage you to give Eyeland a try, and see if it works for you. Let me know what you think once you’ve tried it.




tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

While Tran seemed to be optimistic about the region, William Henley, founder of Tapetrix cautioned everyone to be realistic. William reasoned that each country in Southeast Asia has its own set of problem, culture and different infrastructures.

Key opportunities in the region

Johan, the SEA Head of Alliance for RIM says that he sees a commonality in terms of hunger and interest in developing on mobile platform across SEA. Entrepreneurs and founders in the region seemed to recognize the huge opportunity which the mobile space promise. However, to really tap into all the different market in SEA, one has to understand the different cultures in the various markets.


Trans は地域については楽観的のようであったが、一方、Tapetrix の創始者 William Henkey の方は皆に現実的になろうと言って警告した。William の説明は、東南アジアは国ごとに一連の特有の問題、文化、異なるインフラがあるのだというものであった。


Alliance の SEA地域RIM担当ヘッド Johan は、SEA全域のモバイル・プラットフォームをもとにしての発展への切望、関心という点では共通性があると言う。地域の企業家、創業者たちは、モバイル・スペースが約束している巨大な好機を見抜いているのだ。しかし、実際にSEA地域の異なる市場全てを開発するためには、さまざまな市場の異なる文化を理解しなければならないのだと。