■How was the rehearsal?I stood on the stage being conscious of the real show than normal.I want to move more sharply and express powerfulness that would crush the audience.But there were parts that I couldn't do it fully in the rehearsal, so I want to do it more powerfully, more masculine, and do it by us 8 as a whole.■How about the main center position?This time, I have a part to rap, so when doing that I want to do it in full force, with strong eyes, strong emotion that will knock down the audience.Today's theme is stength, so I want to do it with full strength.
The company may dismiss the Employee without notice or payment due to the Employeein relation to the employment;- a)Willfully disobeys a lawful and reasonable order; b)Commits misconduct such misconduct being in consistent with the due and faithfully discharge of his/her duties; c)Habitually neglectful in his/her duties; d)Guilty of fraud or dishonesty; e)Unfit for further service as certified by doctor.the Company may terminate the employment immediately if it judges this to be necessary to protect its business or its good name and the Employee shall be entitled to compensation and benefits up to the date of termination only・n Witness whereof, the undersigned have executed this Agreement:
会社は、以下に示す場合、事前の通知又や従業員への雇用に関する支払いをせずに、従業員を解雇することが有ります:a) 合法で理由のかなった命令にわざとそむいた場合b) その人が、仕事の職務に忠実であるために、またはその職務行為そのもの関連したような違法行為を行った場合c) 常に、職務に対して怠慢な場合d) 詐欺罪または不正行為を犯した場合e) 医師により、更なる勤労が困難とされた場合会社は、以下に示すような判断を下した場合、雇用を終了させることがあります会社が行うビジネス又は評判を守るのが必要であるには有効であると判断した場合に、従業員が補償対象となり雇用終了日時までのみ従業員がその恩恵をあずかれる場合以上の証として、以下にサインしたものはこの契約を締結しました
As for the tracking number, I thought I would send this ○○ together, so I once stopped the shipment.However, I found out today that it is not determined when in March this ○○ will be sold, so I am once again proceeding with the shipment.I think the tracking number will appear within 24 hours.The ○○ is yet a pre-order, so I will contact you when the selling actually begins.I think it will be on sale before the end of March.I apologize for the inconvenience.The shipment will be made only by EMS, for other shipment methods take time, and there are times packages get lost.I'm sorry I couldn't help you.
If you consider result A and result B together, it is not appropriate to say that clinical state C is the reason for the desease C. The difference caused by the age and sex is apparent, and for men over 50 and women over 60, the involvement of clinical state C might exist, but for other patients, there are less involvement.
Thank you for using our service this time.We've sent you the itunes card and the ID for the value of 5000yen, by e-mail and photos, just in case.For verifying the arrival, please reply to us if the activation was achieved.Thank you very much for purchasing from us.
Greetings from Amazon. We appreciate the information you have provided. However, a review of your account indicates some of your buyers have not received their orders.Before we can consider reinstatement of your selling privileges, you must provide us with a detailed account of the steps you will take to prevent non-receipt complaints in the future. We will then review your plan and determine whether to reinstate your selling privileges. For information on creating and submitting your plan, search on “Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” in seller Help. We look forward to hearing from you.Regards, Amazon Services
ご連絡ありがとうございます。待ちますので、落札の商品再度送っていただいてよろしいでしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。本日、商品が届いたのですが、落札した商品と全く違う商品が届きました。届いたのは”PYLE GEAR”というスピーカーセットです。全く身に覚えのない商品です。至急、当方が落札しました”McIntosh c26 Preamplifier”を送ってください。至急ご対応ください。間違って届いた商品はどうずればよいのですか?ご返信お待ちしております。
Thank you for contacting me.I can wait, so could you send me the item I have won?Thank you for your cooperation.Today, the item arrived, but it was not the item I've won. The item arrived was a speaker set called “PYLE GEAR”. I have no idea what this is. Please send me “McIntosh c26 Preamplifier”,which I've won, immediately.I am looking forward to a prompt response.What should I do with the wrong item? I will be waiting for your reply.
I also feel happy because you seem to be h7appy.I will send the package by EMS,It seems to take about 7 days,The price varys with weight.If you have anything else you want to include, please request us.I will tell you the total price once I finish the shipment.
The items arrived, but the quantity was not enough.(I ordered two, but only one arrived)The weight is described as 10lbs.The ●●● itself weighs 6lbs, and when the operating manual, item box, and accessories like power supplies are included, it will weigh 8lbs.It is impossible to pack 2 ●●● s into a package for 10lbs.I don't feel like paying for an item which didn't arrive.I want you to pay back for the one item which didn't arrive.Please reconsider this issue.I listed the dialogue exchanged with the seller until now. Please use it as a reference.
You'd want to go to the mountains again.
ph81902ヘアバンドの一種だが、「カチューシャ」も「ヘアバンド」も日本独自の言い方(和製語)で、海外では使われない。(英語としては「ヘッドバンド」が正しい。詳しくはWikipediaを参照→ ヘアバンド)日本でこう呼ばれる由来はトルストイの小説『復活』のヒロインの名前で、映画や舞台化が日本で大ヒットしたことが背景とされる。▼カチューシャがあれば、他に何もいらない!※【】内が登場作品になります。涼宮ハルヒ 【涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱】 ※リボン付きカチューシャです。
ph81902It is a kind of hair bands, but "Katyusha " and "hair bands" are typical Japanese expression (Japanese-English), and they are not used in foreign countries.(In English, the correct way to say it is "head band". Refer to Wikipedia for details→hair bands)The origin of this expression used in Japan is the name of the heroine in Tolstoy's book "Resurrection", which its film and broadway shows became a blockbuster in Japan.▼If there is a Katyusha, you won't need anything else!※The work they're featured is indicated in the 【】.Haruhi Suzumiya (The melancholiness of Haruhi Suzumiya)※It is a Katyusha with ribbons
ph79202ツンデレとは、特定の性格を表すの形容語のひとつよ。 主に、「ツンツン」している時と「デレデレ」する時を併せ持つ性格やそういう性格の人間そのものを指すの。 「ツンツン」とは他人への接し方にトゲがある様子を指す言葉で、「デレデレ」は恋人等にだらしなく甘える様子を表す言葉よ。 一見相反するこの2つの要素を持つキャラクターに多くのファンが付いたことで、自然発生した言葉なの。▼わかりました!つまり最強なんですね!※【】内が登場作品となります。ソーニャ 【キルミーベイベー】
Tundere describes a specific character. It depicts a character or a person with a character of being both “tuntun (snobby, cold)”and “deredere (lovely)”.“Tuntun” describes the strict and cold way of behavior towards others, and “deredere” describes how you act when you are with a lover, in a sweet and lovely way. The characters with these two opposite characteristics became very popular, and thus this word was naturally made.I got it! They're the strongest!※The work they are featured is indicated in the 【】.Sonya【Kill Me Baby】
You were laughing your head off.I couldn't laugh if I knew it.
Do you know this site?The Fitbit company officialy announced that your skin might have a rash if you wrap this item around your hand.This item has initial failure.Currently, the Fitbit is recalling the items.The item I purchased is not opened yet.I will return the item, so please make a prompt refund.Thank you for your cooperation.
■今回のメイクはどうですかびっくりです私じゃないみたい誰?って感じです凄く新鮮だし、違う自分になれた気がして嬉しいです■ダンスどうですか今まで女のダンスをやってきて自分も女だし普通に踊れていたんですが今回は男のダンスだから筋肉の使う所が違うので動きも全然違うし腰の入れ方とか手の入れ方とか全然違うので難しいんですけどリハーサルの時 皆で研究したしやれる限りの事をやろうと思います今回このポジションを貰えて嬉しいです頑張りがいがあるしやってやる!って気持ちが湧いてきます
How's the make-up this time?I'm so surprised.I'm not myself.It's like, who is this?It's such a new experience, and I'm happy because I feel like I'm somebody else.How's the dance?Until now, I've been dancing a girl's dance, and I was able to dance it normally because I'm a girl,but this time it's a boy's dance, so the part of muscle you use is different, the movement is different, and the way you bring in your hip or your hands are different, so it's quite hard, but we studied it thouroughly at the rehearsal, so I will do my best.I'm happy that I got this position.It's worth the challenge, and I feel like I really want ot make it!
How's my make-up today?I'm so nervous because people look at me so much.But I've made up my mind.I felt as though I'm really a man.The dance is difficult, but how is it?The girl's dance that I dance normally is difficult for me, and I feel like I'm more good at boy's dance.It's easier to dance.I like cool dance better.I'm not so good at smooth movements.The real stage is near, but what's your goal?I want to really become a man, to such a degree that a stranger will at first mistake me as a man, and become surprised when knowing I'm a woman afterwards.
Thank you for contacting BFD support , after viewing your account I can confirm that there is no problems with your account, The issue with stakes that you are experiencing is simply down to a traders decision im afraid where you may be limited to a specific amount on specific bets. i'm afraid there is nothing we can do regarding this as BFD do hold the right to adjust/ reduce your stakes we do apologize for the troubleif there is anything else we can help you with please don’t hesitate to contact us we are available 24hr a dayThanks
Thank you for your contact.I am very happy.I would lika a funnel, so please ship it to me.I prefer it to be handled as given here.Please ship it to the address where the lantern was shipped previously.I am sorry for the trouble, but I appreciate your cooperation.
a3803Hello, You said you would reimburse me for shipping the Curious George Plush Toy back to you, but I am worried that I will not get my money back. Why don't you send me a prepaid shipping label? I would be happy to ship it back once I receive one of those. I'm sure the shipping to Japan is not cheap, and I can't afford to risk not getting that money back. Thank you.a8622No longer needed/wantedBuyer comments: We found one almost exactly like it on Ebay for 1/2 the price and 1/2 the delivery time.e3906Attached is the document from parcel Force informing me of the custom charge Please could you confirm you have credited me this cost Thanks
a3803こんにちは。あなたにおさるのジョージのぬいぐるみを返送したので、私に返金してくれるとあなたは言いましたが、私のお金が戻ってこないのではと心配です。支払い済みの出荷ラベルをこちらに送ってくれませんか?それを受け取り次第、喜んで返送します。日本への発送は安くないので、お金が戻ってこないリスクは請け負えません。よろしくお願い致します。a8622もうすでに必要でない・欲しくない買い手コメント:Ebayで、半分の値段また半分の配送期間でほぼ同じものが売られているのを見つけました。e3906添付の書類は、Parcel Forceからのもので、私に関税を要求しています。この金額について、あなたが私に支払い済みであることをそちらで確認してくれますか?よろしく
mo105408[職人醤油]たまごかけご飯に合う醤油5本セットのページです。小田急百貨店が厳選したギフト・食品・お酒・リビングなど旬な商品が通販で購入できる、小田急百貨店が運営する公式オンライン通販ショップです。「温泉たまご」は自分でつくることもできます卵の実験 温泉卵の作り方 [毎日のお助けレシピ]温泉卵の作り方・レシピをご紹介。しかも、ご飯を保温してる間のジャーを利用して簡単に作れます!(他にもいろいろな温泉たまご作りに挑戦しました!)
mo105408[Artisan Soy Sauce] This page describes the 5 soy sauce pack that suits the rice with raw eggs. This is the official online shop that is run by the Odakyu department store, where you can purchase seasonal gifts/food/liquor/living goods carefully selected by the Odakyu department store.You can make [hot spring eggs] by yourselves.Experiment on eggs How to make hot spring eggs [recipe that will help you on daily basis]We will introduce you how to make hot spring eggs and its recipe. Moreover, you can easily make them with a rice cooker while warming the rice! (We challenged other various ways of making hot spring eggs)