Justinさんこんにちは。$2,035.80を送金しようと思うのですが、私が使用している銀行では送金を受け取る人の住所を登録しなければなりません。仮の住所でも結構ですので、都市名と番地を教えて頂けますでしょうか?本日振り込み完了いたしました。数日で送金されると思います。弊社の名前 AALLCで送金されています。ご確認ください。
Hello Justin,I am transferring $2,035.80 to you, but the bank I use requires to register the address of the receiver.A temporary address should be fine so could you let me know the address (city and lot number)? I completed transferring the money today.You will receive it in a few days.The sender name is AALLC, which is our company name.It would be great if you could confirm it
Excuse me, but it was just aconfirmation. It seems my misunderstanding. I believe it was an email from other record dhop. If you did not send it to Pasadena, it is totally fine. Could you please let me know the tracking number if any when you send it to Japanese address? Sorry but thank you very much