Hello, Thank you for your email. We have placed the package on hold to verify if we can ship the merchandise. Please be aware that you will be shipping this item at your own risk.I would advise you to contact your local customs office and DHL local office to obtain more information regarding receving this item in your country. The hold has been removed from the package so you may select it for shipping.Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist with at this time. Kind Regards,
The ProblemWelcome to my problem of trying to build a network effects start-up from Singapore. Before you can apply Lean, you need to solve a more fundamental problem: Scaling with no money and shaky product market/fit, or as I like to call it, “Lean Scaling”. How do you scale (for free or at a very cheap rate) in a way that it allows you actually test your assumptions?
Why Lean Start-ups Don’t Work?This guest story is by Guyi Shen, co-founder of lobangclub, he blogs about his experiences at insidestartup.sg.A quick look at the 52 exhibitors on Echelon 2011′s site and you will realize the majority of the start-ups are primarily relying on network effects as a major part of their product growth.The current meme in the start-up community (in Singapore, at least) is the “Lean” start-up concept. Unfortunately, the current “Lean” approach doesn’t work for network effects startups.
Lean is a method of testing the assumptions and hypothesis of a business idea in an iterative manner whilst validating your product/market fit before you ship a complete product. The popularity of the method stems from the promise that it “de-risks” the product development/marketing so that significant funding is raised after product/market fit in order to scale the business.
Going LeanLean as a philosophy is great – however in practice it is severely lacking right now with respect to network effects startups. Mostly because the user acquisition phase (i.e. scaling) has always been seen as something you do after you achieve product/market fit. My opinion is that scaling is something you must do before you reach product/market fit.
Eric Ries coined the term “Lean”, but the founding father of Lean is Steve Blank and the Lean manifesto is his book - Four Steps to Epiphany. The philosophy of Lean can be described as using the scientific method of hypothesis generation (a creative process), and experimentation (a logical process) to invalidate assumptions. The vast majority of “Lean” practices to product development were designed by entrepreneurs working on software that doesn’t rely on network effects. Current thought leaders in “Lean” methodology include Steve Blank, Ash Maurya, 37 Signals, and Eric Ries. However the majority of current discussion explicitly ignores the unique challenges of products that rely on network effects.
Network vs Non-network effects Start-upsBecause of this fundamental distinction between network effects and non-network effects start-ups, there is now a tendency to apply the wisdom that worked so well for enterprise software to network effects consumer start-ups, which does not necessary translate. Ironically, one of the thought leaders in this space, Eric Ries himself was CTO of a network effects startup, IMVU.
スタートアップでのネットワーク効果 対 非ネットワーク効果ネットワーク効果と非ネットワーク効果のスタートアップにおけるこの根本的な区別により、翻訳の必要性を伴わないネットワーク効果付きの使用者用スタートアップに対し、事業用ソフトウェアに役立つ知恵を使うという悪い傾向がある。皮肉にも、ここにおける革新的先駆者たちの一人であるエリック・リーズ自身、ネット効果のスタートアップのひとつであるIMVUにおける最高技術責任者であったのだ。
More specifically, let’s bring our discussion around the essence of “Lean” – Customer development. The premise is that by questioning and testing the underlying assumptions of your customer’s problems, your solutions, your business model, and you are more likely to build a product that people will use.
Fantastic premise, however all the case studies, processes, practices currently en vogue in the “Lean” community are based around enterprise/consumer products without strong network effects. The fundamental difference is that for a network effects startup, a large part of the value to the user can only be felt after achieving the network effects. Therefore, the core assumption of your product value can only be tested after attaining a critical mass of users.
At a fundamental level, the value to a user of a network-effects-type start-up has a multiplier effect once critical mass is achieved (how useful would Facebook be if you were the only person on the network?). Given this huge caveat, any sort of “Lean” start-up concept approach for network effects start-ups must take this into account. We must first solve the “Lean scaling” issue first.We need users before we have a viable product. Sean Ellis first spoke about this at Lean Startup L.A. Instead of finding product market fit and then scaling, we need to scale first and then find product market fit.
The poster child for this is Paypal, they spent tens of millions of dollars in its first year in order to acquire users, before finding product market fit. Airbnb spammed the hell out of Craigslist in order to go to critical mass. Myspace spent a ton on emails, ads and parties. YouTube gave away a boatload of prizes to build up their video uploaders. The lone exception, Facebook, other than some minor level blackhatting (scrapping data, spamming emails) grew without spending a ton of money on user acquisition.So what should we do when you are not Facebook, nor have money for user acquisition before product/market fit?
Secondly, I think its very important to try to do something new...some sort of musical idea that nobody else is really exploring. This might be an interesting use of rhythm or harmony, but I think that more often it is a sonic exploration. Timbral and production choices are defining bands' sounds more than ever. Often I hear songs that can be very interesting from a production or tone point of view, but the song itself is musically boring or stagnant. That's not necessarily a problem if the production and tones are sufficiently interesting, but I think the best songs are those that combine new sonic ideas with great songwriting.
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6.5. The Dealer shall guarantee that the execution of Stop Out for the last position, in accordance with clauses 6.2-6.3, will not result in negative Equity on the Client's Trading Account.6.6. Should the execution of Stop Out result in negative Equity on the Client’s Trading Account, there shall be compensation made to bring the Equity to $0.6.7. Should the execution of Stop Out result in a negative Balance on the Client's Trading Account and there are credit funds on this Trading Account, the Dealer shall have the right to bring the negative Balance to 0 at the expense of the credit.
6.5 取引者は、条項6.2または6.3に応じ、最後の損切りの実行は顧客取引口座上の含み損の結果を生み出すことは無いということを保証しなければならない。6.6 顧客取引口座上で含み損が一損切りにより起こされた場合、含み損を$0まであげる保障が発生する。6.7 顧客取引口座上において負の残高が損切りの実行によって起こされた場合、または取引口座にクレジットの資金がある場合、取引者はクレジットの費用にて、負の残高を0まで引き上げる義務を持たなければならない。
#24: External CommunicationInsite Motion Media suggests using video for external communications:Event participation when your company is presenting at a marketing-related eventThank-you’s for client appreciation, or as an award or acknowledgement to vendors who go out of their way to make certain your needs are metAnnouncements to show what’s coming up on your calendar that people should know aboutVideo blogging by embedding your video in your blog around related text content#25: YouTubeThe pros of YouTube as described by Set’s All Set: “Unlimited HD uploading, 1 GB file size, bigger community and more potential exposure.”
#24 外部コミュニケーションインサイトモーションメディアは、外部とのコミュニケーションにビデオを使うべきだとしています。マーケティングに関するイベントにてプレゼンする時の参加、顧客の感謝へのありがとう、またはあなたが必要としていることに応じるためわざわざ出向かっていただく販売者への感謝の証やギフトに適しています。また、ビデオブログにおいて人々が知るべきことが予定に出てくることをお知らせするため、関連する内容についてブログにビデオを埋め込むことも出来ます。#25 ユーチューブユーチューブの利点として、セッツ・オールセットはこう述べます。「制限なしのHD(高画質)アップロード、1GBものファイルサイズ、巨大なコミュニティ、そして潜在的な人々への顕示の可能性を持っています。」
He also posted two side-by-side demonstrations of a video on Vimeo and YouTube for comparison.#26: Zappos-style Video ReviewIt’s true that Zappos, the online shoe retailer, is known for their video reviews and that it’s a great example to try to replicate. It’s also true that their name conveniently begins with a Z, which made it two for two for me.As Mark Robertson writes, Zappos uses video to “…drive sales. They use the video to describe, use and demonstrate the products with real Zappos employees and not models or actors. Those videos are said to have a sales impact of 6 to 30%.”
彼はまた、二つの逐一的デモ動画をヴィメオとユーチューブに比較動画として公開しています。#26 ザッポス風ビデオリビューオンライン上のシューズ取り扱い店のひとつであるザッポがビデオリビュー(ビデオでの批評・特徴の説明)で知られているのは間違いなく、またまねするのに打ってつけです。また企業の名前が便利なことにZで始まるため、私にとっていいことが二つも。マーク・ロバートソンは、ザッポスがビデオを使う理由に、「・・・売り上げを伸ばすため、ザッポスはモデルや俳優を使わず本当の従業員のみで製品を説明、使用、また実際の使用例をビデオで見せている。そのビデオのおかげで、6から30%も売り上げに影響を与えているという。」と書いてます。
#1: Apple’s FaceTimeApple’s FaceTime has created an important new option for video calls. You can use FaceTime on a Mac, iPhone and iPad2. Companies such as Salesforce.com have plans to use FaceTime as a way to provide face-to-face customer support.Sameer Patel of the Sovos Group says, “Whether it’s for customer or employee communication… voice, video, conferencing and virtual meetings are front and center to how organizations look at collaboration.”#2: Behind the ScenesAnn Handley suggests in her book Content Rules to use video to show behind the scenes at your company. “Businesses can show what goes on in their day-to-day world that people don’t see but might be interested in.
#1 アップルのフェイスタイムアップルのフェイスタイムはテレビ電話における重要な手段になりました。マッキントッシュ、アイフォン、またはアイパッド2で利用可能です。Salesforce.comのような会社は顧客に互いに顔を見せ合うサポートを提供しています。ソヴォスグループのサミーア・パテルいわく、「客向けか企業向けのコミュニケーションかに関係なく、・・・声、ビデオ、会議、そして機械を通して行われるミーティングは、企業や団体がどのように協力していくかの中心かつ先端に位置するものである。#2 背景アン・ハンドリーは彼女の書籍、「内容制約」の中で、会社で社会の舞台裏を見せるためにビデオを使うべきだと述べています。「ビジネスは、人々が見ずとも興味を持つ日々の世界において何が起きてるかを見せることが出来ます。」
#3: Case StudiesWant to engage your audience with your case studies? Think about making a short video. Niall Harbison rounded up 10 of the Best Social Media Campaign Video Case Studies.What you’ll notice is that videos don’t have to be long to be effective. In fact, sometimes the shorter the better. #4: Diary-style VideosThis is another great idea from Ann Handley who suggests that a diary-style video of people or groups of people talking to the camera can be a short and insightful approach. “They might offer tips or tricks for using your product, answer a common support question, or simply give an update on how your business is helping its customers.”
#3 実例研究貴方の実例研究で見る人を夢中にさせたいですか?ショートビデオを作ってみましょう。ニアル・ハービソンは社会メディアキャンペーン・ビデオ実例研究ベスト10を集めました。効果的なビデオにするためにはあまり長くしてはいけないことに気づくでしょう。事実、時には短いほうが良いこともあるのです。#4 日記風ビデオアン・ハンドリーはまたもや画期的な発想を思いついていました。個人もしくは集団でカメラに向かい話す日記風のビデオは短いながらも鋭い手法ですね。「貴方の製品を使ったり、一般のサポートに関する質問に答えたり、単純にお客を支える貴方の事業がどうなっているのかについて最新の情報を与えることも出来ます。」
#5: EmailEmail seems like a worthy destination for a video clip. There is one important caveat—the kind of email program you’re using. Email programs that use HTML formats such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird will allow you to embed a video clip but other web-based programs like Gmail or Yahoo won’t let you. Here’s a workaround worth trying.#6: FacebookBy now you’ve probably heard that Facebook is a good place to upload a company video. However, what shows up in a user’s news feed is dependent on a number of news feed optimization factors referred to as EdgeRank. The good news is that video is one area that ranks higher and is more likely to bring a post onto someone’s news feed.
#5 E-メールEメールはビデオにとって価値ある目的のひとつです。しかしひとつだけ注意があります。あなたが使うEメールの種類がHTMLフォーマットを使うマイクロソフト・アウトルックやモジーラ・サンダーバードでならビデオを埋め込んで送信できますが、他のウェブ上のGmailやヤフーのEメールでは出来ません。ここに、試す価値ありの事柄を並べておきます。#6 フェイスブック今まで、フェイスブックは恐らく企業のビデオをアップロードするのに適したウェブサイトだといわれているでしょう。しかしながら、利用者のニュース・フィードの数は、エッジランク(格付けシステム)と言われるニュース・フィード最適化要因の数に左右されます。ビデオ分野は高い格付けを受け、誰かしらのニュースフィードに現れ見られる可能性が高まります。
Video consumption on Facebook is growing. The blog All Facebook recently reported, “Nearly 47 million people in the U.S. watched videos on Facebook in February 2011. That puts the site in fourth place on the comScore Video Metrix ranking, two spots higher than it ranked in January.”#7: Get Seen Perhaps one of the best resources out there on video is Steve Garfield’s book, Get Seen: Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business Online.Steve covers topics such as choosing a camera, lighting and sound, making videos without a video camera, recording and shooting, uploading, broadcasting live and video blogging.
フェイスブックにおけるビデオの数は右肩上がりです。ブログ「フェイスブックの全て」では、「アメリカにいる約4700万人が2011年2月時点でフェイスブック上のビデオを見ている。コムスコア・ビデオメトリックス・ランキングで4位にランクインし、1月にランクインした時点より2位分上がっている。」と述べている。#7 皆に見られよう恐らくビデオにおける最高の資源のひとつに、スティーブ・ガーフィールドの本、「皆に見られること:事業をインターネットに置くための、オンライン上のビデオの秘訣」があるだろう。スティーブはカメラ選び、ライトや音、ビデオカメラなしでのビデオつくり、録音と撮影、アップロード、生放送やビデオブログのような話題を取り扱っている。