If iCarsclub is successful, it could create a new niche market for itself in developing economies, consisting of Middle Class strivers who can’t yet afford a car, but want the lifestyle of owning one. Singapore could then act as its base and bulwark for overseas expansion.
But as I stated earlier, cost of car ownership and traffic congestion, which afflict Beijing and Shanghai — cities that iCarsclub want to expand into eventually — could provide an impetus for commuters to adopt carsharing and governments to support such initiatives.Mainstream market demand will be another factor to watch out for: As more Asians rise to Middle Class status, car ownership could be seen as a status symbol, as is the case in China right now. Whether or not Asians in developing markets can be convinced to share instead of possess, either for the sake of the environment or its pragmatic cost benefits, remains to be seen.
I need to inform you that we have had a recent revision of our business policies, and we are no longer able to export weapon parts, weapon accessories, police or protective gear, tactical products or gear, or any items related to these type materials. We are checking with our Management team to ensure that we are authorized to ship these items. Once we have confirmation we will get back to you right away. Thank you for your cooperation and patience.
GREE Ventures makes Series A investment in Indonesia’s Berrybenka, a fashion ecommerce startupBerrybenka.com, a fashion ecommerce startup from Indonesia, has raised a Series A investment from GREE Ventures, it announced in a press release today. According to Berrybenka’s co-founder Claudia Widjaja, the investment sum is in the seven-digit millions (USD).The funds will be used to expand product selection, scale up marketing, and improve the startup’s logistics. In addition, Jason Lamuda, co-founder of Groupon Disdus, will join the company’s co-founders, Claudia and Yenti Elizabeth, as president director and CEO. Jason has been acting as an angel investor and advisor to the startup.
GREE Ventureは、インドネシアのファッション系eコマーススタートアップのBerrybenkaにシリーズA投資で資金提供を行った。インドネシアのファッション系eコマーススタートアップのBerrybenka.comは、シリーズA投資によってGREE Venturesから資金を獲得したことを本日プレスリリースで発表した。Berrybenkaの共同設立者のClaudia Widjajaによると、調達した資金の総額は数百万ドルに達した。資金は、商品アイテムの拡大し、市場開拓を進め、物流を改善していくために利用される予定だ。さらに、共同設立者としてClaudiaとYenti Elizabethの他に、Groupon DisdusのJason Lamudaが加わり、統括責任者でCEOに就任する。Jasonは、エンジェル投資家でアドバイザーとして同社に関わってきた。
“I truly believe that fashion is one of the biggest market opportunities in the Indonesian e-Commerce landscape. When you look at more developed regions such as Europe, China, Japan and India, there always existed leading local fashion e-Commerce players. Similarly, we aspire to become the leading fashion e-Commerce player in Indonesia, built locally,” said Jason.Founded in August 2011, Berrybenka focuses on both local and international brands. They target all Indonesian females with their affordable items, ranging from dresses, tops, outers, accessories, shoes to bags. It has so far collaborated with over 250 local brands.
The GSM products have a good reputation here in the US, but they areprobably unknown in Japan. This may present an opportunity to findunexplored markets for these products. But if your focus is on capitalizingon existing brands, then it may not be the right product line for you.Regarding Fitbit: There are several approaches I can take. One is the directapproach, where I ask about distribution in Japan. The second is to try tobecome a dealer or affiliate.The direct approach may close off the door immediately. On the other hand,it will also get the best prices. If I sign up as a dealer, they willprobably track the sales from Japan back to me quickly, and I will not beable to buy more. Those are the tradeoffs.
Lifeproof is similar, but there is less of an opportunity for me to become adealer-I do not have any associations with any organizations for me to be adealer.Is the issue for these products price, or that you cannot get them at all?It seems that these companies may have distribution problems if you cannotget them at all.
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ご希望に沿えるか検討してみますので、購入希望価格をお知らせ下さい。また、以下の商品にご興味あるかどうか、お知らせ下さい。iphone 5 (SIMフリー)gopro hero3の黒心拍数モニター付きgarmin 410
I am sure we can set something up for you to purchase from us. What price will you offer to purchase the items at?We are glad to have a chance to work with you. We are serving several customer in Japan as well.We would like to co-operate with you as well.We can quote wholesaling price to you. Here is our online shop: http://buygame2.comFor Dead Space 3, we can offer you at HK$370 per piece. Is it ok?Thank youWhat were you thinking price wise and how many a week?
もちろん、ご購入していただける様、お見積りを用意することはできます。希望購入価格はおいくらですか?お取引ができれば幸いです。日本にも既に何人かのお客様がおります。お客様とも一緒にお仕事ができればと考えております。卸価格でご提供することができます。こちらが当社のオンラインショップです。:http://buygame2.comDead Space 3に関してすが、HK$370/個でご提供できます。如何ですか?よろしく、お願い致します。価格面と、週に幾つ位必要か、教えていただけませんか?
Dear kohinokuma2012,Sure, I would be happy to discuss this further. Can you please give me your contact info so we can discuss this further?thanks,MikeZonelotsSincerely,MikeZonelots
kohinokuma2012さん、こんにちは。もちろんです。喜んでこの件に関し、もう少しお話し致します。そのために、連絡先を教えてくれませんか?よろしく、お願いします。Mike Zonelots敬具Mike Zonelots
I could do 6200 as is or 6000 with only one 18.5 5 wood, those are 5 woods BTW not the 4 woods. Sure thing!Everything is brand new with TXXXX Serials. R11s is v2. Everything wouldbe able to ship on monday.This week’s special- 1 of the following shafts FOR FREE with the purchase of 10 Fuel Shafts, 3 free shafts if you purchase 20 fuels.New Fujikura Fuel (50R and S; 60 R,S and X; 70 S and X)- $100 each
現状の組合せで6200ドルか、ロフト角18.5の5番ウッドを1本にして6000ドルにでお譲りできます。ちなみに、4番ウッドではなく、5番ウッドですよ。確かな逸品です!全て新品でTXXXXのシリアル番号が付いてます。R11はv2ヘッドです。全て月曜には出荷可能です。今週のスペシャル: フューエルシャフトを10本購入していただいた場合は1本、20本購入していただいた場合は3本、以下のシャフトから無料で差し上げます。ニュー・フジクラ・フューエル(50RとS / 60 R、SとX / 70 SとX)- 各100ドル
When everyone else realized the importance of exclusive content and turned to content providers directly, LeTV launched a set-up box in Feburary 2012. Unlike Xiaomi Box, LeTV’s is with no regulatory risk, thanks to the fact that it has a video content inventory. In China, only seven content providers — most are state-owned — are granted licenses for streaming videos to TV, third parties who manage to reach partnership with them can only offer content of license holders’, other than videos from Youkus. Doing differently from Xiaomi Box who offers unallowed content, LeTV legitimated its own content by handing it over to CNTV, an authorized one it partners with.
誰もが独自のコンテンツの重要性に気付きコンテンツ提供者に直接頼り始めた2012年の2月、LeTVはSTBをリリースした。LeTV は動画コンテンツを保有しているので、Xiaomi Boxとは異なり、制約的なリスクはなかった。テレビに動画配信する事を許可されたコンテンツ提供者は、中国には7社しかなく、殆どが国有企業だ。第3者機関が参入し提携を結んでも、Youkusの動画の他は、提携先であるライセンス所持者のコンテンツしか提供する事ができない。LeTVは、無許可のコンテンツを提供しているXiaomi Boxとは異なり、認可された提携先のCNTVに独自のコンテンツを提供する合法的な方法をとっている。
The first version of its set-up box, priced at 1999 yuan, is as expensive as a mid-range smart phone. And it reportedly didn’t perform well. After all kinds of set-up boxes emerged in the gray market and were prices at no more than several hundred yuan, LeTV also launched a redesigned product, named C1, for zero yuan. However, consumers have to pay 399 yuan, a fee for watching premium content offered through the device for a year. That means LeTV will continue charging users annual fees. An application for smart TV, launched together with C1, also charges an annual fee, 490 yuan.
399 or 490 is close to what Chinese users are paying for cable TV subscription, 312 yuan, a price based on which similar services, such as China Telecom’s internet TV subscription, set prices.LeTV has another two businesses as potential revenue resources: Le Vision Pictures, LeTV’s brother company, was founded in 2008 for self-made videos, planning to produce thirty films annually; Letv Store, a TV app store, is set up for collecting apps for TV entertainment. As LeTV put it, four monetization sources, hardware sales, paid content, paid apps or in-app sales, and advertising, form a full-fledged revenue structure.
399元や490元は、中国のユーザーがケーブルテレビに加入して支払っている料金、例えば、似た様なChina TelecomのインターネットTVに加入して支払っている312元のセット料金と大差ない。LeTVには、収入源になり得る事業が他に2つある。一方は、Le Vision Picturesで、動画を自主製作するために2008年に設立され、年間30本の映画制作が計画されているLeTVの兄弟会社だ。もう一方は、Letv Storeで、テレビの娯楽向けアプリを収集するために設立されたテレビ向けアプリショップだ。LeTVが4つの収益源と位置づけている、ハードウェアの売上、有料コンテンツ、有料アプリやアプリ内課金、そして広告収入で、見事な収益構造を形作っている
3-1 Albert went back to his own work, relieved the project was over. He was thankful he could work alone without having to worry about all the hassles, frustrations, and endless, time¬consuming delays of dealing with a bunch of groupies who were more interested in what everybody else was doing than they were in getting the job done. Then came this second Tiger Team. Even the term Tiger Team rubbed him the wrong way. What was it supposed to mean? Albert suspected it was just a form of manipulation to get people to think they were special if they did something with a bunch of other people. Well, Albert didn't feel special. In fact, working in a group just gave him a headache.
3-1 Albertは元の仕事に戻り、プロジェクトが無事完了したことにホッとしていた。色々と厄介な事やフラストレーションがたまり、仕事を終わらせる事より他の連中が何をやっているかに関心ばかりもっていた連中と関わる事で時間ばかり取られ、終りが見えなかった状況からようやく解放され、彼は一人で仕事できることを有難く思った。すると、2番目の専門チームがやってきた。このTiger Teamという言葉すらも彼の神経を逆なでした。一体、どういう意味なんだ?大人数で何かをやらせ、特別な存在だと思い込ませる一種の小細工みたいなものだろうとAlbertは思った。でも、Albertは特別だとは感じなかった。実際、グループで仕事する事は、Albertにとっては苦痛でしかなかった。
Just wanted to apologize for not being able to have shipped the Snowboard yet. I've tried 4 different UPS offices and none have accepted to create a box for me for some reason. They tell me the measurements are complicated? I have began constructing my own box and will have it shipped AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It will be completely secure and safe and I'll make sure to have it shipped out to you when I finish wrapping the box. My apologies again and I will have the tracking number out to you when I have it shipped out!
Hi Masahiro,My name is Anuj Agarwal. I saw your profile on Github.I am working on a rss reader project for a while and i have justcompleted the first working version.I'd like to invite you to have a look. Do you mind if i share with you.Thanks,Anuj---------------------Born developer
Masahiroさん私の名前はAnuj Agarwalです。Githubであなたのプロフィールを拝見しました。私は、rssリーダーのプロジェクトにしばらくの間携わっており、ちょうど最初のバージョンが完了したところです。是非、試して頂きたいのですが、見ていただけますでしょうか。宜しくお願い致します。Anuj---------------------天性の開発者
You’ve Come a Long Way Baby: 1,000 Days of KakaoTalk [INFOGRAPHIC]Three days ago, December 11th marked the 1,000th day since the launch of Korean-made chat app KakaoTalk. To celebrate that feat, the chat app published an infographic about its newest stats earlier today.KakaoTalk now has a team of 280 people, an increase from a team of 14 just three years ago. Its 70 million users spend an average of 302 minutes on KakaoTalk, a huge increase compared to back in July, when it was just 175 minutes. This surge might have been caused by the chat app’s new hit gaming platform which was launched in July.
There are 27 million daily unique visitors in its apps, sending 4.2 billion messages every day. It is interesting to note that according to AppAnnie, KakaoTalk’s position in Japan’s iOS free app section has jumped 102 spots to number five recently. That’s Line’s territory, of course, so it will be very interesting to see how it fares there. Check out Kakao’s infographic below:For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.
このアプリは、毎日2700万人ものユニークなユーザーに利用され、42億件ものメッセージが送信されている。AppAnnieによると、KakaoTalkは、日本の無料iOS アプリランキングで最近102位から5位へと大幅に順位を上げており、興味深い結果となっている。確かにそこの領域はLineがいる激戦区なので、今後どう競っていくのか楽しみだ。下のKakaoのインフォグラフィックをのぞいてみてほしい。:面白いグラフに興味があるなら、以前発表した一連のインフォグラフィックものぞいてほしい。
Brilliant ideas and luck can jump-start a business’s success, but the time-tested formula of hard work, proper planning, and a future-focused strategy are what really helps a business stand the test of time. If you have a startup and you want to learn more about SoftLayer, the Catalyst program, or just want some advice on what might help you take your business to the next level in your effort to take over the world, we’d love to hear from you.— George Karidis (@gkdog)
素晴しいアイディアや運によって、ビジネス成功のきっかけを掴む事ができるかもしれない。しかし、ビジネスを本当の成功へと導く上で役立つものは、時間をかけて一生懸命努力し、適切な計画や先を見据えた戦略を立てる事だ。もし、スタートアップの準備が整っており、SoftLayerのCatalyst(促進)プログラムに関してさらに知りたい人や、何とかビジネスを次の段階まで進め、世界で通用するために、アドバイスだけでも欲しいと考えている人からの連絡を受け付けている。— George Karidis (@gkdog)