Norton Reveals The Shocking Scale of Cyber Crime in Asia
The money - and value of time - lost to cyber crime. In India it amounts to about US$4 billion per year.
Norton has released a report on the current cyber crime situation across the world. It claims, for example, that just over one million people each day fall victim to a new online crime, and the cost of money stolen totals over US$300 billion. It’s also alarming to note that web users in developing countries are more likely to fall prey to online felons.
The research was conducted in partnership with the international research agency StrategyOne, by conducting online surveys amongst nearly 20,000 people in 24 countries – even including children . Here, I’ve tried to summarise the report from an Indian perspective:
“Cybercrime” in India
According to Norton, the Indian population that was surveyed spent an average of 30 hours per week online, as compared to the global average of 24 hours per week. The time spent online echoes the fact that most of us in India are now using the Internet to fulfill all our needs – from work to personal – and a great deal of it on our mobiles.
But what worries me the most is that a staggering 80 percent of online adults in developing countries have experienced cyber crime in their lifetime. That’s bad news for India. In contrast, only 69 percent of people in developed nations have fallen victim to it. To make matters even worse, India ranks in fourth place in terms of the number of adults who have been victims of cyber crime. That list is dominated by Asian countries such as China, Singapore, India, and Hong Kong. Japan’s relatively much more secure as compared to its Asian counterparts, with the least number of adults experiencing crime online.
The report lists the following as the top cyber crimes in India:
Computer viruses or spyware (60 percent)
Online scams (20 percent)
Phishing (19 percent)
While there are many kinds of online attacks happening around Asia, we at Penn Olson try covering some of the more noticeable ones. Our readers might remember the Chinese stalker who spied on girls through a webcam hack, and then blackmailed them with their nude photos. There was also the malicious Adobe Flash file that caused Gmail spear-phishing in China. It not hard to understand why there is a rising concern about cyber crime in India, and indeed across the whole continent.
アジア各国で多くの種類のオンライン攻撃が起こっていると同時に、私達はPenn Olsonにてより顕著ないくつかのカバーを試みている。私達の読者は、ウェブキャムのハッキングを通して少女たちをこっそり調べ、彼らの裸の写真を使い恐喝していた中国人のストーカーを思い出すかもしれない。また、中国においてGメールのスピア型攻撃を起こした悪意のあるAdobe Flashファイルもある。なぜインド、そして実際全ての大陸にわたり、サイバー犯罪について考慮が持ち上がっているのか理解するのは難しくない。
コンピューターウイルスまたはスパイウエアー (60%)
アジア周辺で起こっている多種のオンライン攻撃があるが、Penn Olson(ペン・オルソン)スタッフの我々はもっとも顕著な例のいくつかを取り上げる。読者は女の子達をwebcam hack(ウエッブカメラでのハッカー)でスパイして、彼女らのヌード写真をつけた脅迫状を出していた中国人ストーカーのことを憶えておられるだろう。さらに中国でGmailによるspear-phishing(詐欺)を引き起こした悪意のAdobe Flash fileの例がある。インド、そしてこの大陸全土にわたりサイバー犯罪への関心が高まってきた理由は想像に難くない。
アジア周辺で様々なオンライン攻撃がなされている間、我々Penn Olsonはより注目に値するものを取り上げようとしている。読者は、ウェブカメラのハッキングから女の子をスパイし、ヌード写真で恐喝した中国のストーカーを覚えているかもしれない。中国では、悪意あるAdobe FlashのファイルでGmailにスピアーフィッシングを引き起こしたこともあった。インドでのサイバー犯罪について増加する懸念がなぜあるか、理解するのは難しいことではない。実に、全体の大陸に及んでいるのだ。
Why is Asia Getting Hit So Hard by Cyber Crime?
There appear to be four core weaknesses in online security and usage in Asia:
1. Norton reports that not many people report cyber crime because they don’t believe online criminals can be brought to justice. At least that’s what 80 percent of the people surveyed think. Instead of reporting it to the police, they end up reporting matters such as a credit card fraud only to their bank. But this, perhaps, only perpetuates the number of security breaches.
2. Shady online activities on the user’s part are very common in China and India, and this puts people at higher risk. Having a fake online ID along with illegally downloading music for free are some of the aspects to these activities.
3. Why are we so careless in managing our confidential details like passwords to email accounts, social networking accounts, and even credit cards? In fact, many people do not even hesitate before reusing the same passwords twice – or even more.
4. Company websites need to be more secure. A lot of websites can be hacked through a fairly basic SQL injection attack. Even the Indian government has shown a poor grasp of how to secure its websites. Indeed, as many as 117 government websites were hacked in India in the past three years.
Cyber security is just like physical security. In the real world, people understand that not everyone is good, and do their best to obey laws. Similarly in the online world, we’ll have to generate more awareness about cyber security, steer clear of shady websites. We also need better personal habits like not opening email from strangers which might be spam, or not accepting friend requests for the sake of simply increasing our social presence. Apart from that, a better policing and judicial system that better understands cyber crimes is sorely needed in most countries. Perhaps then we can increase our quality of online living.