Nobu in LA (nobula) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
nobula 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Unfortunately, we are having difficulty processing order number 7308408419, possibly due to an error in payment information we received with your order. (Errors may include an incorrectly entered credit card number or expiration date.) We apologize for this inconvenience.

Please review and confirm the information below so that we can process your order. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Name: xxxx yyyyy

Billing Address: xxxxxxxx

Credit Card ending in: 1xx7

Please call order recovery at 877-312-4800 at your earliest convenience so that we may update your order. We are available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-6:30 p.m., Eastern Time. Your assistance is much appreciated.


申し訳ありませんが、注文番号7308408419の処理に手間取っております。ご注文時に私共が承りましたお客様のお支払情報の間違いによるものかもしれません。(クレジットカード番号や有効期限の入力ミスなど) ご迷惑をおかけして大変申し訳ございません。


氏名: xxxx yyyyy

請求先住所: xxxxxxxx

クレジットカード有効期限: 1xx7

できるだけ早急に 877-312-4800までお電話くだされば、お客様のご注文情報を更新できると思います。月曜から金曜の午前8時から午後6時半(東部標準時)まで受け付けております。お電話よろしくお願い致します。

nobula 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

Allow others to copy my photos & videos
Allow comments in my albums Show where my photos were taken
When I upload, permanently remove information about where my photos were taken

Scrambling file names changes links and slideshows so you will need to re-establish any of your published links

Show off a thumbnail of your photo or just give a link - your Photobucket, your rules!

The Link back to albums option changes the HTML codes your Photobucket account generates.
If the option is unchecked, your shared photos do not link back to your Photobucket account when a guest clicks them.




写真のサブネイルを表示、または、リンクの表示 - あなたの Photobucket に、あなたのルール!

「Link back to albums」オプションは、ユーザーのPhotobucketアカウントが生成したHTMLコードを変更します。

nobula 英語 → 日本語

The HTML code for any photo only links back to the photo itself on
The links do not give viewers the ability to browse your private album, regardless of your Link back to albums setting.

To edit your Link back to albums setting, click on your username in the top right of your screen.

Select User Settings in the drop-down menu.
Click on the Albums tab.
Here you'll see the Link back to albums option down near the bottom of the page.

When "Link back to album" is not selected:

When you embed HTML code, the full-size image displays on another website.
If you have a Free account, when viewers click the embedded image, the Photobucket home page displays.
The link is removed entirely for Pro accounts.


すべての写真の HTML コードでは、Photobucket.com上の写真自体にリンクがはられています。
「Link back to albums」の設定に関わらず、ビューアはこのリンクから写真所有者のプライベートアルバムを見ることはできません。

「Link back to albums」の設定を編集するには、画面右上の自分のユーザ名をクリックしてください。

ドロップダウンメニューで「User Settings」を選択してください。
ページの下部に「Link back to albums」オプションがあります。

「Link back to album」のチェックを外すと:

Free (無料)アカウントをご利用の場合、ビューアがその埋め込まれた画像をクリックすると、Photobucketのホームページが表示されます。
Pro (プロ)アカウントをご利用の場合、リンクは完全に削除されます。

nobula 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

On innovation and the dream of becoming a startup hub in Asia

The Philippines has been touted to be the next startup hub in the Asia Pacific region. But will our increasing focus on outsourced services be a limiting factor?

Developer and startup organizations are holding startup competitions, hackathons, meetups and other community activities in the Philippines. There seems to be an influx of interest in the local startup scene, be it in Manila, Cebu, Davao or other regions that support entrepreneurship in the country. Big corporations like Globe, Smart and First Pacific are also getting into higher gear with their involvement in the startup scene. You’d think it’s all smooth sailing from here.




開発者とスタートアップ組織が、数々のスタートアップコンペやハッカソン、ミートアップ、その他のコミュニティ活動をフィリピンで開催している。ローカル、国内の起業家精神を支援しているマニラやセブ、ダバオ、その他の地域では、スタートアップへ関心が流れ込んできているようである。GlobeやSmart、First Pacificなどの大企業もまた、スタートアップシーンへの関与を加速し始めている。ここからはすべて順風満帆と思うかもしれない。

nobula 英語 → 日本語

But it’s not all rosy. There’s something bigger happening in the Philippines, which is becoming a fundamental shift in our attitude toward innovation and entrepreneurship. And it’s starting to worry some members of the startup community.

In particular, it involves the growth of the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry in the country — more specificlly, the big shift in the mentality in the nation when it comes to education and profession.

On GMA News Online, Kevin Leversee writes that the educational system and government are missing the point, and wonders whether the country can, indeed, be the next Silicon Valley.




GMA News Onlineで、Kevin Kevin Leverseeが、教育システムと政府は核心を見失っており、この国が次のシリコンバレーになれるのか疑問だ、と書いている。

nobula 英語 → 日本語

・Make it easy to register a business. Another thing that can help encourage entrepreneurship among the citizenry is by making it easy to register a business. A World Bank study has deemed the Philippines among the worst countries in terms of ease of doing business. Efforts by the Department of Trade and Industry to revamp the business registration process are a good start.

We have a long way to go, and there are even fears that the startup scene in the country may still be too premature to focus on. But I don’t think we should just let the opportunity pass by putting too much highlight on outsourcing industries without also looking into how we can better innovate through startup businesses.




nobula 英語 → 日本語

The 24Quan site is now offline, replaced with a statement that says, in both Chinese and (for some reason) English:

24Quan's homepage, before it suspended operations today. Click to enlarge.
Due to misalignment of interest and ideology differences between previous shareholders and management team of 24Quan, as producer of 24Quan’s service, and taking into account of the interests of all those whom we loved and cared, our website will enter into a period of “temporary excursion”. As a result, regrettably we will not be able to offer your service in the upcoming few weeks. We hope to resume our service after we resolve our matters with our shareholders.



本日の運営一時停止以前の24Quan のホームページ、クリックで拡大。
