再度検討した結果、Namiと会う時間を作ることができました。何時に、東京のどこで待ち合わせするのか決まりましたら教えて下さい。日本のお客様に大変気に入ってもらっています。2013のコレクションはいつ頃発注できますか?カタログなどができていたら送ってほしいです。写真にあるストラップを各10点ずつとBlack strapを10点、Tanを5点注文したいのですが可能ですか?また、前回注文のバックオーダーと一緒に送ってほしいです。いつ頃発送できるかも教えてください。
After I have reconsidered, I managed to have time to meet Nami at the end.Please let me know when you know when and where we will possibly meet in Tokyo.Our Japanese clients love them.When would the collection in 2013 be ready for ordering?I am wondering if you could send me a catalog when it's ready.I want to order 10 pieces of the trap in the attached photo, 10 pieces of the Black strap and 5 pieces of tan, and am wondering if it's possible to place an order.I also want you to send them me together with the previous back order.Please also inform me when you can send it off.
Please capture images from this shop website.Please don't take image from eB. If they find it out, they will suspend.Next, please log in at Merchant. Please refer to the attached file regarding how to sell at Merchant. Regarding shipping fee, you just need to cope and paste the text file in the drop box mentioned in excel, onto where it's specified by Merchant.Most importantly, I would like you to rewrite the specified item and upload it on Merchant by HTML.
Hello. My name is John, the owner of A shop.I would like to apologize for contacting you all of sudden.I'm writing to you now to ask you one thing.You visited my shop the other day, but didn't place an order this time.We've been selling at Amazon.com more than 5 years, but this is the first time to open a web shop in this way.I am, therefore, wondering if you could kindly tell us what is missing at our shop, or the reason why you didn't make a order.Please use this coupon, if you like.
お久しぶりです!お元気にしていますか?連絡を待ちきれず私から連絡してしまいました。 申し訳ありません。その後準備はどのぐらい進んでいますか? 準備はいつ頃整いますでしょうか?とても楽しみに待っています!私は長い間関係を構築することができますことを楽しみにしています!私はあなたからのお便りを楽しみにしています。ありがとうございます。敬具。
Hello, It's been long time!How have you been?I am writing o you because I couldn't wait your contact. When is it going to be ready?I'm so looking forward to it.I am hoping to establish long relationship with you!Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you in advance. Best regards.
昨日注文をしましたが、一部商品名に誤りがありました。"TourIssue RyderCup X100 USA Wedge 4piece"が2つありますが、1つはEuropeバージョンのShaftをお願いします。正しい商品名を再度お伝えします。お手数をおかけしますが、宜しくお願いします。
In the order which I placed yesterday, I found it was partly wrong with the product name.There are two "TourIssue RyderCup X100 USA Wedge 4piece", but I want one of this to be replaced to the one with Shaft of European version.I will tell you the correct product name again.Thank you for your time in advance.
I have been extremely busy at the moment, and cannot afford time to go to the bank.Would it be possible to pay by Paypal?
Now I am going to explain how to identify the item which cannot identify with the tracking number.This is also the email from MyUS.In this case, the tracking number is pretty long.There are numbers written also in the part of the letters in red, and they are 34 digits all together.As you see, it most likely won't show the results even if you search such long tracking number on the table of order history.Let me try to search it on the table of order history.Now we got a page like the following.It means that it didn't find any data which it correspond to the search criteria.
In such a case, you search by other categories, not by the tracking number.The other categories are the trade name, the price and the quantity.The detail of the product which you get by email is not always the trade name, however, you can guess in some cases.For example, in the following case, it is not a trade name.This is just a short description to show what kind of product it is.For example, in the case like this, it is not the exact trade name, but you can more likely guess the trade name.
このように、商品名が推測できそうな場合は、商品詳細の一部をコピーして、それを注文履歴表で検索してみます。例えばこの場合では、「CALL OF DUTY」のみコピーして、注文履歴表で検索します。すると、このように、検索したワードが含まれるセル(C列)に移動しました。少ししか文字が見えないのは、単に短縮されているだけで、このセルに検索したワードがあります。商品名は、C列に記載されています。検索できたら、同じ行のE列を見ます。そしてE列に記載されているASINコードをコピーします。
In the case that you can guess the trade name like this, you copy a part from the description of the product, and search it on the table of order history. For example, in this case, you only copy "CALL OF DUTY" and search it on the table of order history.Then it shows the cell (column C) where the searched word is included.The reason why you see only a part of the letters is simply because it's shorten, and the searched word is in the cell. The trade name is indicated in the column C.If searching is completed, then you look at the column E on the same row. Then you copy the ASIN cord indicated in column E.
Now, as it's explained in the first half part, open the table of sales management and search the copied ASIN cord, and then you color the first cell from the left on the same row and enter the date.It can be identified with the price or quantity, like this way.
I am very thankful to you.Thank you.I leaned how to deal on eBay from you.As soon as you complete the payment, I will dispatch the product.Thank you very much.Thanks!
When I arranged the delivery at Japan Post Office, I set an option to get the delivery confirmation from Japanese Post Office at the completion of the delivery.I cannot cancel this option for this item as there are some deliveries already completed within this option.I will make sure not to set this option.I apologize for troubling you for this inconvenience.
You repeat this process every time you receive a email; you color and date on the table of sales management after all the goods which arrived at MyUS are identified.Please make sure that there are no omissions.
We understood.We cannot change the date for advertising so will start selling and announce that the delivery will delay.$900 for shipping is OK, so please send it to the new address.We will make the payment at the end of this month.We are currently placing adverts regularly and sell 70 - 80 pieces every time.We will inform you how many we sold this time around 25th.Once the factory start working, please let us know the delivering date again.
We can respond to your request.We will be able to ship 20 bottles per shipment.The issues we need to confirm are the shipping cost and the lead time.We are expecting the cost about 3,250 JPY for shipping 20 bottles of juice by sea.Would it be OK for you, even if the shipping cost increase?For the lead time, it will take at least 10 days to ship 20 bottles for ten times.To deal with the issues with the customs, how about sending 30 - 40 bottles at once attaching an invoice with its unit price at 30 JPY?
2月20日の午前2時47分ごろにArro 22 Backpack (Watertight Construction)を購入しようとしたらエラー画面が出て、購入できませんでした。さらに、Visaクレジットカードから購入金額だけが、引き落とされていました。確認ができしだい返金してください。
I tried to purchase Arro 22 Backpack (Watertight Construction) around 2:47 AM on February 20th, but then an error occurred and I couldn't proceed it.And I have noticed that the price was withdrawn by Visa credit card. I want you to confirm and refund for this.
支払い後はどれぐらいで発送していただけますか?Dead Space2はやはり値段が合わないですね。Dead Space 1が入荷したらお知らせお願いします。土曜日に欲しい商品リストを送りますね。これからもプロモーション価格に関する情報をお願いします。嬉しいです。ありがとう!!
How long will it take after the payment completed?Dead Space 2 is still too expensive.Please let me know when Dead Space 1 arrives.I will send a list of items I want to purchase.I appreciate if you keep me posted on promotional prices from now on.I'm really happy about it, thank you !!
I am wondering why it shows that the purchase haven't been completed, although I confirm the receipt of money from VISA.
Thank you for offering the wholesale price.However, would you possibly reduce the price a little further?Then we would like to increase the number of monthly purchase, if you kindly make it cheaper.We would appreciate if you could take it for consideration.We want to purchase other products as well.We apologize for asking you so much on the price.You carry excellent other items.We would like to consider purchasing others after we check if there's a demand in Japanese market.We want to increase the quantity of purchase in the future.Thank you very much for your cooperation in advance.We are highly delighted to have business with you.
Hi Ok. Once you made the payment, we will reserve the stock and made the shipment for you immediately. Ok. I will keep update you when we restock Dead Space 1 & 2. Current price of Dead Space 2 is HK$180 Which games are you interested also? Do you want us to keep update you regarding to our promotion price list? Thank you,
こんにちは。了解致しました。お支払いが済みましたら在庫を確保し至急ご配送致します。了解致しました。Dead Space 1 & 2が入荷し次第追ってご連絡致します。Dead Space 2の現在お価格は180香港ドルです。他のどのゲームに興味をお持ちですか?最新の販売促進用の価格リストをお送りしましょうか?よろしくお願いします。