Yes, I've wanted X.I'd like to order 10 units.The shipping address on invoice is correct.I have some questions to ask.*Could you e-mail me when you have items which I specified in stock?*How often do you update the list of products?*Could you send a new list of products every time you update?*Do you change the category of the products that you deal with? I'd like to know if there are any changes. It doesn't mean brand new products yet a new line.
THe address we shipped to is the one registered to your ebay account in accordance with eBay terms. - I will speak to the agent in the morning and either have the item shipped back from the US or arrange re delivery. My sincere apologies for this situation, we will of course refund in full should you wish, this situation is solely the responsibility of the courier and we are of course equally unhappy that our trasaction was not smoth and prompt which we pride ourselves on being - Please see below for the latest update for the courier agent
Hello,I want to cancel your service.What do I have to do on the site?Thank you.
Hello,Thank you for your e-mail.I contacted the credit company. Then I found out that it hasn't reached its limit yet; therefore, there shouldn't be any problem. So I have no idea why it didn't go through on your site.I feel very unfortunate, but I have to cancel this purchase.Thank you.
How Kickstarter Is Saving Hardware InnovationPebble Technology, the startup behind Pebble Watch, couldn’t find venture capitalists to back it. But within 28 hours of putting the project on Kickstarter, it had raised more than $1 million.Pebble isn’t the only hardware startup to run into fundraising roadblocks before finding success on Kickstarter.As Robert Fabricant, a vice president at product design firm Frog, put it in a recent Fast Company article: “It is still damn hard to get a VC to go along with any startup involving hardware, unless you have already locked in distribution with Best Buy or Walmart.”
キックスタータは、どうのようにハードウェアイノベーションを守るのかPebble Watchの背後にいるスタートアップであるPebble Technologyは、支援してくれるベンチャーキャピタルを見つけられずにいました。しかし、キックスターター計画を立ち上げると、28時間以内に、100万ドル以上を集めた。Pebbleは、キックスターターの成功以前に、資金調達問題を抱えた唯一のハードウェアスタートアップではない。製品設計会社Frogの副社長、Robert Fabricant氏が、最近のFast Companyでこう述べている:”あなたがすでにBest BuyやWalmartのような固定された販売業者を持っていない限り、ハードウェア系のスタートアップがベンチャーキャピタルを得ることは、未だにとても難しい状況である。”
“Too many startups begin with an idea for a product that they think people want,” writes Eric Ries in the Lean Startup. “They then spend months, sometimes years, perfecting that product without ever showing the product, even in a very rudimentary form, to the prospective customer.”Reis’s bestselling book suggests startups release early, incomplete versions of new products and iterate frequently in order to avoid making a large investment in something that nobody wants.But it’s a lot easier for software companies to distribute a minimum viable product than hardware companies. Proving that a new hardware concept will take off usually requires the time, materials and manufacturing costs to actually produce it.
”あまりにも多くのスタートアップが、人々が望んでいると考える商品の為のアイデアで始める。”リーン・スタートアップで、Eric Ries氏が書いている。”その後、彼らは、商品を完成させる為に、数ヶ月、時には数年を費やす。しかし、彼らはその商品、または初期段階で、未来の顧客候補に対し、公表することはしない。”Reis氏のベストセラー本は、誰も欲しがらない新商品の為の、大きな出資を避ける為、スタートアップに、初期段階の、未完成バージョンの新商品を、頻繁に公表する事を推奨している。ハードウェアカンパニーよりもソフトウェアカンパニーの方が、はるかに、未熟品を流通させやすい。新しいハードウェアコンセプトを提供するには、実際にそれを作り出す為に、時間、材料、製造コストが掛かります。
“The outcome of the first project definitely blew us away — we did not expect to raise that much money,” Provost tells Mashable. “We kind of fell into having a business.”Pre-User FeedbackSteven Isaac, the creator of TouchFire, demonstrates the iPad keyboard at Mashable’s office.Instead of inserting a string of babble into your prose, which is what usually happens when you rest your fingers on the iPad’s keyboard, Steven Isaac’s TouchFire — a keyboard overlay for the iPad — doesn’t set off a single key when you rest you fingertips on the product.
”最初のプロジェクトの成果は、間違い無く、我々を吹っ飛ばした。-あれほどの資金を得られるとは思いもよらなかった。”Provost氏は、Mashable氏に言う。”我々は、あれで、ビジネスを始める羽目になったんだ。”ユーザーフィードバックタッチファイアー作成者のSteven Isaac氏は、Mashable氏のオフィスにて、iPadキーボードを実演する。一連の意味不明な文面を、あなたの散文に挿入するのとは違い、(これは、あなたが指をiPadのキーボードに置いた時に、通常起こることだが)、Steven Isaac氏のタッチファイアー-iPad用の、かぶせるキーボード-は、製品上に、あなたの指を置いても、何一つ作動することは無い。
Its defined keys make typing while looking away from the screen possible, and its silicon body is an improbably thin and flexible solution to a problem usually solved with clunky plastic add-ons. It is, in other words, pretty handy.Kickstarter users who viewed the gadget’s demo video had just one complaint: The clips that attached Touchfire to an iPad cover for storage outside of the case looked clunky. With this feedback, Isaac was able to redesign the clips before starting the manufacturing process.“Whenever you develop a new product, you usually have to do it in this cold and lonely design studio where you’re making your best guesses on what it should be,” Isaac says.
“When we were developing TouchFire, we got user testing. You can usually only do that with a handful of people, whereas with Kickstarter, you now have thousands of people engaged in your product…It’s a whole different way of doing product development."A New Startup Route for Consumer ProductsPebble Technology founder Eric Migicovsky has raised $10 million on Kickstarter to-date, a record for the platform.Kickstarter gives hardware companies some advantages when they are developing new products. But it’s not a perfect system.For one, companies can underestimate how much money they’ll need to actually manufacture a product.
”我々がタッチファイアーを開発した時、ユーザー試験を実施した。通常は、少数の人々を通じてのみ可能であるのに対して、キックスターターは、何千人もの人が、製品に精通しているのである・・・・これは、まったく違った、製品開発のアプローチの仕方である。消費者製品の為の、新しいスタートアップのルートPebble Technology創設者、Eric Migicovsky氏は、プラットフォームの記録である1,000万ドルを、キックスターターto-dateに資金調達している。キックスターターは、ハードウェアカンパニーに、新製品開発時の利点をいくつか提供している。しかし、これは完璧なシステムではない。一つには、企業は、製品製造に、実際にかかる費用を過小評価する恐れがある。
Even if a startup does the math correctly, it may set a goal lower than necessary in order to avoid missing it and gaining no funding at all. Pebble Founder Eric Migicovsky said he set his $100,000 goal high enough to make about 1,000 watches (he ended up raising more than $10 million). Isaac says that his $10,000 goal for producing TouchFire would not have been enough (though the $200,000 he ended up raising “has been just fine”).
たとえ、スタートアップが仮に正しく計算したとしても、ゴールを達成できず、資金調達を受けられないことを避ける為に、必要よりも低いゴールを設定するかもしれません。Pebble創始者のEric Migicovsky氏は言う。彼は、1,000個の時計を作るのに十分な、100,000ドルのゴールを設定した。(実際は、1,000万ドル以上の資金を調達した。)Isaac氏は、彼のタッチファイアーを作る為に掲げた、10,000ドルのゴールは、十分ではなかったと言う。(彼が200,000ドルの資金を集めたことは”上手くいっただけ”だと言う。)
Scott Wilson didn’t have a cash problem after raising $942,578 for two wrist straps called TikTok and LunaTik, which transform the iPod nano into a watch; nonetheless, he thinks it’s easy to underestimate costs. “People see the total [money] raised on Kickstarter and don’t always consider that amount against the significant investment that we made with TikTok+LunaTik in order to get more than 20,000 units into production, packaged and starting shipping to our Kickstarter backers in less than 2 months — a turnaround time that was incredibly fast and nearly unheard of for a consumer product.”Kickstarter requires the creators of successful funding campaigns to refund any backer whose reward they cannot fulfill.
Scott Wilson氏は、942,578ドルの調達後、iPod nanoを腕時計に変換した、TikTokと、Luna Tikの二つのリストストラップの為の、資金問題を抱えることはなかった。しかしながら、彼は、コストを過小評価することは、容易にありえると考えている。”人々は、キックスターターで得た資金は見えても、キックスターターの支持者たちに向け、2ヶ月未満で、20,000ユニット以上を生産し、梱包し、出荷するために、TikTokと、LunaTikで得た重要な投資の金額は、あまり考慮しない。-対応時間は、信じられないほど早く、消費者製品に関しては、ほとんど、他に聞いたことが無い。”キックスターターは、製作者に、支持者が満足しない場合は、返金するという、成功を収めた資金調達キャンペーンを要求したのである。
Even with these risks, however, the fundraising platform is creating new opportunities for hardware companies that extend beyond capital.“I think we are at the start of a very interesting revolution in the way that consumer products are getting started up,” says Isaac. “This reminds me of what it was like with software in the early ’90s. You can now build things, real things, and do it with a small team.”
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At first, we confirmed that the product is genuine.Furthermore, you asked me to return the immaculate and unused item, but it is impossible because it already had been open when I received it.Moreover, it didn't include batteries.Even if you asked me to ship it by May 29th, you may receive it around June 2nd because it takes longer than that because it is the international shipping.The product what I return:*counterfeit*being opened*no batteries includedYou are fully responsible, therefore, I request you full refund and shipping fee.I will return the product.Thank you.
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Thank you for your e-mail.I've chosen items that I want to order, so I'll send you a CSV file.Please send me invoice via PayPal.My PayPal address is X.Please let us know if you have any question.
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