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oier9 英語 → 日本語

Vietnam’s Microchip Industry Keeps Getting Bigger

If you know anything about the beginning of Silicon Valley, you know that it all started with a group of men called the Traitorous Eight, who worked in a company called Fairchild Semiconductor. They were pioneers in chip manufacturing and laid the foundation for the most productive tech valley in the world. Chips are still one of the most important areas in technology, they are in every computer device on the planet and it’s a highly competitive field with the likes of Intel, AMD, Texas Instruments, Toshiba, Samsung, Qualcomm, and lots more competing. Which chip is going into the latest iPhone, HTC, or Samsung phone is headline news.



Silicon Valleyの始まりについてご存じなら、Fairchild Semiconductorという会社で働いていた「Traitorous Eight」と呼ばれる男性グループからすべてが始まった、というのもご理解されているだろう。彼らはチップ製造の先駆者であり、世界で最も生産性の高いテックバリーの基礎を築いた。チップはいまだに最も重要な技術分野の一つである。チップは地球上のすべてのコンピュータ装置の中に存在し、Intelや AMD, Texas Instruments、Toshiba、Samsung、Qualcommその他多くの競合企業が鎬を削る分野だ。最新のiPhoneやHTC、あるいはサムスンの電話に使用されるチップは、しばしばヘッドラインニュースで話題に上る。

oier9 英語 → 日本語

He sent sealed letters to all the armies, with instructions to open them all on a day designated and to execute the orders contained therein. These orders related to slaves who had run away during the civil dissensions and joined the armies, for whom Pompeius had asked freedom, which the Senate and treaty had granted. These were all arrested on the same day and brought to Rome,and Octavian returned them to their Roman and Italian masters, or to the heirs of the same. He also gave back those belonging to Sicilian masters. Those whom nobody claimed he caused to be put to death in the cities from which they had absconded.This seemed to be the end of the civil dissensions.Octavian was now twenty-eight years of age.



oier9 英語 → 日本語

Cities joined in placing him among their tutelary gods. At this time Italy and Rome itself were openly infested with bands of robbers, whose doings were more like barefaced plunder than secret theft. Sabinus was chosen by Octavian to correct this disorder. He executed many of the captured brigands, and within one year brought about a condition of absolute security. At that time, they say, originated the custom and system of cohorts of night watchmen still in force. Octavian excited astonishment by putting an end to this evil with such unexampled rapidity. He allowed the yearly magistrates to administer public affairs, in many particulars, according to the customs of the country.


諸々の都市で、彼は守護神の一人として祀られていた。当時のItaly、Romeは、強盗団が公然と横行していた。その所業は、密やかな窃盗というよりも厚顔無恥の略奪と言うべきものだった。この騒擾を平定せんとOctavianは Sabinusを選任した。彼は捕縛した賊の多くを処刑し、1年の内に完全な平和をもたらした。彼ら曰く、当時創設された夜番の歩兵隊の習慣・システムは未だに効力を持っていた。前例のない速さでこうした悪事にけりがついたことに、Octavianは驚きのうちに興奮した。行政長官が国の習慣に従って公務の細目に至るまで多くを管理することを、彼は許した。