CHAPTER 42-2Don't yield to that pressure when it comes to developing your employees. You may save money if the budget for this year, but you will fall behind in gaining highly skilled and able employees for the jobs that you have to do in the future. You will also be robbing your company of better all-around employees.A positive trend Although you will probably have to scrape around for the money and justify in triplicate why such training is necessary, go the distance. By doing so, you will accomplish several goals. First, your employees and the company will see you as a manager who believes in the people working for you. You will motivate your employees.
CHAPTER 42-1After you have developed a plan for each person who works for you, implement it. Implementation includes everything from encouragement to specific skills training. Many companies have internal training programs. Find out what they are and how to get your people involved. Other companies that do not have internal programs encourage continuing education and training, and often they make arrangements for financial assistance.Resources Usually, there is one small holdup in getting your people into a continuing education program that the company will subsidize: budget. In this highly competitive age, there is extreme pressure on budget and the use of resources.
CHAPTER 41-4Be challenging Analyze the training you can offer them. Can you come alongside them and allow them to learn new jobs? Institute a program where employees learn to do the jobs of others in their area. The more employees know how their jobs affect other areas, the more likely they will be to complete their jobs appropriately, and the better they will be able to develop ideas that will save time, money, and effort. Begin as soon as you can. Set some time aside to think about the employees who report to you. Reflect on strengths and weaknesses, and begin to imagine where they can go in your company and how they can grow and realize their potential.
CHAPTER 41-3Which skills will be needed? Are more technical jobs going to open up? Is the company going to expand its lines of products? Would some of your employees be suitable for advanced training in these areas?Be aware For some training, you will need to know the education requirements. Is there a degree that will help employees? Is there a college or university nearby? Have you learned of seminars and professional training? If you are like most managers, you are deluged with seminar advertisements. If you don't find what you are looking for, write the seminar company describing your needs.
CHAPTER 41-2Cheerfully give them the time. If you complain about lost productivity in the short run, you Will discourage employees from pursuing opportunities available to them. If you don't have a clear program, take some time to think about each employee. For each person, list strengths and weaknesses. Talk with employees about what you see as their strengths and weaknesses, and find out what kinds of work excite them. Reflect on all your observations and the. information that they give you. What areas in the company can they grow into? What level of responsibility do they want to achieve? Are appropriate learning opportunities available? You should find out your company's plans for the future.
CHAPTER 41-1Just as you plan the work you have to do as a manager, you must plan for the development of the people who work for you. You may have a clear-cut program to develop your staff. Your company may have training programs that you can encourage your employees to enroll in. Or you may have to put considerable time and effort into developing a program to give your employees more skills, boosting their self-esteem as well as making them more valued employees.Be supportive If you have established programs for training and continuing education, you must encourage your employees to take advantage of them, and you must support them as they try to learn. Nearly all training will involve a commitment of time.
What has remained through each iconoclasm is an inability to fully break the mentality imposed by a one-to-many system of distribution. The continual use of “They” in language: “They should make a second one, They should have done it this way, They should stop doing this,” &c., can be seen as sort of philosophical litmus test in which our method of discussing cultural production continually falls short.
CHAPTER 37-3So you will have to do some politicking to get the freedom to make the moves that you believe will make your area more effective. Moving people to new positions can be a boon to the individuals the manager, and the organization. It simply makes no sense for anyone to keep people in jobs they are not equipped for.Reevaluate Termination is not something to be taken lightly. But if a person refuses to move to another area and simply cannot perform the functions the job requires, termination allows the company the opportunity to fill the position with a more effective employee and allows the terminated employee to be removed from the pressure of performing that particular job.
CHAPTER 35-4If, Wayne Gretzky ("the great one"), now the highest scoring hockey player in history, makes a mistake on the ice his coach doesn't scream at him or pull him from the game. The coach knows that Gretzky's desire to excel is so high that any extra negative pressure runs the risk of demotivating him. Instead, the coach may give some direction about what Gretzky may want to do the next time he is in such a situation.No formulasAn old proverb says there is nothing as unequal as treating unequal people equally. Although it may be easier for you as a manager to treat all employees the same, recognize that they are not.
35-4章もし、今歴史表最も高いスコアを獲得するプレイヤーのWayne Gretzky(「Great one」という愛称)が氷上でミスを犯しても、彼のコーチは彼を怒鳴りもしなければ、ゲームからはずすこともない。コーチは、Gretzkyの勝ることへの望みが高く、いかなる負のプレッシャーが彼のやる気をそぐというリスクを冒すと知っている。代わりに、コーチはそのような状況で次回Grentzkyができるであろういくつかのアドバイスを与えるだろう。決まったやり方はないそして、古いことわざに、不均等な人々を均等にに使うことほど不均等な事はない。とはいえ、それは全ての従業員を同じように扱い、彼らがそうでないと認めることは、マネージャーとしてのあなたにとってより容易であるだろう。
CHAPTER 35-3To be sure, you will make mistakes, especially when you are just beginning in a new area with new employees or when you hire or promote new people into your area. Confronting an employee with work that falls short of your expectations is a necessity. How far and' how hard to press the point require the art of management.Coaching, not encroaching The coach of a sports team must constantly motivate some players because they lack the internal discipline to do it themselves. The coach must prod them to live up to their potential. But many players work harder than others because of their internal drive and motivation.
CHAPTER 35-2Being too firm or aggressive with an employee who already is driven to succeed and has very high standards is running the very real risk of making that employee feel that he has little value and that you don't trust him, both of which will lead to a lack of motivation, at least in the short term. In dealing with the latter kind of employee, you must recognize that when she has made a mistake or 'allowed something to go astray, she doesn't need you to drive the point home. She needs you to point out the problem and let her deal with it. You don't excuse what she has done; you don't let things slide. But you deal with each person as an individual.
CHAPTER 32-2The workplace When employees do a great job, let them know it in front of their peers. This praise will build the esteem of the employees who do good work. The other employees who desire to have the same kind of recognition will work harder and look for things to do that will get you to praise them publicly.You know how you feel when you are praised openly for your accomplishments. Don't be selfish with the feeling. Work it in as an integral part of your work routine.The "star" This principle can get you into real trouble if you apply your praise in an unfair way. Every manager has at one time or another had a star employee who seems to do everything well.
CHAPTER 31-4Specific reward A restaurant well known for its food and its service had a program of honoring the employee of the month. Management would reward employees who went above and beyond the call of duty in offering service by naming one employee every month; the employee's name was inscribed on a plaque that hung in the foyer of the building. Nearly every employee strove to get the name on the plaque. At the end of each year, the person who had been mentioned most often got to keep the plaque permanently.Obviously, it is easier to create an incentive when you have clear, concrete goals for each job, such as doing whatever it take; to make a customer happy.
CHAPTER 30-2If you want employees who will willingly stay until the work for the day is done, you had better be prepared to stay. You may never see your traits in your employees to the same extent that you exhibit them, but they will be present in some form or another. So it follows that if you want to have happy, highly motivated employees, you better learn to exhibit happy, highly motivated traits in your work life. You cannot expect what you cannot display yourself. That is what is so essential about leadership.
CHAPTER 29-4On their ownIn programming a series of small victories for these employees, don't make the mistake of not holding them ac-countable or of getting so involved that you don't let them do the work. If you do it for them and they succeed, you have accomplished nothing. They must succeed on their own abilities. You can aid, support, and encourage, but you can't do the work for them. Once they have succeeded, you can begin to stretch them, allowing them to build or rebuild their confidence in their talents. It is a gradual process. It takes time and commitment to program employees for victory. But that is what your job is all about:
CHAPTER 29-1Every boss has had employees who, for some reason, are having a hard time in getting things going positively in their direction. Perhaps they took part in a project that didn't go well maybe they worked under another manager who demotivated employees, or maybe they lack the self-confidence to perform to the level of their abilities. Regardless of the reason you need to work with them and get them back on track.On the right track They need to get back on track to being the productive employees that they can become, and they need to get back on track for their personal development. If someone doesn't help them, they may never be tile persons they could be.
CHAPTER 28-4Let's look at a computer programmer as an example. A programmer is charged with creating programs that service a need within the organization. Because of the complex technical knowledge needed to program a computer, the standards for a programmer are often avoided. Maybe you measure the number of lines of computer code that a programmer writes in a day or averages per day over a week. Maybe you measure the number of programs written that are free from bugs, or you measure the number of bugs present in a program. There are numerous ways to measure productivity. In setting these kinds of measures, you do well to involve your employees in discussions about how they should be measured.
CHAPTER 28-3Service people can be held accountable for the number of successful situations handled without a callback. People involved in filling orders or shipping products can be measured by how many correct orders they fill or ship without a return.Creative measures But other jobs are more difficult to measure. How do you measure the productivity of a public relations person? How do you measure the productivity of human resources people who are charged with getting the best people put into positions within the company? What about a computer programmer? Often, there are no easy answers. It is possible, though, to quantify almost every job.
CHAPTER 28-2Objective measuresWhile it is not good for the company to have nebulously defined Jobs, It is equally damaging for the employees. The measure of their work's effectiveness becomes less objective With fewer concrete expectations. If your employees don't know what you expect of them, how can you give awards for doing a great job or hold them responsible for falling short of expectations? Some jobs lend themselves quite easily to objective standards. Salespeople can be held accountable for the dollar value of their sales or the number of new accounts they bring in or the number of contacts that they make in a month.
CHAPTER 27-4Set the pace Being a servant in the workplace is often misunderstood as taking the commands of those who work for you. Nothing could be further from the truth. You need to hear what your employees need and want. But you are not at their beck and call. You are to set the pace so that they can perform at a high level and feel good about their accomplishments. A servant boss will look for every inhibitor to great performance and attack it with passion, understanding, and a desire to create an environment where employees can excel. If you are a servant in these ways, people you serve will rise to new levels of productivity and self-esteem because they will be able to concentrate on what they do.