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“Our aim is not to monetise the app, but keep things as free for users as possible,” he added.

But the venture will have to make money. There are plans to offer customised versions of the software to financial institutions like banks to help them better engage their wealth management clients. Several have already approached the team to discuss deals, Chia said, with two large deals expected to be signed soon.

Currently, banks spend huge amounts of money every month on contacting clients through manual phone calls and SMS. “The whole wealth management industry still works on relationships [between manager and client],” Siantar said.





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Messaging platforms are likely to evolve into multipurpose content hubs. This means even more opportunity for brands, with the number of individual mobile “sessions” continuing to skyrocket. It turns out, one of the absolutely crucial keys to mobile ad success is helping the ad networks with as much personalized data as possible — finding not just one-time clickers, but long-term, repeat customers through mobile ads.

The new VB Insight report goes into depth on each of the 12 ways brands are succeeding with mobile advertising. It also explores five ways they’re failing. The report is based on an analysis of over 500 million mobile ad impressions in multiple studies, and a survey of 1,501 Americans.



VB Insightの新しい記事には、ブランドがモバイル広告で成功している12の方法に関し、それぞれに詳しく書かれている。また、失敗した5つの方法に関しても調査している。記事は、多角的な研究で5億回以上のインプレッション数のあったモバイル広告を分析し、また1501名のアメリカ人を対象に調査した内容を元に書かれている。

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* Or, what about an organ and/or bone marrow donor matching application that uses the genome to make the process of matching more streamlined and efficient?

* Would you use a recipe application that uses your genomically-available food response to adjust ingredients? How about an athletic training application that uses genetic information to adjust routines, rest periods, supplements, and diet?

* I can even imagine a world in which online role playing/MMO games use a genomic API to build worlds around each player that reference his or her molecular reality — how surreal would that be?





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The various risk factors of a technology startup fall broadly into three buckets: technical risk (can it be built?), execution risk (can this team build it?), and market risk (will customers buy it?). Entrepreneurs need to focus on coming up with measurable milestones in each of these categories, and then build a budget to achieve those objectives. In one respect, this is the Minimum Winning Game for a startup in each round of funding: Accomplish enough product and market success so that subsequent investors will want to supply more capital to help grow the business to the next level of achievement.



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In the manufacturing industry, we’re seeing connected devices open up new ways of data sharing that were not previously possible. Now, small sensors on pieces of complex machinery can emit data about performance status that can then be used to adjust scheduled maintenance. With this data, teams can predict maintenance failures, proactively prevent them and ultimately reduce down time. This approach has also been applied to resource allocation and energy management. Equipped with sensors on onshore and offshore oil pumps, companies can minimize lost production and save massive amounts of money.



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While we’re seeing the industrial IoT take shape in areas such as manufacturing, it has the potential to touch more industries. Recent technologies including Hadoop, data analytics, cloud computing, and visualization, offer a path to big data insights.

The challenges to realizing the full potential of the industrial IoT are not necessarily shortcomings in the available technology but in creative thinking. Businesses need to take a few notes from the early adopters of the connected movement — consumers — and see how they can creatively put the industrial IoT to work to solve industry problems in big ways.

Stefan Groschupf is chief executive of Datameer.




Stefan Groschupf氏は、Datameerの最高経営責任者である。