nobeldrsd 翻訳実績

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Henry Rollins (former frontman of Black Flag) has posted on the L.A. Weekly blog about why he isn't playing music anymore.Since the first break-up of Black Flag in 1986, Rollins has done everything from performing, writing, activism, publishing and acting to his current job of being a radio host at the KCRW station.With the reunion of former members of Black Flag under the new name FLAG (Keith Morris, Chuck Dukowksi, Dez Cadena and Bill Stevenson) and also under the original name Black Flag (Greg Ginn, Ron Reyes and Roberto “Robo” Valverde), people have been curious about the former members' absence.Rollins explains: "music has moved on."Read an excerpt from the blog, below:"


Henry Rollins(Black Flagの前のリーダー)は、なぜ自分が音楽活動を全く行ってないのか、LA Weekly にブログを投稿した。Rollinsは、1986年にBlack Flagを脱退して以降、音楽活動、執筆活動、社会活動、出版や俳優活動等、色々な事を行っており、現在はKCRW局でラジオホストを務めている。Black Flagの以前のメンバー(Keith Morris、Chuck Dukowksi、Dez CadenaそしてBill Stevenson)が再び集まりFLAGという新しいバンドを結成したり、以前のメンバー (Greg Ginn、Ron ReyesそしてRoberto “Robo” Valverde)が、元のバンド名でBlack Flagを再結成させる中、人々は、前のリーダーの動向が気になっている。これについてRollinsは、次の様に説明した。「音楽は時代とともに進んでいる」


nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

I got asked by someone if I was going to go on tour this summer and play what at this point is old music.I told the person that I wasn't because that currently, my future is getting in the way of my past.I tell you this because in the summer months, you can count on bands that have been gone for years who will reassemble and go onto stages all over the world playing "vintage music."Perhaps they are on a Proustian mission to recapture that which has been lost.I read the interviews where the musicians claim that now they can really play this music.I don't doubt them, but therein lies the problem.Musicians should not play Music.Music should play musicians.



nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

Dokter Gratis is an app for people in Indonesia to get a live consultation with a doctor. I gave the app a try and I was able to text-chat with a doctor after being put on hold for just a bit. The doctor I talked to answered a few basic health questions. There are a few chatroom topics for people to choose from, like general health, diabetes, women’s health, and baby’s health.

The service so far looks good as a first step before making a decision to go to a hospital. I have confirmed with the team behind it that Dokter Gratis is 100 percent free, this is despite the written explanation on the terms and conditions page that only the first week of use is free.


Dokter Gratisは、インドネシアの人達がその場で医者に相談するのに利用するアプリだ。アプリを試してみたが、ほんの少し待たされただけで、メールで医者とチャットができた。相談にのってくれた医者は、健康全般に関する幾つかの質問に答えてくれた。ユーザーは、健康全般、糖尿病、婦人科系の健康問題や小児科系の健康問題等、テーマによって幾つかのチャットルームが選べる様になっている。

病院に行こうかどうかを判断する第一歩になるので、サービス自体は良いと思う。契約条件ページの説明には、最初に利用する週のみ無料で利用できると記載されているが、同社に確認してにて、Dokter Gratisは100%無料で利用できることが分かった。

nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

Tracking details added - managed to get it down to under 15kgs (amazingly!) actual cost £153.83 and I will do a refund soon for you - always very difficult and I thought I was doing okay using the original boxes, but wow, they weigh a lot! So the package will not be the nicest I have ever sent, but with such savings then best to leave the boxes on the shelf...

I have tried many of the cheap consolidators and have invariably found them to be a nightmare to deal with, but having said that, then I am willing to have another try with one of them, so if you have any carriers trusted by you, then let me know for next time.

Best for now,




nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

Do You Suck at DIY? You Need Taiwan’s Leading Home Repairs Marketplace

5945 is Taiwan’s up and coming online home repairs marketplace startup. The model is similar to America’s Redbeacon, which was acquired by Home Depot last year.

The name “5945” makes no sense to most folks. But it’s named to be hyper-localized for the Taiwan market. The pronunciation of 5945 sounds like the phrase “calling masters” in Taiwanese Hokkien, a dialect most people in Taiwan can speak or at least understand. In Taiwan, professionals like plumbers, electricians, and carpenters are called shifu – meaning “masters” in English.



5945は、台湾で今一番有望な、家屋修繕用のオンラインマーケットプレイスを提供しているスタートアップだ。同社は、昨年Home Depotに吸収されたアメリカのRedbeaconと似たサービスを提供している。“5945”の意味は、台湾マーケット向けに命名されおり、殆どの人にとっては、理解し辛いものになっている。5945は、台湾の多くの人が話したり、少なくても理解できる福建話の言い回しの「マスターを呼ぶ」、に似た発音になっている。台湾では、水道工、電気技師や大工等の専門家をshifuと言い、– 英語の「マスター(職人)」を意味している。