長野光洋 (nagano0124) 翻訳実績

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nagano0124 英語 → 日本語

Fourth, the interrelationships between the various facets of SWB seem to depend strongly on the sample, particularly on the age of the target population. For example, Leonardi et al.(1999) questioned US citizens aged 55-99 years and found that those with high global SWB were also highly satisfied with their leisure and health (in a top-down model), whereas satisfaction with housing had the highest impact on global SWB(in a bottom-up model). Satisfaction with finances was not related to global SWB in either model, perhaps because older people tend to be less concerned by money issues than are younger ones. They have fewer dependants and most have a steady, secure income(i.e., a pension).



nagano0124 英語 → 日本語

While you can sign up with your phone number apparently anywhere in the world, the new Jego service is actually more like Skype than newer social messaging apps because it has global calling plans. For example, a Jego user could sign up for unlimited calls to Hong Kong for $12 per month after buying credit. There are mobile and landline calling rates (see here) for 20 countries so far, such as $0.02 per minute for landline or mobile calls in Singapore. That makes Jego a lot cheaper than the gouging you’d get from most telcos on global calls – including on China Mobile itself – and makes Jego app comparable in affordability to Skype’s paid features.


自身の電話番号から世界中のほぼどこからでもサインアップできる、この新しいJegoサービスは、最近のソーシャルメッセージアプリよりも、世界中で通話が出来る点からSkypeに近い。例えば、Jego利用者が香港からかける場合、クレジットを購入し、毎月12米ドルで無制限の利用が出来る。20カ国のモバイル、固定電話の通話料金(詳しくはこちら)は、シンガポールへかけた場合、モバイル、固定電話に関わらず1分あたり0.02米ドルだ。多くの電話会社が提供している国際電話―China Mobile自身も含むが―の非常に高い通話料とくらべて、Jegoは大変安く、さらに、Skypeの有料サービスと比べてもJegoは比較的手ごろである。

nagano0124 英語 → 日本語

According to Reuters, four people with knowledge of Apple's plans say the company is investigating a number of iPhone models for 2014, such as a $99 version, 4.7-inch and 5.7 iterations and models with color options other than black and white.

While the sources appear to be reiterating rumors that have been bandied about for months now, they claimed to have direct knowledge of the situation via suppliers within Asia that are fielding inquiries from Apple regarding iPhones with larger displays. More specifically, these people said the company has narrowed down possible screen sizes to 4.7 and 5.7 inches, and may introduce two "bigger" models next year.




nagano0124 英語 → 日本語

The publication reports Apple's rumored iPhones are a direct response to the Samsung's performance in the smartphone market, which has outpaced Apple since mid 2012. As per usual, the sources hedged their statements by noting Apple "constantly change[s] product specifications almost to the final moment, so you're not really sure whether this is the final prototype."

In January, a questionable report first suggested that a 4.8-inch iPhone could be in the works for 2013, but rumors surrounding a "phablet" iPhone have since died down.

Perhaps more interesting in Thursday's report are details regarding a lower cost iPhone, which sources said could be priced as low as $99.





nagano0124 英語 → 日本語

As widely speculated, the entry-level handset is to be produced in a variety of colors and will be made of plastic to keep costs down.

Reuters apparently received conflicting reports regarding the cheaper iPhone, however, as one of its sources claimed the handset may not launch until 2014, while others said test runs are already scheduled for July ahead of mass production in August.

"Trial production was originally planned to start in June, but the mixing of colours is taking longer than expected as Apple has very high and idealistic standards," one source said, adding that some 20 million units of the less expensive iPhone are expected to ship in the fourth quarter.





nagano0124 英語 → 日本語

As for Apple's follow-up to the iPhone 5, dubbed by many as the "iPhone 5S," the site reiterated that gold will be an option when the handset is released this fall. The statements are in line with a photo of purporting to show SIM card trays bound for the next-generation iPhone, one of which appeared to be golden or beige.

Rumors of a colored iPhone 5S first gained traction in January, when Topeka Capital Markets analyst Brian White claimed supply chain sources said the smartphone would be offered in a range of eight colors. Those options were pink, yellow, blue, green, purple, silver, slate and a special designation for the (PRODUCT)RED initiative.


多くの人が"iPhone 5S"と期待している、iPhone5に続く機種に関しては、同サイトで今秋に発表された際にはゴールドがオプションとして加わるのではないか、と繰り返しています。この文章はゴールドかベージュで発表される次世代iPhoneのための、SIMカードトレイの写真に一致しています。

iPhone 5Sのカラーに関する噂は1月、Topeka Capital Marketsのアナリスト、ブライアン・ホワイト氏の8種類のカラーバリエーションに関するサプライ・チェーンの情報から始まりました。これらのオプションはピンク、イエロー、ブルー、グリーン、パープル、シルバー、スレート、そして特別品としてレッドの構想でした。

nagano0124 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

My Additional comments are as follows :
"There is no output from this mic. I have tried it in three different PA and mixing desks. The switch creates a small audio click when moved, but there is no output when spoken into in either position. I have checked leads and amplifiers with other mics and they work fine. This mic is defective and has never produced an output. I would like a replacement please, but I will not pay £20 for import again. Please advise





nagano0124 英語 → 日本語

Can independent artists have their content on Spotify?

Absolutely. We have entered into deals with several digital aggregators, including InGrooves, Phonofile, Kontor, IODA, Orchard, and, global rights agency, Merlin Network.

Artists interested in growing their audiences find success by exposing their music to a wide population, and Spotify is the world’s fastest growing music listening platform.

Independent artists can choose the distributor that best suits them to get their music on Spotify. As with the labels, these distributors govern the specifics of how and when royalties pass-through to artists. Each aggregator makes its own policies clear on its website.



「もちろんです。私達はすでにInGrooves、Phonofile、Kontor、IODAやOrchardなどのデジタル・アグリゲーター、そしてグローバルな権利団体Merlin Networkと交渉を行っています。

