石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 男性 70代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語


"LITTLE WARS" is the game of kings—for players in an inferior social position. It can be played by boys of every age from twelve to one hundred and fifty—and even later if the limbs remain sufficiently supple—by girls of the better sort, and by a few rare and gifted women. This is to be a full History of Little Wars from its recorded and authenticated beginning until the present time, an account of how to make little warfare, and hints of the most priceless sort for the recumbent strategist....
But first let it be noted in passing that there were prehistoric "Little Wars." This is no new thing, no crude novelty;



「LITTLE WARS」は、王たちのゲームです―社会的地位が下位のプレーヤーのための。12歳から百五十歳の―手足が十分柔軟であり続ければればもっと後でも―どの年齢の男の子にも、より良い地位の女の子にも、また、数少ないまれな才能のある女性にも遊べます。これは、記録され認証された初期から現在までの全「History of Little Wars」に、ほとんど戦争を起こさない方法の報告に、そして怠けている戦略家のための最も極めて貴重なタイプのヒントにもなる予定です…
しかし、ちなみに最初は、有史以前の「Little Wars」があったことに注目しましょう。それは、新しいもの、自然のままの変わったものではありません。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

but a thing tested by time, ancient and ripe in its essentials for all its perennial freshness—like spring.
There was a Someone who fought Little Wars in the days of Queen Anne; a garden Napoleon. His game was inaccurately observed and insufficiently recorded by Laurence Sterne. It is clear that Uncle Toby and Corporal Trim were playing Little Wars on a scale and with an elaboration exceeding even the richness and beauty of the contemporary game. But the curtain is drawn back only to tantalise us. It is scarcely conceivable that anywhere now on earth the Shandean Rules remain on record. Perhaps they were never committed to paper....


アン女王の時代に「Little Wars」を戦ったある「誰か(Someone)」がいました。庭園のナポレオンです。ローレンス・スターンによる、彼のゲームの不正確な観察と不十分な記録があります。 そして、アンクル・トービーとトリム伍長が、現代のゲームの豊かさと美しささえ上回る スケールで、細やかに「Little Wars」で遊んでいたことは明白です。しかし、カーテンはまた引かれて、我々をじらすばかり。現在地球上のどこかに、Shandean Rulesが記録に残り続けていることは、ほとんど考えられません。おそらく、紙には決して書き留められなかったのです....

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

And in all ages a certain barbaric warfare has been waged with soldiers of tin and lead and wood, with the weapons of the wild, with the catapult, the elastic circular garter, the peashooter, the rubber ball, and such-like appliances—a mere setting up and knocking down of men. Tin murder. The advance of civilisation has swept such rude contests altogether from the playroom. We know them no more....

THE beginning of the game of Little War, as we know it, became possible with the invention of the spring breechloader gun. This priceless gift to boyhood appeared somewhen towards the end of the last century, a gun capable of hitting a toy soldier nine times out of ten at a distance of nine yards.


そして、昔も今も、少数の野蛮な戦争は、ブリキと鉛と木の兵隊を、自然の武器を、ぱちんこ、弾性円形のゴムバンド、豆鉄砲、ゴムボールとかそういった器具を使っての戦いでした ―単に兵士をセッティングし打ち倒すのです。ブリキの殺人です。文明の進歩が、そのような未開の戦いをすべて遊び場から一掃しました。我々は、もうそういったものを知りません…
「Little War」ゲームの開始は、我々には周知のように、バネ元込め銃の発明によって可能になりました。少年たちへのこの極めて貴重な贈り物は、先の世紀の終わり頃に現われました。9ヤード離れたところにおもちゃの兵士に10回に9回当てることができる銃です。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

This is the first problem the other is if it's attached to the body with adhesive how do you incorporate a urination device ?

Having said this I am closer to it then before but still not satisfied.

I will always give you the 10% discount as I promised.
I also gave my word that you would be the only Japanese distributor , I remain true to this.

To send you pictures is no problem but I'm still not sure about the letter , I think you'll find my story already on the website right here

Also recently I took a short video to show how to insert the implant , you may want to use something from this.
I welcome your feedback.







tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

A urination type prosthesis or STP ( Stand To Pee) is a prosthesis clients have been asking me to make for many years.
I have given thought to it and done some work on it but never been fully satisfied with the results.
Because the way the prosthesis is now attached prevents any urination device from been worn at the same time.

My quest is to make something that works well not just ' not bad', I hope you understand this.

It would be relatively easy to continue the channel I have created to end at the tip of the prosthesis , therefore allowing a flow through the prosthesis but the urine would need to flow down first then up to the channel ( because of the physical nature of a person using the prosthesis).


排尿タイプ人工器官またはSTP(Stand To Pee)が、依頼人が長年、私に製造するよう頼んでいた人工器官です。



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

A number of additional initiatives for this year’s event included the ‘AIME Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Summit’ to discuss external change agents impacting on the business events industry; the ‘Future Event Experience’ area showcasing the latest technology coming online; and a ‘mobile concierge’ to instantly respond to any questions texted through. Alongside all of this was the newly launched ‘Business Events Week’, an inaugural initiative for Australia bringing added business value to both the event as well as to the host city.

With so much hard work taking place, play naturally had to follow, which it did in true Australian fashion and for which they have become renowned.


今年のイベントの多数の新たなイニシアティブのなかには、ビジネス・イベント産業に影響を与えている外部のチェンジ・エージェントについて議論する『AIME経営最高責任者(CEO)サミット』、オンラインで使えるようになる最新技術を公開する『将来のEvent Experience』ゾーン、および、携帯メールからのどんな質問にも答える『モバイル・コンシエルジュ』があった。これら全てと平行して、新しく発表された『ビジネスEvents Week』もあった。これは、オーストラリアのために初めて開催されたイニシアティブで、イベントならびにホスト都市の双方にビジネス付加価値をもたらした。


tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

The social programme included the exuberant opening gala of Melbourne LIVE! at the city’s South Wharf Promenade, followed by a healthy sprinkling of networking sessions at lunch and special networking hours. Visitors could then really let their hair down at the Club Night, held in one of Melbourne’s luxury lounge bars with views over the city.

“All our attendees want to get the most out of the time they spend out of the office, so we have worked towards finding ways to add the maximum value for them,” said De Swart. “We’re confident that all attendees will leave the event having had an extremely productive few days.”


ソーシャル・プログラムには、 同市の南側埠頭プロムナードで行われた生き生きとしたオープニング・ガラ「メルボルンLIVE!」もあり、続いて、昼食時に健康的にばら撒かれたネットワーク・セッションや、特別なをネットワーキング・アワーも持たれた。それから訪問客は、都市を眺めわたせるメルボルンの高級ラウンジ・バーの1つで開催された「クラブ・ナイト」で本当にくつろぐことができた。


tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Visitors to AIME were able to select their education programme highlights via the mobile app launched for this year’s show, a feature that also allowed them to browse through a detailed list of full show events, view their appointment diaries and even demonstrate how to navigate the show floor.

Making this app even more useful was yet another first for 2013, with visitors able to line up pre scheduled appointments with their preferences from the more than 800 exhibitors through new ‘Visitor Appointment Diaries’, previously reserved only for hosted buyers. This offered greater visitor time RoI and the ability for exhibitors to also maximise their own participation.



このアプリをさらに役に立つようにするのも、2013年のさらにもう一つの初めての試みで、訪問客は、新しい『訪問客Appointment Diaries』を通して、800人以上の出展者の前もって予約されたアポイントメントを彼らの好みにぴったり合わせるようにすることができた。このDiariesは以前は被接待バイヤーのためのみに用意されていたものだ。これは、より大きな訪問客の時間のRoIと、出展者にもまたその参加を最大化できる能力をもたらした。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Over the past three decades the tentacles of the meeting industry have slowly spread to every corner of the globe, the annual newcomers to ICCA rankings clear testament to this; emerging destinations regularly make impressive leaps up the table and the established destinations now have to work increasingly hard to maintain their positions.

This growth and competition is healthy for the global industry, and whilst today the formula for what makes a successful meeting will have slight variations from Buenos Aires to Brisbane via Brussels, one of the basic requirements that all those in the meeting industry will always need to fulfill is being able to strike the right balance between working hard and playing hard.




tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Hayden Panettiere looks a bit curvier lately, but is that the result of a boob job? Putting on a few pounds? Or just the way a particular bikini looks on her?

The rumors started after Hayden Panettiere bikini pics taken on Easter spread like wildfire online. Relatively speaking, she was busting out of that thing.

She looked fairly curvy in her Glamour photos too, but not so much so that plastic surgery seems obvious. There could be many variations at work.

That bikini is microscopic, first of all, and anyone's chest looks bigger depending on the angle of the pic. If she put on 5-10 pounds, that'd make a difference too.

Finally, do they really look that different from last year ...


ヘイデン・パネッティエは少し曲線美がついたように見えますが、豊胸手術の結果なのでしょうか? 2、3ポンド太ったのですか? または、ある種のビキニを着るとそう見えるのでしょうか?




最後に、彼女たちが、昨年とそんなに違って見えますか ...

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

Microsoft to introduce Google Glass competitor in 2014

Analyst Brian White said in a note to investors on Thursday that he believes Microsoft is planning to bring to market a set of Internet-connected glasses next year. If true, that would put Microsoft in a position to compete with Google Glass, a project with a very public presence despite the fact that it is still in development.

White believes that Google Glass will kick off what he sees as a "major push" in wearable electronics by the biggest tech companies. Among those expected to play a part is Apple, which is rumored to be working on a so-called "iWatch" accessory.


マイクロソフト、2014年にGoogle Glassの競合製品導入へ

アナリストのブライアン・ホワイトは木曜日、投資家へのメモで、マイクロソフトが来年インターネット接続メガネを市場に出す予定と思われると述べています。それが本当なら、それによりマイクロソフトは、Google Glassと競合する立場となるでしょう。後者は、まだ開発中だという事実にもかかわらず、きわめて広く認知されているプロジェクトです。

ホワイトの考えでは、Google Glassが、最大の技術企業各社のウェアラブル・エレクトロニクスにおける「大きな動き」と彼が見ているものの、火蓋を切るだろうというのです。ひと役買うものとされている企業のなかに、アップルがあり、そこではいわゆる「iWatch」アクセサリーに取り組んでいるといううわさです。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

The same analyst made waves on Wednesday when he claimed that Apple plans to launch a full-fledged television set later this year with a new hand-worn accessory White dubbed the "iRing." With this device, he said, users will be able to use their hands to easily control the television set.

White's details were purportedly taken from discussions with members of Apple's supply chain while on a tour of Asia. While Wednesday was the first such indication of an "iRing," rumors of an "iWatch" appeared earlier this year and have remained ever since.

AppleInsider even unearthed a smart watch concept from an Apple patent application in February that showed a wrist-worn device with a curved, flexible display.


同じアナリストが水曜日にも、アップルが今年後半に、当のホワイトが「iRing」という新名称で呼ぶ手に着けるアクセサリーとともに本格的なテレビを市場に出す予定であると主張して、波瀾を巻き起こしています。その機器で ― と彼が言っています ― ユーザーは手を使って簡単にテレビをコントロールできます。

