no102303 掛塚(静岡県・磐田市)掛塚は天竜川河口の街で江戸と大阪との水運の中継地点としても栄え、そのために江戸の文化が入り歴史として刻まれて今に残されています。 彦根(滋賀県・彦根市) 彦根は井伊氏のお城彦根城(国宝)の城下町として栄えました。そしてゆるキャラブームの火付け役になった「ひこにゃん」は彦根のキャラクターです。お城と共に江戸時代の街並を再現したキャッスルロードは必見です。
no102303Kaketsuka (Iwata-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture)Kaketsuka is a town located at the mouth of the Tenryu River, which used to be busy as the interchange of water transport between Edo and Osaka. Because of the location, the town had been influenced by Edo culture and such historical culture still remains in the town. Hikone (Hikone-shi, Shiga Prefecture), Hikone is used to be flourishing as a castle town surrounded by Hikone Castle (national treasure), which was owned by Mr. Ii. "Hiko nyan" is a Yuruchara (cartoon mascots) for Hikone and it sparked Yuruchara boom in Japan. It is recommended to see the castle and the castle road which is the rebuilt town from Edo period.
no100802東西南北の展望地から眺める260もの島の美しさは、どこから見たとしても言葉には言い尽くせない美しさを見せるでしょう。 松島(春)松島(夏)松島(秋)松島(冬)天橋立(京都府宮津市) 天橋立の姿はあたかも天に舞う架け橋のようで、昔、神様が天上界と地上とを往き来が出来たときの梯子が故あって天橋立になったという伝承があります。股のぞき台で股の間から覗くと松林が天に掛かるように見えるという、自然が作り出した不思議で美しいこの風景をぜひ出かけて体験してみて下さい。
no100802The beautiful views with 260 islands from the 360 degree panoramic observation deck will show you the indescribable stunning scenery. Matsushima (Spring)Matsushima (Summer)Matsushim (Autumn)Matsushim (Winter)Amanohashidate (Miyazu-shi, Kyoto Prefecture)Amanohashidate looks like a bridge towards the heaven. People say that the ladder that the God used to use when the God was able to commute between the heaven and the land became Amanohashidate for some reasons.When you see through between your legs on Mata no Nozoki Dai, you can see the pine forest looks like the bridge over the heaven. It is highly recommended to see the amazing scenery created by the nature.
fr89305この像にはありませんが、薬壷を持った薬師如来像も数多くあります。 薬師如来の両脇を固める日光菩薩と月光菩薩。常に対になっていて、薬師如来に対して左右対称のポーズをしています。菩薩とは、悟りを開くために修行中の身であることを示します。日光菩薩は、太陽の如く光を照らして苦しみの闇を消すといわれ、月光菩薩は、月の光のようなやさしい慈しみの心で煩悩を消すといわれます。
fr89305Although this Buddha doesn't have a medicine pot, there are many of the statue of the medicine Buddha holding medicine pots in their hands. Nikko Bosatsu and Gekkou Bosatsu serve Yakushi Nyorai from the both side. The two status are always a pair and show symmetric pose on each side of Yakushi Nyorai. Bosatsu is begins who are working towards attaining enlightenment. Nikko Bosatsu is believed to eliminate the suffering with shining sun light and Gekko Bosatsu is believed to eliminate the evil passion with gentle affection like the moonlight.
fr89304薬師如来を中尊とし、その左右に日光菩薩(にっこうぼさつ)と月光菩薩(がっこうぼさつ)がいます。(向かって右が日光菩薩、左が月光菩薩)鋳造から1400年ちかく経つ今も変わらぬその瑞々しさは、この時代に作られた数々の仏像の中でも、最高傑作と言われています。国宝トリオ!薬師三尊を紹介 三尊の中央に位置するのがこちらの薬師如来さま。如来とは、「真理に到達したもの」つまりは悟りを開いた人のこと。薬師如来はまたの名を医王如来ともいい、医薬兼備の仏様です。
fr89304 Nikko Bosatsu (Suryaprabha Bodhisattva) and Gekko Bosatsu (Candraprabha Bodhisattva) are seen on each side of Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru). (Facing the Bosatsu, right is Nikko Bosatsu and left is Gekko Bosatsu)Although it has been nearly 1400 years since they were sculptured, its fresh beauty still remains. They are the masterpiece among many number of statue of Buddha sculptured in same period. Trio National treasures! Here comes Yakushi Sanzon.Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru) is statued in the middle of three statue of Buddha.Nyorai (Tathāgata) is begins who have reached the truth, in short who have attained enlightenment. Yakushi Nyorai is also named Iou Nyorai and is the Buddha for the medicine.
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no83502鬼怒川下りは動物のような奇岩や盾のようにそびえ立つ巨岩など珍しい光景を楽しむことが出来ます。長瀞(埼玉県)秩父の入口にもなる長瀞。特別天然記念物の長瀞の岩畳を縫うように流れる荒川の姿は変化に富んだものであります。天竜川(長野県)「天竜川の中つ瀬ににして浪だてり しぶきはかかる わが額まで」と歌人・斎藤茂吉が歌ったように天竜川の流れの激しさは有名です。木曽川(岐阜県)木曽川の川下りは「日本ライン」と称されており、川下りと言えば木曽川と言われるほどに有名であります。
no83502By the river rafting in Kinu River, you are amazed by the unique views such as an animal shaped strange rock and a huge rock standing like a shield. Nagatoro River (Saitama Prefecture)Nagatoro is at the entrance of Chichibu. Nagatoro River runs through a natural monument, the pile of rocks of Nagatoro and its wildness changes its scenery a lot. Tenryu River (Nagano Prefecture) Like the poem "Waves Tenryu River make in the middle, splash up to my forehead" by Shigekichi Saito, Tenryu River is famous with its rapids. Kiso River (Gifu Prefecture)The river rafting in Kiso River is called "Japanese line" and Kine River is the best known as "River rafting".
no83501It would be great to go river-rafting in the wild nature. 8 Best places to go river-rafting in Japan.River in Japan is a fast-flowing because the narrow geographical feature of Japan. Even rivers with the large size of a catchment area have the changeable views. Here comes the 8 best river-rafting in Japan.Mogami River (Yamagata Prefecture)Like "Gathering the rains of May, How swiftly it flows, Mogami River" by Basho, Mogami River show its own beautiful scenery throughout a year with cherry blossoms in Spring, green in Summer, coloured leaves in Autumn and snow in Winter. Kinu River (Tochigi Prefecture)
no79304Nomozaki is the westernmost cape of Kyusyu and a warm place whose average of yearly temperature is 18 degrees. Toimisaki (Kushima-shi, Miyazaki Prefecture)In addition to the beautiful scene with the seascape of the Pacific Ocean and the landscape of greenery cape, Misaki horse designed a National Natural Treasure (native horse of Japan) live around this cape. Cape Sata (Ohtsumi-cho, Kagoshima Prefecture)The southernmost cape of Kyusyu has Cape Sata lighthouse, one of the oldest lighthouse in Japan, in Ohwa Ireland (Ohwajima). Cape Sata faces the Pacific Ocean and East China Sea and Tanegashima and Kusijima can be viewed in distance when it is a fine day.
no79301日本で素晴らしい海の景色を見るならここ! 日本の岬10撰。日本はぐるりと海に囲まれた国です。長い海岸線には起伏に富んだ地形の先に岬が数多くあります。岬には時間と空間とを忘れさせるような景色が待っています。日本の代表的な岬を北から順番にご紹介いたします。宗谷岬(北海道稚内市)宗谷岬は日本最北端の岬です。日本の岬の中では一番有名な岬でしょう天気の良い日には樺太が遠望できます。襟裳岬(北海道えりも町)
no79301Here is the best place to see a beautiful seascape! 10 best Japanese Capes. Japan is surrounded by the sea.Long coasts have a lot of capes at the point of lands with many uphills and downhills. The mind-blowing seascape is expected to be seen from capes.The most famous Japanese promontory forts are being introduced from the northern Japan, Cape Soya (Wakkani, Hokkaido)Cape Soya is the northernmost cape in Japan. It is the most famous cape in Japan.Sakhalin (Karafuto) can be seen in distance when it is a fine day.Cape Erimo (Erimo cho, Hokkaido)
no78803Mount Hakone (Kanagawa Prefecture)Hakone is a popular holiday destination where many holidaymakers visit from not only Japan but also from oversea because of its convenience access from the central Tokyo. Hakone has a wonderful sightseeing route from Yumoto, Ohwakudani to Abi lake. Mount Kujū (Ohita Prefecture)Mount Kujū is a part of Kujū Mountains and the main mountain is Mount Kujū, called both "Ku-ju". Naka-dake is the highest peak of Kujū Mountains.Mount Aso (Kumamoto Prefecture)
ph51324この活躍を目の当たりにしたリガ・ミリティアの面々は、自分たちの反攻のシンボルとして作り上げた「ヴィクトリーガンダム」のパイロットとしてウッソを迎え入れようとする。▼おわりに……実はこのほかに小説やマンガでも宇宙世紀の作品があるんです。現在進行形で作品が発表され続けています。これに加えてアナザーガンダムと呼ばれる宇宙世紀以外での作品郡もありますが、これに関してはまた別の機会にご紹介したいと思います。 ja
ph51324People in League Militaire who had seen this flourish tried to invite Üso as a pilot for "Victory Gumdam", that they had built as their symbol of counterattack. ▼Lastly.....In fact, there are other novels and manga about Universal Era. They are being published continuously. In addition to this, there are stories called "Another Gandum" as well, which are nothing to do with the Universal Century. I will introduce those stories next time.
ph51322艦内にはF91と名付けられた整備中のMS(モビルスーツ)があった▼U.C.0153 (ザンスカール戦争期)機動戦士VガンダムこのVガンダムがアニメシリーズとしての宇宙世紀最後の作品となっている宇宙世紀0153年、地球連邦政府は形骸化から、各地で紛争が勃発する「宇宙戦国時代」に突入していた。そのなかでもサイド2のザンスカール帝国はギロチンによる恐怖政治と、救済と慰謝を基調とするマリア主義を掲げて急激に民衆の支持を獲得し、地球に向けてベスパと呼ばれる帝国軍を派遣した
ph51322There was the MS (Mobile Suit) named F91 which was under maintenance in the ship.▼U.C.0153 (Zanskar War era)Mobile Suit Victory GundamThis Suit Victory Gundam is the last animation series during the Universal Century.U.C.0153, since the Earth Federation Government lost their functions, the world was going into "Universal Warring Period" that hostilities had broken out everywhere. Zanskar empire founded in Side 2 hoisted Reign of Terror with the head guillotine and the Maraism based on support and sympathy. They rapidly got support from people and dispatched the Imperial Force called BESPA to the earth.
ph51320▼U.C.0123 (コスモバビロニア建国戦争期)機動戦士ガンダムF91前作との年代が離れるため、アムロやシャアは出てこない。ちなみにF91には機動戦士クロスボーン・ガンダムという続編がある。宇宙世紀0123年3月、一族の鉄仮面、ドレル・ロナに率いられた部隊は、フロンティアサイドのスペースコロニー「フロンティアIV」を急襲する。
ph51320▼U.C.0123 (cosmo babylonian wars)Mobile Suit Gundam F91Amuro and Char do not appear because the era in this series is far away from the previous series. F91 has a sequel to the series tittled "Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam".In March, U.C.0123, the force led by Dorel Ronah the Iron mask assaults the Space Colony "Frontier IV" in Frontier Side.
ph51312そして、その中にはかつて一年戦争でジオン公国軍のエースパイロットとして「赤い彗星」の異名を持つシャア・アズナブルも、クワトロ・バジーナと名を変えて、エゥーゴの一員として活動していた。エゥーゴはティターンズの拠点であるサイド7のコロニー「グリーンオアシス」を襲撃、コロニーの住民カミーユ・ビダンがその戦闘に巻き込まれていく▼U.C.0088 (第一次ネオ・ジオン戦争)機動戦士ZZガンダムZガンダムの続編。今までのシリアス展開から打って変わって明るいストーリーとなった
ph51312 Moreover, there is Char Aznable who used to be the ace pilot under the alias "The Red Comet" in the Zeon force during the One Year War is also working as a member of AEUG after changing his name into Quattro Vageena. AEUG made an attack on Side 7 Colony "Green Oasis" which is the base for Titans and Kamille Bidan who lives in Colony is getting involved in the battle. ▼U.C.0088 (First Neo Zeon conflict)Mobile Suit Gundam ZZThe next series of Z Gundam. Its story is more positive and less serious than the previous series.
ph51310一年戦争が終結して3年、地球連邦軍再建計画に基づきガンダム開発計画が提唱され、その試作機であるガンダム試作1号機、ガンダム試作2号機が性能テストのためにオーストラリアのトリントン基地に搬入される。しかし、エギーユ・デラーズ率いるジオン軍の残党「デラーズ・フリート」がこの情報をつかんでおり、極秘作戦「星の屑作戦」を実行に移すべく、核兵器を搭載したガンダム試作2号機を強奪せんと基地を襲撃する。▼U.C.0087 (グリプス戦役)機動戦士Zガンダム
It has been three years since the One Year War was over. The GANDUM Development Project was advocated under the reform project of the Earth Federal Force. Its prototype, GANDUM GP01 and GANDUM GP02 are going to be carried into Torrington Base in Australia. However, the Delaz Fleet leaded by Aiguille Delaz which is the group of Zeon forces left over from the One Year War has caught this information. They are making an attack to the base to pillage GANDUM GP02 which carries the atomic weapon in order to put a secret plan "Stardust" into motion.
Basically, Kalafina has been formed as the main unit for Boundary of Emptiness, .........and because it had been planned that the unit was going to be disbanded after putting their album on sale. Kalafina is continuously playing on as the main group of the vocal project produced by Yuki Kajiura even after "Boundary of Emptiness".
ph49405鋼の救世主(LIVE) / スーパーロボット大戦α外伝 オープニングテーマKalafina Kalafina(カラフィナ)とは、梶浦由記プロデュースによる女性ボーカルユニットである。現在のメンバーは、WAKANA、KEIKO、HIKARUの3名。作曲家・梶浦由記が劇場版アニメ『空の境界』の音楽を手がける際、その主題歌を制作するために結成された。
ph49405Saviour of Steel (LIVE) / Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden Opening songKalafinaKalafina is the vocal girls band produced by Yuki Kajiura. Currently the member of Kalafina is WAKANA, KEIKO and HIKARU. The group was formed in order to produce the main song when the composer Yuki Kajimura produced music for the film "Boundary of Emptiness".
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