Challenges and opportunities in JapanKiip shared with us that Asia has always been a priority for the company.“Asia has always been a priority for Kiip, and we’re always looking for partners to bring our network to as many countries as possible with the best brands. There are obvious synergies in markets across the region and the widespread presence of gaming and smartphone adoption. We truly believe that will translate to rapid traction for Kiip rewards.”
The investment is interesting as Lin Ning said that it will be used to acquire some smaller deals sites – so we might finally be seeing some of the tens of thousands of group buy sites in China get a meaningful exit. As opposed to collapsing in financial ruin, which is the way that thousands of them are going each year.
小規模のサイトを買収することには慣れていて、中国の何万ものサイトからいくつかを探し出すのは有益なことである、とLin Ningが言うように、その投資は非常に興味深いものである。それは何千ものサイトが毎年倒産の危機に瀕するのとは大きく異なる。
China is Fine for Startups; Twitter and Facebook Aren’t EverythingEarlier today I came across this piece on ZDNet in which Vinnie Lauria of Golden Gate Ventures talks about his experiences as a VC in Asia. It’s an interesting piece, but I must say I take issue with his assertion that China isn’t a good market for startups because Facebook and Twitter are blocked there.
中国はスタートアップにとって良い国である。TwitterやFacebookが全てではない。Golden Gate Venturesのヴィニー・ローリアがVCとしてアジアで経験したことをZDnetで語っていたのを、今朝早く見つけた。非情に面白い記事で、FacebookやTwitterが排除されたように中国はスタートアップに良い市場ではないと彼は主張しているが、それに対して私は異論を唱えざるを得ない。
Rather than summarizing Lauria’s argument, I’ll just quote it verbatim. There are two sections of the article in which his position on China is explained. The first is in the introduction:Vinnie Lauria, founding partner of venture capitalist firm Golden Gate Ventures, told ZDNet Asia in an interview a major disadvantage in China was its blocking of Facebook and Twitter.“Startups often get out in the market leveraging both networks. They are so vital to a startup’s success so they can’t easily operate in China,” he said.
ローリアの主張を要約せず、一言一句引用したい。その記事は2つのパートからなっており、彼の中国に対する主張が説明されている。最初のパートは導入である。Golden Gate Venturesというベンチャーキャピタリストの共同創始者であるヴィニー・ローリアはZDnet Asiaのインタビューに対して、中国における大きな損失はFacebookやTwitterを規制したことである、と主張している。「スタートアップはネットワークを活用して排除される。スタートアップにとっては非常に致命的なことで、だから中国では簡単にはやっていけない」と彼は言う。
Then later, in answering a question about what startups he invests in, he says:There’s been a lot of traction around social networks but if you’re creating something similar to Facebook or Twitter, you’re crazy. You need to leverage it, but not compete with it, unless you’re in China when both are blocked [...] China has a tremendous amount of opportunity but most products are very China-focused and I will be late to the game if I decide to be a venture capitalist there.
I certainly agree with Lauria’s assertion that startups would have to be crazy to be creating a competitor for Facebook or Twitter and that leveraging platforms like that is a great idea. But why does that put startups in China at a disadvantage?Sure, Facebook and Twitter are blocked in China. But Chinese startups can leverage platforms like Renren and Sina Weibo and WeChat to exactly the same end. They may not be as international as Facebook and Twitter, but with hundreds of millions of users, China’s major social networking sites offer some pretty impressive opportunities to startups willing to leverage them.
「FacebookやTwitterに似たようなものを作ろうとしているならクレイジーだ、それらを梃子にするなら良いアイデアだが。」というローリアの主張には確かに同意する。しかし、どうして中国でスタートアップすることは不利益だと言えるのか?確かに、FacebookとTwitterは中国で除外された。しかし、RenrenやSina Weibo、WeChatのような中国のスタートアップは全く同じ様な形でプラットフォームを活用している。彼らはFacebookやTwitterほど世界に広まってはいないが、数億人のユーザーを抱えている。中国の主要なソーシャルネットワーキングサイトは、それらを活用しようとしているスタートアップに印象的な機会を提供している。
But to leverage 300 million Twitter users, a startup has to worry about users in at least twelve different countries. That means that your product has to be equally appealing to Americans, Turks, Japanese, Mexicans, and Indonesians (among others) and you’ve gotta be sure that whatever you’re doing is available in all those different languages and works across all those different cultures.
Other divergences to look out for in China and Asia, points out the UCWeb report, include an aversion to paid apps in many markets (not counting in Japan or South Korea), necessitating free apps with ads, or a freemium model that’s backed up by in-app purchases.Even everyday lifestyle patterns in China and the region make the mobile web an important part of life, such as a large percentage of the populace – relative to the west – living in urban environments. That means that phones and the web become a part of commuting, with more screen time available. Also, social activities in Asia and China tend to be more communal, and so apps and the web have become integral to socializing in China too.
One final point is that – and bear in mind this comes from the makers of a web browser – but mobile browsers are more important as must-have apps to Chinese than to Americans. And so browser makers need to remember to offer up a range of content to Asian browser users as soon as they start an app, not just show a dumb blank page like Apple’s Mobile Safari, or just a bunch of bookmarks like Google’s Chrome for Android.1. The UCWeb mobile internet report on China and Asia, October 2012.
ウェブブラウザメーカーから来ることを心に留めてほしいが、最後の論点は携帯ブラウザーはアメリカ人より中国人にとってなくてはならないものになっていることである。ブラウザメーカーは、アジアでのブラウザの利用者に対して、アプリを起動した際にAppleのSafaliのように黒い何もないページやGoogle Chromeのようなブックマークの羅列を表示するのではなく、幅広いコンテンツをオファーする必要があることを記憶しておくべきである。1. 中国・アジアにおけるUCWeb携帯インターネットレポート 2012年10月
Your other two sets of irons will arrive Wednesday. The ywere out of 38 inch ones again sorry.I played professional golf for three years and still have lots of contacts. Most of mine come from friends.Also, I may be able to get some taylor made r11j drivers t serial numbers if you are interested? $400 if interested let me know and I will see how many I can get.T serial no some have shrink some don't. Mine are Japanese tour issue so no ct mark. No cover tp sleeve, no specs most do not have these unless they have been in a tour van first. That's on the taylor made heads.
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5. Starbucks: Works on Connecting with CustomersStarbucks is all about “connecting,” whether that’s chatting with a customer over a steaming latte, interacting with fans on the company’s Facebook page or posting fascinating photos on Instagram. The well-known coffee chain has effectively created an emotional connection with its customers. In countries like the U.K. and Ireland, this connection made the company’s recent campaign to have its baristas start connecting with customers on a first-name basis that much smoother. The company launched the campaign with a promotion promising customers a free latte to come in and introduce themselves.
5. スターバックス: お客様とのつながりに対する努力スターバックスと言えば”つながり”である。スチームミルクを作りながらのお客様とのおしゃべりであったり、フェイスブックの企業ページでのファンとのやりとりであったり、インスタグラムへの素敵な写真の投稿であったり。その有名なコーヒーチェーンはお客様と気持ちでのつながりを上手く構築してきた。イギリスやアイルランドのような国では、バリスタがファーストネームを使ってスムーズにお客様とつながるキャンペーンを最近行った。お客様が来店し、自己紹介すれば無料でラテを提供するプロモーションキャンペーンも行っている。
Starbucks is also making the most of the features and functions of its social networks to grow its fan base and maximize likes, shares and re-tweets. All these digital word-of-mouth marketing opportunities help Starbucks get found by a growing audience that, on Twitter, currently exceeds 2.8 million followers and, on Facebook, has registered more than 31.5 million likes to the company’s business page.And, speaking of social, the company’s strong focus on social responsibility hasn’t hurt its popularity either. In short, the gentle corporate coffee giant has become the company everybody loves to love.
3. Dell: Takes a Multi-Layered ApproachFounded in 1984, Dell has become a force to be reckoned with in the computer sales market, and it has done so, in large part, through savvy inbound marketing practices. While its marketing strategy has always been multilayered, the computer giant has always encouraged customer feedback and participation in its product development. Today it is not only announcing new products on its Facebook page and engaging fans by asking questions and encouraging them to click “like” on its posts, it’s also addressing their need for knowledge through a blog, newsletter and a glossy magazine.
3. デル: マルチレイヤーアプローチを採用 1984年に設立されたデルはコンピュータの小売市場で有数勢力となり、精巧なインバウンドマーケティングを大部分で実践した。デルのマーケティング戦略はいつもマルチレイヤーになっており、顧客のフィードバックや製品開発への参加を促してきた。今はフェイスブックページで新製品を公開するだけでなく、ファンに質問をし、その投稿に対して"イイネ"を押すように促している。また、ブログやニュースレター、華やかな雑誌を通じて彼らの知識欲求を満たそうとしている。
The company is also making the most of the video medium by featuring a growing collection of videos on its Facebook page, tweeting about them on Twitter and promoting them on other social media.Dell is also leveraging mobile technology to attract greater response to its marketing emails. By adding the mobile element to its standard desktop marketing email and making significant changes to its mobile email version, Dell managed to garner an impressive five-fold increase in downloads of the app the day the emails went out.
4. GE: Focuses on Experts, Ingenuity and InnovationWhen GE reinvented its marketing in 2011, much of its effort focused on several disciplines that today would be considered critical components of inbound marketing. These included strategy and innovation, branding and communications, value creation and pricing.One key strategy the company embraced in its new marketing mix was the practice of highlighting its experts and the critical role they play in bringing GE products to market. Currently, the company is reinforcing that focus by featuring links to its experts’ Twitter profiles on the GE homepage under the heading “Meet the People Who Make GE Work.”
4. GE: エキスパート、工夫、そしてイノベーションGEが2011年にマーケティングを再開発した際、現在インバウンドマーケティングの主要要素として捉えられているいくつかの分野にフォーカスしていた。戦略とイノベーション、ブランディングとコミュニケーション、そして価値創造とプライシングなどである。エキスパートを重視することの実践と、GEの商品をマーケットに売り込むときにエキスパートが重要な役割を担うことが、新しいマーケティングミックスに取り込まれていた。現在GEは、”GEを機能させる人々会おう”という表題のホームページにエキスパートのTwitterプロファイルへのリンク機能をつけることで、さらなる強化を図っている。
For the past year, the company has also sponsored an online magazine called Txchnologist, which it describes on its About Us page as offering “an optimistic, but not utopian, take on the future and humanity’s ability to tackle the great challenges of our era through industry, technology and ingenuity.”The company also posts periodic videotaped interviews with its experts, via the Txchnologist YouTube channel. Again, this is meant to reinforce the expert element, although its videos don’t appear to be posted frequently enough to play as significant a role in its inbound marketing strategy as Dell’s do.
以前、その企業はTxchnologistというオンラインマガジンにも協賛していた。その雑誌の”About Us”というページには、「楽観的だが、理想郷ではない。未来と人間の能力を生かして、産業・技術・工夫によってこの時代に大きなチャレンジに挑む」と書かれている。その企業はYouTubeのTxchnologistチャネルを通して、専門家のインタビューのビデオ録画を定期的に投稿している。 Dellがやっているようなインバウンドマーケティングとしての大きな役割を担うほど頻繁に投稿されているわけではなく、専門的要素を強化することが狙いである。
Dennis cites his own startup as an example, and highlighted that ideas are plentiful. Adopting the Darwinism “survival of the fittest” rule, many ideas just happen to be executed extremely well. There are no shortage of good ideas. In fact, most of them are adapted and learned from earlier ideas, and evolved to suit markets. Two sites might look similar, but on the backend, there are features specially tailored to Asian countries.
When Dennis was asked if he felt threatened by the entrance of Yelp into the Singapore market, he explained that in fact, when HungryGoWhere started, there were two to four other similar food review sites. At the end of the day, it is easy to copy at first, but it eventually boils down to how you package your product and sell it to your users. HungryGoWhere prides itself on understanding its audience, and perhaps Yelp will also eventually see why it is thriving well in Singapore.
Something perhaps some of us never knew was that the process leading up to the HungryGoWhere exit was not smooth sailing for Dennis. At the start, Dennis assumed that they had the right product for the right audience. However, for the first two years, he could not communicate well with merchants. Despite having a large userbase, they were close to shutting down the site. We often place so much emphasis on the product that we neglect educating stakeholders and their mindsets. Merchants could not understand the HungryGoWhere model and Dennis found the learning curve of that really steep. Through this, he learned the difference between users and customers.