Sayoko (sayoko) 翻訳実績

5.0 2 件のレビュー
13年弱前 女性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 ドイツ語 イタリア語
Arts マーケティング ビジネス
sayoko 英語 → 日本語

These days companies selling shoes and clothing to the worldwide youth market send scouts to some of the poorest neighborhoods around the world and photograph how people wear their clothes. The underclass and mainstream have been trading looks for a long time, but never more so than in the last two decades. Even those who don't consider themselves fashionable cannot help but notice and be influenced by fashion, if only in subtle and nearly invisible ways. When the models in fashion shows wear dresses that brush the floor, even the most classic styles will become a little longer. When the latest neckties become as big as aprons or thin as strings the most conservative ones grow or shrink by an eighth of an inch



sayoko 英語 → 日本語

Fashion is artificial created by clothing designers in Paris and Milan, ad by committees made up of clothing and textile companies that regularly gather in New York to coordinate their colors. They hope that everyone will want to buy new clothes, bags and shoes. Yet fashion is also deeply mysterious. It is difficult to see where it is going, ad even harder to understand what and who forms its tastes and trends.
Most sociologists and historians believe that fashion is f¥driven by elite groups as well as by people who have recently become rich that want to be accepted as members of the taste-making class.



sayoko 英語 → 日本語

Recognizing Bill's intelligence at an early age his parents placed him in a private school where he would be appropriately challenged. Bill first came into contact with computers at Lakeside Prep School. This event changed his life.
When the first personal computer , the Altair 8800 came out, Gates told the makers of the computer that they had developed an operating system for the Altair.
People liked using the Windows OS because it had a Graphical User Interface, allowing people with little or no computer experience to operate one quite easily.
Bill's OS has been instrumental in providing a global communication standard that bridges cultural and language barriers.



sayoko 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

4. As a Behavior Monitor

Behavior Tracker Pro is a popular app for parents, therapists and teachers to quantify the behavioral progress of children with special needs. In addition to taking notes, good and bad behaviors can be video recorded and later reviewed. The app automatically turns that input into visual graphs and charts.

High school teacher Vicki Windman notes that the iPad can also be a great way to strengthen and reinforce memory for seniors with Alzheimer’s or memory loss. Still, she warns that touch technology is not a miracle drug: “You’re not curing Alzheimer’s. Parents challenge me all the time — they want a cure. It’s no cure.”


4. 行動モニターとしての用途

Behaviour Tracker Proは、発達障がいのある子を持つ親たち、カウンセラーや教師たちの支持を受けているアプリケーションである。記述だけでなく、良い行動、悪い行動を録画して、後で見返すこともできる。それらのインプットをすぐにグラフやチャートに図式化できる機能も魅力だ。


sayoko 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

That doesn’t mean it can’t help. Apps like Medication Reminder tell users when it’s time to take medication. Memory Practice, a memory strengthening app, was created for the developer’s mother shortly after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Windman’s father uses an app called Nudge, which gives him a persistent reminder every fifteen minutes to accomplish lapsed tasks on his to-do list.

Long-Roads Ahead

Despite these successes, SNApps4Kids cofounder Cristen Reat recommends a measured approach. “Just because you buy a device doesn’t mean it’s going to change anything,” she says.


かといって、テクノロジーが助けにならないというわけではない。例えばMedication reminderというアプリなどは、服薬の時間を忘れないよう利用者を促す。記憶を補助および強化するようなアプリは、開発者ウィンドマンの実母がアルツハイマー病と診断されたことを受けて作られた。ウィンドマンの父親は、Nudgeというアプリを使っており、15分おきに用事を知らせるリマインダの助けを得て、日々山積み状態のタスクをこなしている。

これらのアプリは確かに役に立つが、それでも地道な治療の取り組みをおろそかにすることはできないのだと、SNApps4kids の共同創設者クリスティン・リートは促す。「機械を買うだけでは、なにも変わらないのです。」と彼女は言う。

sayoko 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

The program concludes with a ‘Demo Day’ where participants get an opportunity to pitch before a panel of venture capitalists and angel investors. Batara Eto, co-founder of East Ventures, said “With this program, we hope that there will be more and more entrepreneurs in the Internet scene from Indonesia.”

We have previously written about the vast potential of the Indonesian tech scene. Hopefully East Ventures Alpha will be able to draw out some great examples of local talent, and nurture them into successful digital start-ups.

To find out more details about the program, or to apply, head on over to

Disclosure: East Ventures is an investor in Penn Olson.


プログラムの締めくくりにはDeno dayという催しがあり、参加者たちはベンチャー資本家や投資家らから成るパネルメンバーを前にしたコンペの機会を与えられる。


更なるプログラム詳細はホームページ まで。

参考) イーストベンチャーズ社はぺンオルソン社に出資している。

sayoko 英語 → 日本語

Korean Start-Ups : Starting the New Wave

“10 years ago, everyone on the street was doing a start-up,” says Sean Park of Seoul Space. Like much of the world, after the tech bubble burst in the early 2000’s, many Korean tech start-ups retreated from the market. But now Korea is experiencing a new resurgence in start-ups.

I recently travelled to Seoul to scope out the start-up eco-system there. I was only there for a few days, I thought that the Korean tech start-up scene was still relatively nascent, but the right elements are starting to form.

To better understand the position of Korean entrepreneurialism and the direction it is heading, I talked with a few locals about their perceptions.






sayoko 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Conglomerates rule, start-ups are too risky

Korea, an Asian Tiger economy has been one of the most impressive, fastest growing economies since the 1960’s. Hit very hard during the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, the country experienced a phoenix like rebirth to achieve the world’s 15th highest nominal GDP.

Like its neighbour, Taiwan, much of this explosive growth is due to the industrial manufacturing sector. Interestingly Korea is the leading ship building producer, driven by conglomerates like Hyundai and Daewoo, which are better known for making automobiles. But by far the most well known Korean multi-national is Samsung.



