monagypsy 翻訳実績

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Answers to a question can be rated with a Nice! button. And in the sidebar, there is a weekly ranking of users according to their Nice count. COODE creates its own original content too by interviewing the most popular user of the month. Some features in development are a “best answer” feature and a commenting feature. COODE also plans to use the Yahoo! Chiebukuro API (Q&A basically) which receives 3,000-5,000 questions per day.

For now the revenue is generated by advertising and through affiliates. COODE is created by PlayMined, which is led by 28 years old Mitsutaka Hamada. The start-up’s goal is to have 10,000 registered users within a year. We can expect to see iPhone and Android apps early next year.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

According to this latest Nikkei report, the Japanese e-book market was worth about 65 billion yen ($846.9 million) in 2010. That pales in comparison to the market for printed books and magazines which is worth about two trillion yen.

Bringing affordable Kindle readers could certainly help shake up an industry that has been slow to take off thus far. But in an space where publishers hold a tighter grip on content than in the US, it remains to be seen if Amazon can offer the same kind of ebook discount pricing that it can give in other markets.

Homegrown online retailer Rakuten (JSD:4755) also recently jumped into the e-book space with its new Raboo online book store.





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Mori smiled and acknowledged that both companies are taking very different approaches. While he can’t speak for his competitor, Mori says that DeNA wants to maintain the Mobage brand as it expands abroad. Even in Japan, Mori says that all ads — traditional and digital — emphasize just the name Mobage without mentioning DeNA.

The 825 million figure which GREE boasts is just a number. Does GREE own the entire 825 million users? Unfortunately, no. The partnership lasts as long as both companies are still seeing mutual benefits. It works for now but who knows what will happen in the future? A good example is the relationship between Google and Apple, which has turned sour over the years.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

DeNA, on the other hand, focuses more on platform ownership and user experience. While its numbers are smaller (over 30 million users in Mobage Japan as we last learned), introducing new games and upgrading its mobile gaming network is way simpler. That’s because they own Mobage and can ensure the user experience is seamless. GREE, on the other hand, loses partial control on Tencent or mig33’s platform. Nonetheless, GREE’s partnership with other giants has commanded much attention within the mobile gaming world and created a somewhat unified platform for developers to market their games on the GREE, Tencent, and mig33 networks.


一方DeNAは、プラットフォームのオーナーシップとユーザーエクスペリエンスにより焦点を絞っている。その数は少ないが(私達が最後に調べた時、Mobage Japanのユーザーは3000万人強であった)、新しいゲームを紹介し、そのモバイルゲームネットワークのアップグレーディングはよりシンプルである。なぜなら、彼らはモバゲーを所有しており、ユーザーエクスペリエンスがシームレスであるのは確実にできる。一方GREEは、Tencentやmig33のプラットフォームでの部分的なコントロールはできない。それでもなお、GREEの他の大手とのパートナーシップは、モバイルゲーム会の中でより注目を集め、デベロッパーが彼らのゲームをGree、Tencent、mig33ネットワークへ送りだすための統一したプラットフォームを作りだすている。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

I am very sorry to hear about the delay.

I have checked your order (for order number see subject line) and can confirm that it was sent out from our fulfillment centre in Germany on 17.10.2011 via UPS.

According to our carrier, the delivery to Japan may take up to 12 business days.

Once the package reaches your country, the actual delivery of the package is handled by your local postal carrier, and this may account for the delay.

May we ask for your further patience? If your package has not arrived on 02.11.2011, please contact us using the link below and confirm the shipping address we have on file for this order:





