ありがとう!感謝します。ではAR1410を20個お願いします。8月1日に支払いますので、それまでに全部そろえてもらえると助かります。金額が大きいので、8月1日に3回から4回にわけて請求書を送ってください。あとMARC BY MARCJACOBS watch 、Motorola Mobility Moto 360 Androidwear Smartwatchなど安く手に入れられますか?時間があるときにでも教えてください。
Thank you! I thank you.Then, I will order 20 units of AR1410.I will pay on August 1st. I would be happy if you prepare all by then.The tatal amount is big. So please send invoices separately three or four times. In adition, is it possible for me to get a bargain of MARC BY MARC JACOBS watch and Motorola Mobility Moto 360 Androidwear Smart watch etc?Please tell me if you have time.
Yes. I want to cancel unpaid goods.Could you make a deal in the same amount when I order again?Please send paid goods as quickly as possible.You told me you would give me a discount before.At how much could you sell me these goods?
Vous allez bien?J'ai une question.Y a-t-il quelqu'un qui connaît un/une bon(ne) accordéoniste fraçais(e)?Je donne un concert de Noël à un hôtel chaque année et je cherche quelqu'un qui jouit au mon concert comme invité(e).Je arrange et compose de la music. Je aussi écris les paroles.Je dois faire des exercices de chansons.Écoutez mes chansons si possible.
I am in much trouble now because I didn't get our product back from a purchaser. When I allowed him/her to return it, I asked him/her to tell me the tracking number.But he/she didn't answer me.Although I had been waiting for the return, the purchase didn't arrived.So I sent an e-mail to ask him/her if he/she had already sent the purchase and to ask him/her to tell me the tracking number if he/she had already done it.I got this trouble this time and checked whether the purchase returned to my address in the United States. But the purchase hasn't returned yet.
商品の到着が遅れており、大変申し訳ございません。下記の日本郵便の追跡サイトからトラッキング番号をいれたところ、4/27から「Arrival at inward office of exchange」にて保管中のようです。お手数をおかけしますが、最寄りの郵便局にTELしていただき、下記のトラッキング番号を伝えていただき、EMS便の到着がいつ頃になるかお問い合わせいただけませんでしょうか?国外からの問い合わせだとかなりお時間を要してしまいます。
I must really apologize for delay of our product.Tracking on Japan Post site shows it has been in storage at Arrival at inward office of exchange. I was wondering if you could call the nearest post office , tell the number of tracking and ask when our product is sent to you by EMS? It would take a lot of time to ask from abroad.
0.Hello, Can $ 230 EMS free shipping to China? I will pay immediately, thanks.1. HI, $230 EMS free shipping to China? Shipping costs $ 30 is not deductible.Please modify invoices, I will pay, thank you.2.Hi, EMS free shipping to China. Shipping address has been sent to the EBAY email. Please check, can not deliver to the United States.
0. こんにちは。230ドル買えば中国への国際スピード郵便配達料金は無料になりますか?すぐに支払います。よろしくお願いします。1.こんにちは。230ドルで中国への郵便配達料金は無料になるかということですか?送料の30ドルは控除になりません。送り状を修正してください。 そうすれば支払います。よろしくお願いします。2.こんにちは 中国への国際スピード郵便配達料金無料ですね。送り先はEBAYメールへ送りました。確認をお願いします。アメリカへ送ることはできません。
Thank you very much for free shipping.You told me that I can get free shipping favor when I buy two sets.How do I buy them to get free shipping? Would you give me a promotion code when I buy two sets?It takes a long time to exchange e-mails every time I have a question.One more thing about a Small size of the product I mentioned below When will it come in?You told me it comes in in one week though...I need It as soon as possible. I really appreciate your quick response.Thank you.
先月のFace-toFace meetingでは大変お世話になりました。私達日本勢も、新たにワーキンググループAにも加わったことですし、活動に貢献できるように頑張りたいと思います。さて、日本勢のメンバーリストをお送りします。お送りするのはA社とB社のものです。古いリストに記載されている方の分も含め、全て見直しました。C社につきましては別途送付したとの連絡を受けております。ご不明な点がございましたら、ご連絡下さい。それでは、今後ともどうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
Thank you very much for participating Face-Face meeting held last month.We, Japanese team, who newly joined a working group A, will strive to contribute the activity. Now we are sending lists of our team members of A and B. We thoroughly reviewed the list where members on the previous list as well as new members are included. We have heard from C that they sent their list separately. Do not hesitate to ask any questions if you have.We look forward to working with you.
We must really apologize you for selling a banned product of your company.We take the following specific measures to prevent a recurrence of violation of the rights to sell in Amazon.co.uk. 1.When we start to handle a new article,we compare it with an existing article and check if we have already dealt with the company or not.
Google reportedly acquired the most European tech companies in 2014In a new report examining startup exits, Tech.eu found that Google acquired the most European companies in 2014, a shopping spree that comes amid mounting regulatory scrutiny of the Silicon Valley giant.According to the analysis by the European technology blog released today, Google acquired eight European tech companies last year. The more notable deals included paying about $390 million for DeepMind, and snapping up drawElements of Finland.
2014年のGoogleによるヨーロッパでの技術系企業買収が最多と伝えられた。Tech.euがスタートアップ企業の買収を調査した新しい報告書によると、Googleは2014年にヨーロッパの技術系企業を最も多く買収した。シリンコンバレーの大企業が常に目を光らせてる最中の派手な買収である。今日発表されたEuropean Technology blogsの分析によると、Googleは去年8社のヨーロッパ技術系企業を買収した。人々の注目を浴びた取引として約3億9千万米ドルで買収したDeepMindや、即決で買収したdraxElements of Finlandがある。