monagypsy 翻訳実績

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PAGE 147-2
Perhaps more relevant is the succession story of Gates' arch-rival Steve Jobs. John Sculley was appointed from Pepsi in 1983, then usurped Apple CEO and co-founder Jobs, with Jobs leaving in 1985. Sculley was pushed out in 1993, and his replacement Michael Spindler lasted until 1996. The next CEO, Gil Amelio, brought Jobs back in but was himself deposed in 1997, leaving Jobs in charge again. Confused? The shareholders were by the way the stock price bombed. Fortunately for Apple and the shareholders, Jobs remains at the helm. Let's hope Jobs is able to implement a managed succession when he finally decides to step down.


ページi 147-2
おそらく、より妥当なのは、ゲイツの最大のライバル、スティーブ・ジョブズの引き抜きのストーリーであろう。John Sculleyは、1983年にペプシから選任され、それからAppleのCEO兼共同創始者のジョブズに引き抜かれ、1985年にジョブズは退任した。1993年、Sculleyは解雇され、彼の代わりのMichael Spindlerは1996年まで留まった。次のCEOのGil Amelioは、ジョブズを連れ戻したが、彼自身は1997年に捨てられ、再びジョブズに経営を任せて去っている。混乱しそうである。株主は、株価でひどく失敗した。Appleと株主にとって幸運にも、ジョブズは実権を握り続けている。ジョブズが最終的に退任を決める時、上手く引き継ぎが実行できる事を願おう。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

When Founders Meet Investors…

We blog a lot. But most wouldn’t know that behind the scenes, we’re occasionally used as the Asian bridge to help entrepreneurs connect with investors (and vice versa). We love to help, because we think it’s good work.

We have looked at the community from a bird eye’s view, and we realized there aren’t many such opportunities in Singapore, and perhaps in most other parts of Asia, for investors and entrepreneurs to meet up. And when such meetings do take place, funding shouldn’t be the only point of interest. More importantly, it is an opportunity to get to know investors on a personal level which is perhaps more important for a long term sustainable partnership.





monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Foursquare Introduces Sakura Badge To Tokyo Users

s Foursquare trying to become the mayor of Asia? It kinda looks like it. After introducing a special Lion City badge for Singapore users, Foursquare launched the Sakura Badge this past Friday evening for its Tokyo users.

All you have to do is to check-in at five of the 64 Tokyo spots on Foursquare that are listed for this Sakura badge. These are popular locations in the city including Shibuya, Harajuku, and Shinjuku.

Foursquare has made some amazing progress in Tokyo. According to its data last year, Shibuya and Shinjuku were ranked second and third respectively as the most checked-in train stations in the world.






monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

title: SNSD, SHINee, f(x), EXO Unveil BTS Videos from W Magazine Photo Shoot

As reported yesterday, SM Entertainment and W Korea Magazine collaborated for a live stream of the photo shoot involving SNSD’s Sunny and Seohyun, SHINee’s Jonghyun and Taemin, f(x)’s Sullie and Krystal, and EXO’s Kai, Lu Han, and Se Hun.

Shortly after the live stream, SM Entertainment posted videos from the photoshoot on their YouTube channel. The videos give a never-before-seen look into some of the top SM artists, including the highly anticipated and largely unrevealed three EXO members.



昨日レポートされたところによると、SM EntertainmentとW Korea Magazineは、SNSDのSunnyとSeohyun、SHINeeのJonghyunとTaemin、f(x)のSullieとKrystal、EXOのKai、Lu Han、Se Hunの係わるフォトシュートのライブストリームのため、コラボレートしたという。

ライブストリームのすぐ後、SM Entertaimentは、彼らのYouTubeチャンネルで、フォトシュートからの彼らのビデオを投稿した。ビデオは、高く期待され、ほとんど知られていない3人のEXOのメンバーを含む、今まで見たこともないSMのトップアーティストの何人かを探索する。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

title: Kim Jung Tae Reveals a Photo with Kahi for KBS "Dream High 2"

Actor Kim Jung Tae revealed a "couple-shot" taken with Kahi on the set of KBS drama "Dream High 2." Kim Jung Tae posted a picture of Kahi and himself on twitter and commented, "With the Dance Goddess, Kahi."

In the released photo, the two are standing arm in arm and yet, their expressions are very different. Kahi look comfortable as she is smiling and signaling V with her hand, leaning into Kim Jung Tae. On the contrary, Kim Jung Tae is looking rigid and nervous, with both hands put politely in front of him. In "Dream High 2," Kim Jung Tae and Kahi each play Kirin High School's principal and dance instructor.


タイトル:Kim Jung TaeはKBSの「Dream High 2」のためのKahiとの写真を明かす

俳優Kim Jung Taeは、KBSのドラマ「Dream High 2」のセットで、Kahiと「ツーショット」の写真をとっと事を明かした。Kim Jung たえは、Kahiと彼自身の写真をTwitterに投稿し、コメントした。「ダンスの女神、Kahiと共に」

リリースされた写真において、二人は腕を組み合って立ち、彼らの表情は非常に異なる。Kahiはピースサインをして微笑んで、Kim Jung Taeにもたれ、書いてきそうに見える。それに反して、Kin Jung Taeは、両手を行儀よく前において、硬直し、神経質になっているように見える。「Dream High 2」において、Kim Jung TaeとKahiは、それぞれKirin高校の校長とダンスインストラクターを演じる。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

title: T-ara to Finally Launch Official Fanclub

T-ara is to finally launch their own official fanclub. The CEO of T-ara's agency, Kim Kwang Su, has been adamantly refusing to launch official fanclubs for any artists within his management. His long-standing philosophy has been that popular artists should not be limited to only appeal to fanclubs, but should thrive to win the public's affection.

This management philosophy of CEO Kim Kwang Su has been in effect since 1982, when he started out his career as a manager. Kim was in charge of many big-named artists like Yoon Sang, Kim Wan Sun, and Jo Sung Mo and never launched any official fanclubs. This directly applied to T-ara since their debut, too.



T-araは、ついに彼ら独自の公式ファンクラブをローンチする。T-araの事務所のCEO、Kim Kwang Suは、彼のマネージメントするいかなるアーティストの公式ファンクラブをローンチする事を断固として拒んでいた。彼の長年の哲学は、人気アーティストはファンクラブへのアピールのみに限定すべきではなく、一般大衆に愛されることに成功すべきである。

CEOのKim Kwang Suのこのマネージメント哲学は、彼がマネージャーとしてのキャリアをスタートした1982年から実施されている。KimはYoon Sang、Kim Wan Sun、Jo Sung Moのようなたくさんの大物アーティストを担当していたが、誰も公式ファンクラブをローンチしたことはなかった。これは、デビューから、T-araにも適用された。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

CEO Kim Kwang Su commented, "Although I still believe that a popular artist should be loved not only by his or her own official fanclub, but also by the public, I've decided to go against my 30-year-long philosophy to celebrate T-ara's success. I can see that T-ara has become a true popular artist as they continuously won the public's affection with 'Roly Poly,' 'Cry Cry,' and 'Lovey Dovey.'"

He also mentioned, "I plan on launching T-ara's official fanclub this summer. The members are still unaware of it, so I hope this news would be a great lunar new year gift to them."


CEOのKim Kwang Suは、、「私は今でも人子アーティストは彼、もしくは彼女独自の公式ファンクラブによってのみに愛されるべきではなく、一般大衆に愛されるべきだと信じています。私は、T-araの成功を祝福するために、30年の私の哲学に反することにしました。私は、彼らが「Roly Poly」と「Lovey Dovey]で継続的に一般大衆の寵愛を勝ち取り、T-araが真の人気アーティストとなるのを見ることができます。」とコメントした。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 121-2
'The whole world is going to benefit in a big way. There will be this shift where, instead of your income level being determined by what country you are from, it will be determined by your education level. Today, a PhD in India doesn't make nearly as much as a PhD in the US. When we get the Internet allowing services and advice to be transported as efficiently as goods are transported via shipping, then you'll get essentially open-market bidding for that engineer in India versus an engineer here in the US. And that benefits everyone, because you're taking better advantage of those resources. So the developed countries will get the early benefit of these things.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

PAGE 121-1
In his view, Silicon Valley was in the first phase of the revolution but that didn't guarantee pole position in a later phase. 'In place; like Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Scandinavian countries', he noted, 'people are adopting the technology at basically the same rate that we are. And there are a few countries that, relative to their level of income, are going after the technology at an even higher rate than we are because they believe so much in education. In Korea and in many parts of China we see incredible penetration of personal computers even at very low income levels, because people there have decided it's a tool to help their kids get ahead.'



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

These figures include the PC online gaming market, other standalone PC games, and mobile gaming. Note that game consoles are technically not legal in China, so all that goes on in a grey area that’s mostly filled with pirated games and is not included here.

Far and away the biggest sector in gaming in China is PC-based multi-player online (MMO) titles such as Shanda’s (NASDAQ:GAME) World Zero, or Changyou’s (NASDAQ:CYOU) pricey The Deer and the Cauldron.

And so that’s where we’ll start the breakdown of the stats (having remembered that a great deal of overlap in these genres and sectors means that the figures will exceed the above total sum):



中国のゲームにおいて他をはるかに引き離す最も大きな部門は、Shanda(NASDAQ:GAME)のWorld Zeroや、Changyou(NASDAQ:CYOU)no高額なThe Deer and the Cauldronのような、PCベースのマルチプレイヤーオンライン(MMO)タイトルである。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

・ In 2011, China’s PC online gaming sector – covering MMOs, casual web games, social games – was worth 42.85 billion RMB, up 32.4 percent from the 2010 figure.

・ Domestically-developed online games netted 27.15 billion RMB, an increase of 40.7 percent from the end of last year.

・A total of 34 Chinese enterprises sold 131 self-developed online games in overseas markets. Sales revenue hit $360 million, 65.5 percent up on 2010.

・MMO platforms generated 36.7 billion in revenue, an increase of 30.2 percent from last year.

・Meanwhile, web games accrued 5.5 billion RMB, a hike of 32.4 percent from 2010.


・2011年において、中国のPCオンラインゲーム部門– MMO、カジュアルウェブゲーム、ソーシャルゲームをカバーする– は、428億5千万RMBの価値で、2010年の数字から32.4%増加した。



