I'd like to order it. I'm afraid that it is only a small quantity. This is an order from BBR on Rakuten. We are having a hard time with the sales on Amazon Japan. 68 pcs out of 144 pcs that we ordered before remain unsold. There are 2 reasons for the sluggish sales. One is that the similar items made in China are being sold for the half of our price and have good reviews. The other is that the pictures of the item are not of good quality. Before changing the pictures, the sales was increasing even though there ware only small number of sessions and page views. Lately, we have been spending a lot on advertisement to keep the number of sessions. We wonder if you could do something to the pictures.
大切なご案内ですので必ずお読み下さい。 近隣からの苦情が原因で、あなたに予約していただいたのお部屋が営業停止の処分を受けてしまいました。本当に申し訳ないのですが、ゲストを受け入れることができなくなってしまいました。 申し訳ないのですが、私の別のアパートのお部屋に予約を変更していただけないでしょうか? この度は、本当に申し訳ありません。お返事お待ちしております。
This is a very important notice. Please make sure to read it through. Due to complaints from the neighborhood, I was forced to suspend the operation of the room you had booked. Therefore, I'm terribly sorry, but I can not receive guests any more. Would it be possible for you to book another room in another apartment of mine instead? I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you in advance for your reply.
近隣からの苦情が原因で、私のお部屋が営業停止の処分を受けてしまいました。本当に申し訳ないのですが、ゲストを受け入れることができなくなってしまいました。 できることなら私のお部屋で素敵な滞在をして欲しかったので、本当に申し訳ないのですが、予約のキャンセルをさせてください。 お返事いただきましたら、私の方からAirbnbにキャンセルの依頼をさせていただきます。 この度は、本当に申し訳ありません。
Because of complaint from the neighborhood, my room was forced to suspend operation. Therefore, I'm afraid that I can not receive guests any more. I wanted you to enjoy staying my room, but now I have to cancel your booking. I'm so sorry about that. As soon as I receive your reply, I will request a cancelation to Airbnb. I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage.Da der Einkaufspreis hoch war, hatte ich nicht vor, den Preis zu senken. Aber wenn es sich um 100 Dollar handelt, kann ich den Preis reduzieren. Eine weitere Reduktion kann ich nicht zu stimmen. Die Versandkosten übernehmen wir. Außerdem kann ich den Rechnungspreis geringer angeben, um die Zollgebühr zu reduzieren. Bitte überlegen Sie es sich.
Ist am Preis noch etwas zu machen?Versand wäre nach 06618 Naumburg
We got the head replaced the other day, but the buyer has contacted again and dais it does not move.The buyer requests a refund. Please check the video. Could you please send me an item in good condition!Please send me a replacing head as soon as possible. Would it be possible for you to send me a video showing how to fix it?Or are there any instruction manuals?If the repair is difficult at your side, I will ask an engineer and charge you the cost as well.
Hello just had a question about a Gibson Les Paul junior special P90 Sunburst guitar.Do you know if the pickups are original Gibson pickups or did someone change them?Also what size thickness is the neck do you know if it's a standard Thin 60's Neck or a fat 50's neck just wondering?Please Let me Know.
こんにちは。ギターGibson Les Paul junior special P90 Sunburst について質問があります。ギターのピックアップはギブソンのオリジナル品でしょうか?それとも交換されていますか?また、ネック部の厚さはどのくらいでしょうか?標準的な60年代の薄いものか、50年代の厚みのあるものかわかりますか?教えてください。
I'm sorry for my late reply.Since it is taking such a long time to deliver the item you purchased, I've asked the post office to track the parcel. It seems to take some time until I receive their answer. If it's OK with you, could you please wait until Oct. 19? In case that the item does not arrive by Oct. 19, or that I don't receive an answer from the post office, I will make a full refund to you.If the item arrives after that, please make payment accordingly.
Thank you for your prompt reply.The incense in the photo was not made from charcoal. It was my misunderstanding. We are looking for black cone type incense made from charcoal. like the one in the photo.Are there other sizes than 2.54cmx1.1cm?We have to preform a burning test first, so our initial order will be about 2kg.If we have a good test result, we would like to do business with you continuously. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
こんにちは、〇〇早速の返信ありがとうございます。私共の希望は、チャコール原料のcone type unscented incenseです。出来ましたら初回はkg単位で購入したいと考えています。お支払い方法はPayPalでのお支払いが可能です。それと、画像で頂いたコーンタイプや、その他スティックタイプにも興味がありますので、お取引が始まりましたら各種サンプルも希望します。それでは発注ロット、お取引方法に関しましてより詳しい情報をお待ちしてます。よろしくお願いいたします。
Hello, 〇〇.Thank you for your prompt reply.We would like to purchase cone type unscented incense made from charcoal. If possible, we would like to purchase them by kg for the first order. For payment, we can use Paypal.Furthermore, we are interested in the cone types and stick types in the photos you sent us.We would like to receive samples of them after we start our business. I look forward to hearing from you in detail regarding order lot or transaction method.Thank you in advance for your help.
As I'm not good at English, I used a paid translation service for a correct communication. I've been looking for a coin of the best quality without rust to submit for NGC appraisal. Would it be possible for you to take a picture of the coin in the coin capsule and email it to me?A coin of the best quality without rust would be the best. If you can not have it available within 2 weeks, I will cancel my order. If you can, how long does it take to receive it?
Inquiry through Alibaba.comHello.I'm 〇〇〇. I inquired about incense yesterday thorough Alibaba.com.We sell incense in Japan. We are currently looking for scent-free cone-shaped incense and wonder if you produce them.If you do, we would be pleased to do business with you and receive necessary information. Please see the attached image for confirmation. Thank you in advance for your help.
Tony, who is a good listener, is always there for you to talk to and can even help you with your homework. Homestay can not be a homestay if you ends up shutting yourself up in your room.It is recommended for those who want to speak English taking the opportunity.Although the stay mates are Japanese, they can help each other in time of need. Those who do not understand English well, but want to speak it as much as possible are also welcome.Those who are still in Japan and don't know what to do and those who are not quite satisfied with your current homestay, please feel free to contact me.
出来るだけ早く商品が欲しいので発送方法をJapan Express、EMS、DHLのいずれかでに変更お願いします。DHLはRemote Areaの送料がかかるので、できればEMSまたはJapan Expressがよいですが、無理であればDHLでお願いします。発生した送料の差額については、Paypalにてお支払い致します。急いでおりますので、次の返信で差額と送金先をお伝え頂けると助かります。DHLの場合は送料に加えましてRemote Areaの送料もまとめてお支払い致します。
I would like to receive the item as soon as possible, so please change the shipping method to either of Japan Express, EMS or DHL. As DHL charges an extra cost for a remote area, I would prefer either EMS or Japan Express. If it is not possible, please use DHL.I will pay the difference of the shipping cost via Paypal. Since this is an urgent matter, I would appreciate if you would tell me how much the difference is and the account that I should transfer money to by return. If you use DHL, I will pay for the extra cost for a remote area as well.
The serial number is stamped on the back of the watch.However, it can not be confirmed as it is covered with a sticker. Although this is an unopened model figure, the box has damages such as cracks. Book title: Picture book for children-Mighty Japanese armyThis book was published during the WW2 to teach children about the strength of the Japanese army.It focuses on the attack of Perl Harbor, which was publisched in the following year of the attack.It uses a lot of pictures so as to teach children about the military gains that the Japanese army made at that time. Some of the go stones are broken. Origami with beautiful kimono pattern. A collection of designs for fans.Basically, we offer combined shipping.However, some items can not be combined and will be shipped separately as they are stored in a distant warehouse.
We delivered a correct item by the expected delivery date without fail. We also accept returns from our customers. On the item description page on Amazon, it is clearly described that the item and the manual are in German. Furthermore, the condition of the item measures up to the description of the item. We did not deliver a wrong item. The buyer says he can not return the item. This is an inquiry, not a review. We made a full refund prior to return. We did contact the buyer to solve the issue.However, we have not heard anything from him.
お世話になります。THE MALLの公式サイトの全ブランドリストにはありませんでしたが、ブランドMONCLERの店員さんに聞いた所、MALLに店舗があるとのことでしたが確かでしょうか?このようにサイトの全ブランドリストに載っていないブランドで、店舗があるブランドは、他にもありますか?また、ブランド毎の店舗電話番号、Eメールアドレスを知るにはどうすればいいでしょうか?お手数おかけしますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
Hello.It is not listed on the brand list of the official website of ''THE MALL'', but the sales clerk at a MONCLER store said there is a store in THE MALL. Is this definite information? Are there any other brands that have a store in THE MALL, although they are not listed in the brand list of the website? Also, could you please tell me how I can get the telephone number and the email address of each brand's store? Thank you in advance for your time and effort.
Thankyou for your suggestion, we have already tried what you suggested but it hasn't changed the situation. As agreed in us renting your place for the month, free wifi was included and currently you are not providing this adequately. We are working very hard during this month and are needing the wifi for our communications overseas and here in Nagoya. We have been patient discussing this with you for a few days now and trying your suggestions but they aren't working, and this is creating problems for us.
You will need to pay for more data in your plan to take us through the next 3 weeks of our renting, this is the only adequate solution and we need it done immediately please to meet what we have agreed when I paid you the months rental fee. As I wrote, we have only been here 12 days and have not used the full 7G in this time which means it was used up previous to our arrival. We need the data available to us while we are here, from today till we leave on the 25th and so cannot have you wait till the start of next month. You will need to increase the data on your package for this month immediately please so we can continue comfortably here.
I'm afraid that driving may be dangerous now that the hurricane is coming close. I would like to have a rain check on the lunch today. I look forward to another chance to have lunch with you.