Thank you for considering about this. Is the amount we have to pay is O Yen in total? If it is correct, it will fit into our budget, please forward Option 1. If it costs extra O Yen, it will be difficult for us to pay O Yen, which is more than the amount we agreed on in the begining. Regarding payment, for convenience of accounting, we cannot directly purchase the ticket. I am sorry, but can I ask you to send the invoice for me after you pay for me? As soon as I receive the invoice, I will credit money to the account.
Regarding the AC adapter you asked me the other day, becasue of our misunderstanding, we sent you only a AC cable.It was the AC adapter that wasn't sent with the item.Again, I am so sorry about our mistake.Today I sent it to you, so please wait for a few days.I apologize about this mistake.Sincerely.
今日、ニュースでチリ沖にM8.2の地震があったと聞きました。大丈夫ですか?心配しました。 被害は少ないようですね。アカデミーに関しては、今はあまりオープンにしてませんので分からないと思いますが、心配ありません。総代理の件は考えて頂けましたでしょうか?まだ色々な条件を決めて行く事はありますが一定の期間だけでもいいので私達に任せて頂けませんでしょうか。良い知らせを期待しています。
Today I heard that M8.2 Earthquake happened off the coast of Chile. Are you okay?I was worried, but it looks like there is not much damage there.You don't know much about the academy since we don't open it so often, but you don't have to worry about it.Have you thought of the sole agency?Although we still have to decide the various conditions, is it possible for you to entrust us for a period of time?I am looking forward to hearing good news.
Thank you so much for giving me the tracking number.The item which I ordered on Mar. 19th has been stopped at customs.I called FedEx, and they told me that customs need some more documents and informatoin for the invoice. FedEx also told me that they contacted your company for that on Mar. 26th.I want to receive the item as soon as possible, so could you give FedEx the required documents right away?Sincerely.
We are not making websites to share in public.Of course, we have a website for members, but non-members cannot access it.We recruit a small number of people for the membership once a year.At the website the members learn many things mainly about import trade which he conducts as an import agent.By using the good network consisting of the agents who work for a private business or a company, we can smoothly present works together to the media, magazines and exhibitions. Since all of us share information, our network is well accomplished.This is why we get high degree of attention from the media and the organizers of exhibitions.The following is a part of who we are.
Since Japanese houses were designed to reduce the heat and humidity of summer rather than to ward off the winter chills, they didn't have good adiabaticity and airtightness. In contrast to Europe, Japanese people used small heating devices, such as Irori, Kotatsu, Hibachi and so forth. Irori was used for cooking and lighting as well as heater. The main fuel for Irori was firewood, but in the regions which have lack of firewood, straw, chaff and driftwood were used. In some regions people used peat and charcoal. In urban settings houses were small, and it was difficult to get fuels, so instead of irori, people used Kotatsu and Hibachi (fuels were charcoal).
I tried to ship it today, but I was said by a postal clerk that I cannot write $0 on invoice. Then, I asked him if I could write $1 on invoice, and the clerk told me that if it is too cheap, the customs in England would think it is suspicious and might be returned, so I wrote $10 on invoice.I am sorry that I didn't know about this.If you have to pay a tariff, please make a photo-copy of the tariff document and email me the photo-copy. I will return the amount for the tariff.
※全てコピー及び期限切れは不可。※顔写真付き住民基本台帳カードは年齢問わず取得できます。(住民基本台帳カードHP http://juki-card.com/)※顔写真付き身分証明書をお持ちでない方は、お住まいの市区町村の窓口にて写真付き住民基本台帳カードを取得してください。発行までにお時間がかかる場合もございますので、イベント開催日まで余裕を持ってお手続きください。※上記「顔写真付き身分証明書」お持ちでない方は、ご入場頂けませんので、ご注意ください。
*Copied or expired ones are not allowed.*You can take out a Basic Resident Register Card with a photograph of your face no matter how old you are. (http://juki-card.com/)*If you don’t have a photo identification, please take out a Basic Resident Register Card at the counter of the town hall you belong to. It might take a long time to be issued, so please start the procedure early so that you will take it out before the event.*As mentioned above, if you don’t have a photo identification, please be adivsed that you will not be allowed to enter the site.