N. Kita. (sophy) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 イタリア語 フランス語
sophy 英語 → 日本語

Cocooning is the name given to the trend that sees individuals socializing less and retreating into their home more. The term was coined in the 1990s by Faith Popcorn, a trend forecaster and marketing consultant. Popcorn identified cocooning as a commercially significant trend that would lead to, among other things, stay-at-home electronic shopping. Since Popcorn coined the term, the trend has continued. The creation of the internet, home entertainment technology, advances in communication technology (cellphones, PDAs, and smartphones) which allow "work-at-home" options, and demographic changes have made cocooning an increasingly attractive option.


マイホーム主義というのは、社交的に活動せず自宅にこもることの増えた個々人の傾向に対して付けられた名前である。この言葉は、トレンド予想者でマーケティングコンサルタントの Faith Popcorn 氏の造語である。Popcorn 氏はこれを、商業的に重要なトレンド、とりわけ、自宅での電子ショッピングにつながるであろう、重要なトレンドだと考えていた。自宅での娯楽用の技術としてのインターネットの誕生、「自宅労働」という選択を可能にする通信技術(携帯電話や携帯情報端末やスマートフォン)の進展、および人口統計の変化によって、マイホーム主義は魅力的な選択肢となったのである。

sophy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Overall I think that the app has a lot of very cool innovations. Would it fit anywhere into my own personal workflow? Maybe not right now. But this software is completely new, and I’m sure that once there’s more feedback from users, then future iterations will be significantly improved. The company is working on a Chinese prototype as well, so we can watch out for that in the future too.

Here’s a short video demo of the app below (apologies in advance for the occasional camera shake). If you’d like to try out 7notes for yourself, please check it out in the iTunes store (iPad | iPhone).



以下は当アプリのデモンストレーションを撮影したものである(予め断っておくと、ところどころブレがある)。もしご自身で 7notes を試してみたい方がおられたら、(iPad でも iPhone でも) iTunes store をチェックしてみてはいかがだろうか。

sophy 英語 → 日本語

What’s Wrong with Groupon in China?

Things have been looking sort of grim for Gaopeng.com, Groupon’s joint-venture in China with Tencent. Before the JV was even launched things were going wrong, with Groupon’s infamous Tibet Super Bowl ads that managed to make almost everyone angry. And, as we’ve previously reported, since Gaopeng has gotten underway, things haven’t gone much more smoothly. The company cut hundreds of staff members in China back in July, then did it again earlier this week. On top of that are concerning rumors of cashflow problems and allegations in the Chinese press that the most recent round of cuts saw employees fired quite suddenly, and with no reason for termination given.


