nobeldrsd 翻訳実績

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The idea of delivering an affordable solution to help stroke victims get back on to their feet was particularly appealing for me because of my personal experience — I’ve lost my father to a stroke attack and also two of my uncles were confined to the care of their families because they couldn’t afford rehabilitation care. So I know how difficult it is having to let your loved one lose the ability to go through their day-to-day activities just because you can’t afford the rehab costs.

How big is the company now?

There are 45 people in our Korea and US office. We have experts in engineering, software development and rehab therapy as part of the R&D team, as well as an in-house hardware production capacity.





nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

MangoPlate: the story

At one glance, MangoPlate is the sort of company that has got everything going for it. Even without a revenue model implemented, it has managed to secure two rounds of funding from venture capital firms. Its four Co-founders all bring different but valuable skill-sets to the table — Oh is the businessman, Michael Roh is the Chief Data Scientist who comes up with the algorithms that personalise recommendations, Hoseok Ryu handles server programming, and Daewoong Kim is the go-to person for client programming. They have been in business for more than two years now, and things are only looking up. Plus, there are no visible competitors.


MangoPlateは、一見して全てが目標に向かって順調に進んでいるような企業だ。安定した収益モデルがなくてもベンチャー投資会社から2ラウンドにわたって資金を確保している。同社の4名の共同設立者全員が、独特ではあるが貴重なスキルを出し合った形になっている。Oh氏は、ビジネスマンで、Michael Roh氏は、評価を個別化するアルゴリズムを思い付くチーフデータサイエンティストで、Hoseok Ryu氏は、サーバーのプログラミングを担当し、Daewoong Kim氏はクライアントのプログラミングでは大黒柱だ。彼らは、既に2年以上もビジネスをしており、ずっと良い方向に進んでいる。さらに良い事に、有力な競合相手がいない。

nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

It’s worth noting here that Google Maps already has a built-in bookmarking feature that lets you save places to your Google account. But Mapstr has been built specifically for this purpose, and brings new features to the mix.

You can search for places based on your current location, search by name or address, navigate to a specific point on a map, or even snap a photo of an address — Mapstr uses optical character recognition (OCR) to identify the address and let you save it.

Moreover, Mapstr is all about organization. When you save a place to your account, you can add tags such as “parks” or “bars,” and even add comments — this could be useful to remind you why you saved a place.


ここで注目したいのは、Google Mapsには、お気に入りの場所をGoogleアカウントに保存するブックマーク機能が既に組み込まれている点だ。しかし、Mapstrは、それ専用に開発されており、ブックマーク機能を使って新しいことができるようになっている。



nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

The truth is that the game has already changed. Growth hacking is now for unicorns, not for the average startup. The growth hacking experts I’ve talked to agree; but investors don’t seem to understand this yet.

“[Investors expect] that you can build a crazy amount of traffic with no budget using just Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn,” said Anuj Shah, Cofounder and Chief Operating Officer of San Francisco-based Traba, a job matching website.

That’s just not possible anymore — especially since Facebook’s February 2014 News Feed update knocked out a cornerstone of free marketing.



「投資家は、お金を掛けずにFacebook、Twitter、PinterestやLinkedInに頼るだけで、非常に多くのアクセスを集める事が出来ると思っています」と、サンフランシスコに拠点を置く転職サイト、Trabaの共同設立者でCOO(最高執行責任者)のAnuj Shah氏は語った。


nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

And Facebook’s about-face isn’t the only reason growth hacking has failed smaller companies that haven’t yet found product-market fit or grown a huge user base. Experts I’ve spoken with agree that growth hacking:
A) Is most effective as fuel on a fire already burning — the approach starts from what is working and builds on that. Fixes can also solve big problems, as in the case of Twitter — underperforming signup flows are a clear target for a fast growing startup.
B) Is about making seemingly small, carefully tested changes on a huge or rapidly growing base.
C) Requires time and strict disciplined thinking to be effective.


A) 火に油を注ぐ程効果的である。先ずは上手くいっていることを検証し、それをベースに肉付けしていく。
B) ベースになっている大事な核の部分や急成長しているベースの部分に、非常に小規模だが十分にチェックを行った変更をかけていく。
C) 効果を発揮させるには、時間ときちんとした考え方が必要である。