How is your father? I'm really worried about it. Please make your family 1st priority. Please let me know as soon as it becomes difficult to receive or ship parcels.I'm out for a few days now, so I'll get back to you when I get home.
He has proficient experience in this area.He has the ability to consider what the customer wants, gather the necessary information and make suggestions accordingly.His task achievement rate is over 100%.He also analyzes the gap between the customer's expectations and us when a problem occurs with the customer, determines the cause of the problem well, and strives to resolve it.With his ability, we have received another order from a customer who has announced the suspension of transactions.Therefore, he can contribute to the expansion of our business in this area.
PさんC研修であなたに課せられているeラーニング 8カリキュラムの終了期限は2022/2/28です*本日時点で終了しているのは、2カリキュラムだけです期限までに終了できるよう、計画的な受講をお願いいたします終了できない場合は、更に追加でC研修が継続し、我々もあなたと個別面談を継続実施することになりますもし、あなたに業務上の事情があって受講できない場合は、上司の方と相談し、終了が可能である具体的な日程を本メールのReplyでの形でご連絡くださいよろしくお願いいたします
Mr. PThis is a reminder that the deadline of the e-Learning 8 curriculum of C training is coming Feb 28, 2022* Only 2 curriculums have been completed as of todayPlease take this course so that you can complete it by the deadline.If you would not complete it, you must take additional C training and an interview.If you are not able to complete the course for business reasons, please consult with your boss and let us know the date that you will complete replying to this email.Thank you,