Next week, Mary and Tom Poppendieck, who pioneered lean software development, and Jim Benson and Tonianne DeMaria Barry, who are pioneers of Kanban, a system to manage production, are coming to Ho Chi Minh city to run the Lean Mindset Workshop and Kaizen Camp Gathering. This will be a big opportunity for folks in software, healthcare, manufacturing, and other industries that want to update their management practices.
来週には、リーンソフトウェア開発をリードしたMary Poppendieck氏とTom Poppendieck氏、生産管理手法であるカンバンのパイオニアであるJim Benson氏とTonianne DeMaria Barry氏がホーチミン市にやってきて、Lean Mindset WorkshopとKaizen Camp Gatheringを行う予定だ。自らの管理手法をアップデートしたいと考える、ソフトウェア、ヘルスケア、製造その他の業界に属する人にとって素晴らしい機会となるだろう。
To get an idea of what the course will be like, check out the Lean Startup course at South by Southwest on Udemy, which features excellent talks from Eric Ries and Mary Poppendieck, and excellent startups like Etsy and Airbnb.Full Disclosure: I’ve taken the Udemy course, and it rocks. I’m convinced Lean and Agile are the basics for doing excellent entrepreneurship and is a significant movement that will send out ripples across the world in helping teams build products that fit relevant markets and improve very fast.
どういうコースになるのかみてみたければ、Udemyにアップされている、South by Southwestで開催されたLean Startupコースを見てほしい。Eric Ries氏、Mary Pooppendieck氏や、Etsy、Airbnbなど優秀なスタートアップによる素晴らしい講演がみられる。情報全面開示:Udemyのコースは私も受け、素晴らしいものだった。リーンとアジャイルが、卓越した起業家精神のための基礎であること、適切なマーケットにフィットしたプロダクトを作って素速く改善する事を支援する、世界的なムーブメントになることを確信している。を確信している。
great playing neck, love the tone from top to bottom. Only thing that stops this from being a 5 is the nut and the hi E string. Can be a bit tricky at times to nail notes with pinky on extended chords. Based on rich tone new I am looking forward to how this guitar blooms as it matures. After a lengthy but enjoyable experience of comparing many differnt guitars, I chose the Taylor 314ce primarily because it sounds awesome, but also for it's playability, feel, action, looks, quality, and electronics. it has it all. I almost bought the 214ce because of it's price and great sound, but for me the 314ce was definitely worth the extra $600 because of it's more solid feel and better electronics.
ネックは演奏しやすく、トーンも高音から低音まで大好きな音だ。評価5をつけない唯一の理由は、ナットと1弦だけだ。時々、小指で拡張コードを押さえるのが難しい。このギターが円熟するに従って、深みのあるサウンドがどう花開くのかは楽しみだ。他の様々なギターとの長時間にわたる、だが楽しい比較経験から、Taylor 314ceを選んだ主な理由は、響きが最高だからというのはもちろんだが、他にも演奏のしやすさ、感触、アクション、見た目、品質、そしてエレクトロニクスが挙げられる。つまり全部備えているというわけだ。価格と優れた音質からもう少しで214ceを買うところだったが、ソリッドな感触とよりよいエレクトロニクスのために、600ドルを追加して314ceを買う価値は確実にあった。
The action and intonation are more than acceptable straight from the factory. I'm gigging with mine and didn't even bother with a setup. The instrument holds its tuning very well whether you strum, flatpick or play fingerstyle.One of my favorite things about this guitar is the low action higher up the fretboard. If you spend a lot of time on the higher registers, you'll appreciate this attribute.The guitar has a very bright, clean sound, which makes sense as it's a very light instrument. It projects well when it's not plugged in, and the difference in tone between plugged and unplugged is almost nil. My Martin is deeper and more "wooden" sounding; the Taylor really expands my acoustic tone options.
This guitar is amazing. Everything about it; looks, playability, and the SOUND! Honestly this guitar might be the best bang for your buck right now. The sound is more on the bright side, but if you want a warmer and deep tone when you plug in, just turn down the treble a tad and turn up the bass. This guitar is great for all styles and I don't see a need to upgrade later in the future because this thing truly delivers everything I want and need.This guitar makes beautiful music, the sound is crisp and clear! It is well made and the wood grain is gorgeous. Well satisfied!!!
This item is still in pre-order process because of the very high demand of this product, we do not have a exact date for the time yet, and we are getting 500+ pieces for Feb./March shipment, hopefully it will arrive soon, any new orders from now on will delay to april/may shipment. Please keep in mind that we are already one of the fastest wholesaler since we order directly from the manufacturer. Here is what we can do for you,1. Keep the item and we will give you $60 refund. we promise that we will ship out to you within 24 hours after we receive in stock.2. We will give you full refund~If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us~Sorry for the inconvenience and hope you can understand~
This set remains in fair overall condition. The club heads show more then typical course scarring throughout the soles of the clubs, but free from any signs of abuse. The face of the 8 iron has a ding, as pictured, but overall the grooves on the clubs are still deep with many rounds of use left. Shafts are perfect and grips are in good shape with +50% life.Waiting on a few lengths on S200 to ship everything from true temper. They have been way behind and I am sorry. Should have all items next week.
このセットは、全体的に良好なコンディションです。クラブのヘッドの傷は、典型的なコースの傷よりも多く、クラブのソールまで見られますが、酷使された形跡はありません。写真のように、8番アイアンのフェイスには凹みがありますが、全体としてはクラブの溝はまだ深く、何ラウンドも使える状態です。シャフトは完璧で、グリップも状態が良く、50%以上の耐用期間が残った状態です。True Temperから全てが送られる手はずですが、S200待ちの状態となっています。彼らが大きく遅れていることを申し訳なく思っています。来週には全てのアイテムを送る事ができる見込みです。
Hey Kenichi. Let me know on the drivers. If not interested thats fine too just let me know and I will get these shafts out ASAP. I promise I am doing al lI can you will be the first to get them.
we check online and in some stores for sleeves its 45$ for the N sleeves of the skyla sleeves. i also wanted to buy 3 more shiny collection boxes i wanted to know if there was anything you needed from america or if we can work something out to get the boxes cheaper. thanks
オンラインや店頭をチェックした結果、Skyla sleeveの中のN sleeveであれば45ドルです。加えて、ピカピカのコレクションボックスをもう三つ注文したいです。アメリカから必要なものがあれば教えてください。ボックスを安くするための方法を探りたいので。
KakaoTalk Has 1 Million Users In Vietnam (Yes, Just Like Line App)Yesterday I wrote about Line app and its one million users in Vietnam and stated that rival messaging app KakaoTalk was playing catch-up. But then the KakaoTalk team in Vietnam contacted me and told me that KakaoTalk has also hit one million users in the country this month. Things are getting interesting.The big number, they tell us, is due to the company’s latest TV advertising and local events, and puts them on the map as a very strong competitor in Vietnam’s messaging app fight.
For a refresher, here are the latest confirmed numbers in Vietnam: KakaoTalk is at one million, Line’s at one million, Zalo is at 700,000, and Whatsapp, WeChat and Viber, who are all strong contenders, have not confirmed any numbers.All in all, this makes for a particularly intense battle. At last count, Vietnam’s smartphone users make up about one-third of the mobile phone population – so that’s over 30 million smartphone users. I’d estimate that the six chat apps mentioned only account for less than ten million of that 30 million. There’s still much more growth to be had, and still a market leader to be decided.
85 each.if you want them.they 200 each . retail3825..because I like the way you do businesses ill ship for free. ...
The watches you ordered were on back order, so we sent you the newest models that also cost more money. They are better sellers than the one you ordered. We couldn't get them in a timely manner.Also, I have to mention you put us in some trouble with Casio, since we special order the PAW watches for you. You asked for 10 in your last email, and we got you 7 units, for $200/each, and then you changed your mind and didn't buy them. I can't even sell them on ebay for $219, since they just don't sell, and now I am stuck with them. $1400 out of pocket. Casio won't take it back.
Quipio is Instagram for Text Messaging. Developers share how they optimized for a global audience since the beginning.Quipio has launched its app for a global audience since day one, and highlights the importance of optimizing for different networks and environments.Another app which recently came to our attention is Quipio, an app that provides an effortless way to share beautiful thoughts and moments with people. Jordan Crook of TechCrunch called the newly launched app Instagram for Text Messaging. The user experience is simple: Insert your message or personal quote. Apply pre set filters for the text or add a photo as the background. Share it with your social network. Done. It does all the work for you.
Quipioは一言で言うなら、テキストメッセージングのためのInstagramだ。開発者たちがいかにしてグローバルなオーディエンスに初期段階から適応したか、解説してくれる。Quipioは当初から世界を視野に入れてアプリを出していた。異なるネットワークや環境において適応することの重要性を強調する。我々が最近着目したもう一つのアプリはQuipioだ。このアプリは、他者と素晴らしい思いや瞬間を手軽に共有するためのものである。TechcrunchのJordan Crookは、この新しくリリースされたアプリを、テキストメッセージングのためのInstagramと読んだ。ユーザーにとっての体験はシンプルだ。自分のメッセージや引用を挿入する。テキストにプリセットされたフィルターを適用するか、写真を背景に追加する。ソーシャルネットワークに向けて共有する。それだけだ。きわめて簡単だ。
Quipio sees growing tractionFounded by Zubin Wadia, Harshit Surana and Miles Egan, Quipio has garnered a total of 70,000+ downloads since its launch a little more than two weeks ago. From the downloads, co-founder Zubin shared with us that there has been more than 48,000 Quips created. An average user also spends more than 10 minutes per day on Quipio.When asked about funding, Zubin told us that they are currently 100% bootstrapped and while the team wanted to raise capital, “no one was going to take them seriously for consumer web until they have significant traction.”You can download the app for free from the iTunes App store.
Quipioの大いなる成長Zubin Wadia、Harshit Surana、Miles Eganによって設立されたQuipioは、2週間強で7万以上のダウンロードを達成した。ダウンロードのなかから、4.8万以上のQuipが創られたと、共同創業者Zubinは語る。平均的なユーザーは10分以上をQuipioで費やす、とも。ファンディングについて尋ねられると、現時点では100%ブートストラップで進んでおり、チームとしては資本をあげたいという気持ちはあるものの、「C向けのWebにおいて、めざましく成長しない限りは、ファンディングは誰も真剣には考えていない」。アプリは無料でiTunes App Storeからダウンロードできる。
How Quipio optimized their app for a global audience since the beginningPerhaps what is more interesting about Quipio is how the app has been optimized for a global audience from the beginning. There are a lot of apps out there which are designed with specific audiences in mind, and when it comes to a stage of expansion, they then go through costly design overhauls to internationalize/localize the experience and transliterate their apps for various audiences. Avoiding this, Zubin shared with e27 how Quipio is optimized for the global audience from the beginning.
There are three ways:1. Quipio is all about self-expression with scripture and photos, so the outputs from symbolic languages are actually more beautiful than just English or Latin languages. We went to significant lengths to support Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Arabic, Hindi, Japanese and other languages natively within the Quipio experience. One doesn’t have to be a native speaker/writer of English to enjoy Quipio.Key Takeaway: Expression is inherently the output of one’s cultural experiences and history. It’s personal and thus the native language of your audience must be incorporated when possible.
2. Another measure we took was keeping the interface almost entirely symbolic. We strongly believe that a language-neutral interface allows a user to impose their own cultural perspective onto an action or intent, yet leaves the result of the action unchanged. It doesn’t matter whether the “<” icon is interpreted as “distribute” or “share” or “give”, what matters is that the user delivers their creation to followers, friends and family.Key Takeaway: Let the user interpret the user experience in their context. Persuade without imposition or presumption.
3. Quipio was deliberately made bandwidth efficient so that users on 2.5 and 3G networks can still have an excellent experience. When you create a textual Quip, you are only sending a few kilobytes over your cellular connection. Your friends on Quipio see a very beautiful output but that’s because Quipio reuses common fonts, backgrounds and highlight colors. Once the application knows what it needs to render, it does it in real-time. No 500KB transfers required! The result is a fast and fluid experience regardless of cellular bandwidth.Key Takeaway: Don’t assume that cellular networks are identical globally. Account for bandwidth-challenged environments and optimize for them.
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