Thank you for your reply.I do not own a real shop and I am going to do business only in an Internet shop in the first place. My hometown is 〇〇.Would it be OK to sell only in an Internet shop?Also, can I place an order with you after receiving an order?Sorry for asking you a lot.Looking forward to your reply.
In ihren Versandbedingungen steht dass sie bei nichterhalten der Ware, innerhalb von 30 Tagen bei ems Versand, den Zahlungsbetrag zurück erstatten... Nun sind über 30 Tage vorbei und ich habe die Ware leider immernoch nicht.Werde ich nun den Betrag zurückbekommen?
As for the products packed in the 3 boxes with the above ID (216pcs), would it be possible for you to check if the product packages are wet because of liquid leakage? If there is any leakage, the packages get wet as shown in the attached photo. You don't need to check the products inside. It would be OK to check the packages to see if they are wet or not. Would I have to pay some fee for you to do this kind of work? How much would it be and how long?I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Could you please pick me up at the hotel on the 25th in Ho Chi Minh City?I'm going back to Ho Chi Minh City on the 27th. On the 25th, I'd like to talk with you about the job. I leave my schedule open until the 27th, so please arrange an interpreter for 2 days, on the 25th and 26th.
I'm sorry for the late reply. I did not notice your email.As for the incorrect refund, could you please charge me extra for my next order?Today, I received a letter from the customs as attached to this email. I've already received more than 10 items but did you send me anything else?The items can not clear the customs as there were no invoices attached. I would appreciate your help in this matter. I understood!Please immediately send me an invoice when they come in. I would like to have them as soon as possible. I'm looking forward to receiving them.
販売用にゾーニングの綺麗な青、パープルのfluoritesを探してます。またBulgaria産のChalcopyrite, Sphalerite, QuartzGalena, CalciteブルーのHemimorphiteピンクのCalcite などを探してます。来年は、初めてツーソンに訪れたいと思ってます。今後とも宜しくお願い致します。
I'm looking for blue and purple fluorites with beautiful zoning. I'm also looking for minerals like Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite, Quartz Galena and Calcite from Bulgaria as well as pink Calcite and blue Hemimorphite. Next year, I'm going to visit Tucson for the first time. Thank you for your continuous support.
We deeply apologize for the cancellation of your order due to a trouble with our system.If you paid your cancelled order with a credit card, please be assured that it will not be charged. If you used the other payment methods, please directly contact Amazon.We are very sorry to trouble you.
Thank very for ordering from us.However, we are very sorry to tell you that we have to cancel your oder. We had a temporal trouble with our price setting and inventory control system and the item was put up for sale for an unexpected price against our will. The item is currently not for sale and we are checking up the system. We apologize for the inconvenience that may cause you.
I will let you know how to check on the day later.Please stand in line for "PRESS" at the reception and tell your name and your company's name.You will receive an entrance pass in exchange of your business card. I hope this will be a good opportunity. Thank you and best regards.
Haha hihi np sir. As long dun after 1st of march recieve. If not no ones at home
今回購入したい商品をまとめてみました。すでに買い物カゴに入っている商品もあります。全てのディスカウントプライスを教えてください。金額確認後、一度清算いたします。金額確認後の清算の手順も教えてください。支払いは、Pay Palで支払います。今後の標本の種類につきましてはまたご連絡させて頂きます。
I've brought together the items I would like to purchase this time. Some of them are already in the shopping cart. Please let me know the discount price of each item.After confirming the total amount, I will first make a payment. Please also let me know the payment procedure. I will pay per Paypal. I will let you know the kinds of the samples later.
実際の商品数とインボイスの数量が合致している必要があります。再度、インボイスを作成し直してもらえますか。また、損傷した1点に関しては、次回の注文分で少し金額を調整してもらえますか?形状は留めていますが、表面に問題があり、ふき取ることもできないため、販売できる状態ではありません。なお、次回の注文は、以下の数量で想定しています。AAA:7個BBB:7個CCC :2個この数量なら発送は分かれませんか?よろしくお願いします。
Die tatsächliche Anzahl der Artikel muss mit der auf der Rechnung angegebenen Anzahl übereinstimmen. Könnten Sie bitte die Rechnung nochmal erstellen?Des Weiteren wäre es wünschenswert, wenn Sie den Preis des beschädigten Artikels bei der nächsten Bestellung etwas anpassen könnten. Die Form des beschädigten Artikels ist in Ordnung, aber an der Oberfläche befindet sich ein Schaden, der sich nicht abwischen lässt. Der Artikel ist in der Tat nicht verkäuflich. Bei der nächsten Bestellung gehen wir von den folgenden Mengen aus.AAA:7 StückBBB:7 StückCCC :2 StückKönnen Sie diese Mengen auf einmal absenden?Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Rückmeldung.
Using a traditional remedy handed down through the generations, GR today is a leader in the development of Smelly Feet and Footwear products.From humble beginnings in 1982, when the first batches of GR were hand made in a sterilized mixer, GR has grown to distribute over 1.5 million units of it’s famous Powder variants throughout the world. Please check out what our happy customers say to assure yourself that GR products are a genuine long lasting solution to the problem of Smelly Feet and Footwear.
I understand that you had to pay $30 as you had already informed of it before. However, this is not a problem with the product itself but the transportation. If you submit a damage report to the post office and let me know when it's finished, you will receive compensation for the damage. Then, I can deal with the situation in any way (like a partial refund). As long as there are no action from your side, I can not respond to your request such as refund. I have to repeat the same thing again, but please do submit a damage report to the post office. The package of the product is stained but the product itself is in good condition.
1. 知的財産権侵害に該当する問題を引き起こした。販売メーカーの許可を得ずに出品してしまった。2.我々は、各取引先から卸した商品を販売していますが、在庫品の引取り等も行っており、今回はそれらの商品が混ざっていた。そのため、販売メーカー側の許可なく販売してしまった。今後は正当に卸したルートの商品もしくは、在庫品でも、知的財産権侵害に該当にしないか1点ずつ確認を行う。3.現在、知的財産権侵害については申し立て申告者と話しがついており、解決しています。
1. Wir haben ein Problem, das die Verletzung des Rechts am geistigen Eigentum betrifft, verursacht. Dabei haben wir einige Artikels ohne Erlaubnis der Vertriebsfirma verkauft. 2. Wir verkaufen Artikels, die wir durch Großhandel erworben haben.Dabei übernehmen wir auch ihre Warevorräte, in die die zutreffenden Artikels sich durch Zufall vermischt haben. Daraus hat sich ergeben, dass wir diese Artikels ohne Erlaubnis der Vertriebsfirma verkauft haben. Um dies zu vermeiden wiederzuholen, werden wir in Zukunft alle Artikels von den Warenvorräten vor dem Verkauft einer nach dem anderen überprüfen. 3.Über die Verletzung des Rechts am geistigen Eigentum haben wir uns mit der Person, die darüber Beschwerde geführt hatte, verständigt und daher ist das Problem bereits beseitigt.
Thank you for your continuous support. Since we received a warning about this item the other day, we have decided not to handle it any more. Thus, It should have been deleted from the inventory list. Is the item put up for sale again?This time, we used a new inventory control tool on trial to put up items for sale.Therefore, the said item is likely to have been put up for sale again due to an error of the tool. We have asked the developer about the cause of this error and are waiting for their reply. In the future, we will never put up the said item for sale. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
I am very sorry about your mother. It's beyond my imagination how hard it was for you.I always hope you will feel fine. Your reply made me really happy. I will work hard looking forward to seeing you.The spring is just around the corner. I will email you when my schedule is fixed, so please let me know yours.
We would like to ship some items by air and others by truck. Would it be possible for you to pack them according to our request when shipping from the factory?Because the delivery date of the sandals is late, could you please ship, within days, one pair of each part numbers which we ordered this time? We have already paid more than half of the invoiced amount. We will definitely pay the rest when the items arrive at the stockyard. We would appreciate it if you would arrange a shipping from the factory. Also, please let us know from when we can make a payment by check.
We are deeply sorry that the item has not arrived by the estimated delivery date. We accept the cancellation of your order and the refund. We will immediately arrange a return with the shipping company. However, we may have a trouble in contacting them as this is an international delivery and your order could be delivered to you.In this case, please refuse the receipt of it. In case you happen to receive it, we would like you to return it to us by yourself at our cost. We will separately inform you of the necessary procedures.
あなたはどこに送ればいいですかと①②③④番の住所を提示してきました。④番の名前だけ間違っていたのでそれを指摘して他の住所は正しいと答えました。あなたは④番の正しい名前を返信してきたので私は安心して待っていました。まさか④番のみにアイテムを全て送るなんて思いません。もしそうするのであれば私は①②③を1度キャンセルしてすべてを④番の住所に登録し直す必要があります。なぜなら、eBayのship to に示されている所以外に送る事は既約違反だからです。あなたは既約違反を犯しています。
You asked me to which registered address among ①, ②, ③ and ④ you should send the items.I pointed out that the name of the registered address ④ was wrong and said all the other registered addresses were correct. In your reply, you corrected the name of the address ④, so I thought there were no more problems. I did not expect at all that you would send all the items to the registered address ④.If this is the case, I should first cancel the items ①, ② and ③ and register the same address as the address ④ in each item.It is against the bylaws that you ship items to an address other than the one indicated as "ship to" at eBay.I must say you are breaking the bylaws.