Is it stopped at the customs house?I will immediately send any required documents in your need.What are they asking for?I will request for an investigation from Japan, but it will take 30 days at most.I am sorry to trouble you, but please ask what is required from your side as well.I got a reply from the post office.This product was found at a station in Mexico with its label peeled off.I was told that it was arranged to be re-send in express delivery from Japan Post.You have chosen economy shipping.This delivery will take 3 to 4 weeks till its arrival.The postage will change due to the change in its weight.
If you find any sections showing yellow "?" or "!" marks in the device manager, right-click and [delete] the section before removing the product, and after restarting the computer, please re-install the driver.If there are several USB ports on the PC side, please adjust the connection from various angles.If the PC connection runs through a sort of USB hubs, please remove it and try the movement directly connected to the PC.If the PC is installed with a resident software (such as virus check and system management software), please stop its operation before setting up the product.
ふれあうだけで 〜Always with you〜 / IT'S THE RIGHT TIME ①「Anchor」以来、16枚目、約9ヶ月ぶりとなる待望のシングル「ふれあうだけで 〜Always with you〜 / IT'S THE RIGHT TIME」発売決定!TV-CMのスタートと同時にその“声の良さ”が大きな反響を呼んでいるNIVEAブランド2014年TV-CMソングの「ふれあうだけで ~Always with you~」をM1に収録。
Just by touching ~Always with you~ / It's the right time 1After the "Anchor" 9 month ago, the awaited 16th CD single "Just by touching ~Alwats with you~ It's the right time" is finally released!The M1 includes the recording of the song "Just by touching ~Always with you~" which was used in the TV commercial of NIVEA brand in 2014 and been drawing great response for its "great voice" since the commercial has been run.
"大切な人を守りたい"というシンプルながらも強いメッセージ性が、クリアーで澄み切ったヴォーカルと壮大なスケール感を奏でるヴァイオリン、ヴィオラ、チェロのストリングス隊の生演奏の重なりによって、聴いた全ての人の心に届けられる。"ふれあうだけで" Music VideoM2には以前より大事に温めていたナンバーで、TVアニメ《寄生獣 セイの確率》エンディング・テーマとして起用された「IT'S THE RIGHT TIME」(読み:イッツ・ザ・ライト・タイム)を収録。
With the crystal clear vocal and the harmony of the strings' live performance with its grandeur play by the violin, viola and cello, the simple yet strong message of "protecting the special someone" will be delivered to every listeners heart.Just by touching - Music VideoM2 includes the recording of the long planned number "It's the right time" which was used as the ending theme of the TV amine Parasyte -the maxim-.
music ①今年2月にリリースしたフジテレビ系ドラマ「ゴーストライター」オープニングテーマ『Unlock』以来約4ヶ月ぶりとなる、18枚目のニューシングル『music』が6/17(水)にリリース決定!『music』は、三浦大知の新境地を開拓したポップでハッピーなミッド・ナンバー。"音楽(music)"に対する基本的で普遍的な思いを今あえて改めてストレートな歌詞とキャッチーなメロディーで表現した。
music 1After 4 months from the release of "Unlock", the opening theme of the TV drama Ghost Writer on Fuji TV, the 18th single "music" will be released on Wednesday, June 17!"music" is a pop and happy middle number which has broken a new ground for DAICHI MIURA. He ventured to express the fundamental and universal feeling towards "music" with its straightforward lyrics and catchy melody.
<Delax Edition>初回生産限定盤豪華BOX仕様 【貴重な写真、資料、読み物を掲載したアニヴァーサリー・ブック】【全7パターンのうち1パターンの写真がプリントされたTシャツ1枚がランダム封入】【豪華BOX仕様】
<Deluxe Edition>First-run limited edition deluxe box[An anniversary book with precious pictures, material and articles][Including a printed T-shirt of one type of pictures out of the total 7 types][Deluxe Box Edition]
It was a rare even where the party took the platform in person, and it was highly inspiring.Though I myself am not related to the fashion world.I am sorry you had to see the scene. I have closed the door after I noticed it to be kept open through the video.We run a commercial broadcasting station. NHK is the only national broadcasting.It is likely that they want the scene to be broadcasted on our station.While it was conventional to draw people towards your own website a while ago, nowadays, it is important to transmit information to SNS such as Facebook and Twitter.Tell me the name of the TV station you watch the best.
Will you be able to find an earlier flight towards Osaka by April 8th?We would appreciate it to be earlier that that.While it will take 7 days in the shortest to travel from VungTou to Osaka, it only takes 5 days in the shortest from Hochimin to Osaka. In your plan, the departure is earlier while the arrival is later that the initial plan. Please arrange it to be delivered in its earliest. Since there will be a holiday within the custom inspection, if the arrival takes plane on the week of April 10th, the receiving will be after May 10th.
The Answer三浦大知、待望の2010年初シングルは、エモーショナルな四打ミディアム・アップナンバー。今まで以上にスケールを感じるボーカル、そして現行USシーンに対峙しながらもオリジナルなサウンド感はまさに2010年。一筋の光を見つけた男の決意、「The Answer」。
The AnswerThe awaited first single of 2010 from DAICHI MIURA, is an emotional 4 beet medium up-tempo song. You will feel the exact feeling of 2010 with the vocal with a larger scale, and the unique sense of its sound that takes a stand against the current US scene.The resolve of a man who found a ray of light - "The Answer"
Here comes the performance from the true entertainer who will let you feel his further progress in 2012, along with his steady advance including his scheduled performance which will be at Nippon Budokan for his very first time!!
1. The thermal power station with the tallest chimney in the world.2. The bridge over Lake Pontchartrain. 3. The swiss railway tunnel consisted of 2 single-track tunnels.4. It was completed in 1914 by the United States of America.5. An asteroid impact mark of about 65,500,000 years ago which is at the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico.6. The fifth satellite to Jupiter. A non-spherical mass of ices and rocks. Its density is low.7. An Ironman-distance triathlon is 3.8 km swimming, 180 km bicycling and 42.195 km running.8. A Solar System asteroid which has the possibity to be classified as the dwarf planet in the future.9. An asteroid impact mark of about 65,500,000 years ago which is on the bottom of the sea at the west of Mumbai, India.
1. A fruit which grows on a tall deciduous tree of the Rosaceae family of the genus Malus.2. A small rodent with high adaptability.3. It weighs 200 kg. Its hemispherical bell is thick and hard.4. It has a docile nature, and it is easy to raise. 5. The female lays up to 300 million eggs at once.6. There is a theory that says it to be a statue to enshrine the spirit of the ancestors.7. It inhabits in the brackish water, and sometimes ride ocean currents to move offshore towards an island.8. It is considered to be the longest fish in the world.9. One kind of rhinoceros which used to live widely around Eurasian continent 36,000 thousand years ago. The largest mammal on the land.10. It is the largest pterosaur, and the largest flying creature in the history. Its body weight is around 70 kg.11. The total amount of the airframe's paint quantity weighs about 150 kg.
1. On their long period flight movement, they sleep on one cerebral hemisphere.2. Dogs are considered to have several thousands to several ten thousand times of sense of smell than human, but their eyesights remains around 20/66 vision.3. It lives on the vines of Vitaceae. The largest flower in the world.4. It lays an egg without building nests. The male protect the egg and the fledgeling by fasting for 2 months.5. They live an extremely long life, and there are cases where an individual with an estimated age of 140 was found.6. The male possesses a large spatula shaped horns which regrows once a year.7. It has a short rotation period as less than 10 hours. Therefore, a great force is created across its east-west direction which lines up the clouds that forms the striped pattern.8. The inside takes the form of the fourth state such as plasma and supercritical fluid, which differs from the state of matters such as solid, liquid or gas.
for you2ndアルバム「FAMILY」が14万枚出荷、総配信数150万ダウンロードを記録した、May J.の3rdアルバム。今回のアルバムはMay J.(21歳)と同世代の若者、特に女性に共感を呼ぶ歌詞を意識した楽曲、ビジュアルの良さを分かるジャケット/PVにし、アルバムを聴いたお客様が幸せになれるような感覚をもつ全14曲を収録した作品です。
for youThe 3rd album from May J who archived 140 thousand shipments and total distribution number of 1500 thousand downloads with her 2nd album "FAMILY". This album contains 14 songs written towards the young in the same generation with May J (21 yours old) while focusing on the lyrics to especially attract sympathy from women. The CD cover and the PV were made to bring out its great appearance, and it is a product which brings the sense of happiness to the customers who listened to the album.
After all of these 15 years, you will meet a new singing voice from AYUMI HAMASAKI... Such expectations will not be betrayed with its quality!
Party Queen2012/03/21 in stores13th ALBUM『Party Queen』フジテレビ系木曜よる10時ドラマ「最後から二番目の恋」主題歌として話題の「how beautiful you are」をはじめ、未発表書き下ろし新曲のみ全14曲を収録した超豪華フル・アルバム!全曲ロンドン・レコーディングを敢行し、世界の音楽シーンの最前線で活躍するトップ・エンジニアやミュージシャンを多数起用した、まさに世界標準のサウンドが詰め込まれた意欲作。
Party Queen2012/03/21 in stores13th ALBUM "Party Queen"It is a ultra-luxurious album made of 14 newly written unpublished songs including "how beautiful you are", the well-featured theme song of the TV series Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi (My Second Last Love) which runs on Thursday from 10 o'clock at Fuji News Network! All of the recordings were taken in London, and by working with many leading engineers and musicians who is active at the forefront of the music world it became the very ambitious work packed with the world standard sound.
"Missing" is a sad medium tempo song with a taste of rock music written by Kazuhiro Hara, the producer of many hit songs. It is an ultimate love song which can only be expressed by AYUMI HAMASAKI with its striking lyrics and her moving voices as of crying her heart out. "Melody" is a ballad written by Yasuhiko Hoshino which shows the best of the ballad by AYUMI HAMASAKI with its gentle and catchy melody and her embracing voice. All of the three songs fully demonstrates the appeal of AYUMI HAMASAKI.
「Terminal」「Terminal」世界No.1DJの座に5度輝いたEDMムーヴメントを牽引するオランダの至宝”Armin van Buuren”がプロデュースしたことで話題を呼んだ本格EDMサウンド「Terminal」。10/1発売のシングルには、Armin van Buuren自身がDJプレイ用によりパワフルに仕上げた"Dub mix"と世界各地で脚光を浴びるアーティスト“HACKJACK”による"HACKJACK remix"を同時収録!
"Terminal""Terminal""Terminal" is a song with an authentic electronic dance music sound which received attention for it being produced by the gem of Netherland Armin van Buuren who is leading the EDM movement while being held as the World's No.1 DJ for 5 times. The single CD released on October 1 includes "Dub mix" which was finished more powerfully as to be performed by a DJ by Armin van Burren him self, along with "HACKJACK remix" by the globally popular artist HACKJACK!
Love like candy flossLIVEでそのスキルを磨いて成長続ける5人組ガールズグループ「東京女子流」パフォーマンスでも、楽曲でも勢いづいている彼女たちが、みんなに知ってもらいたい名曲を 7年ぶりに歌い継ぐ。LIVEでも初めから歌い続けているあの名曲、5人組ガールズグループ東京女子流の 「Love like candy floss」がついにシングルとしてリリース!
Love like candy flossThe 5 girls group TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE who keeps growing by brushing their skills at LIVE.They are succeeding in performances and recordings, and now will bring back the famous songs which they want people to know for the first time in 7 years.The famous song which they continue on singing from the beginning at LIVE, "Love like candy floss" by the 5 girls group TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE is finally released as a CD single!
TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE LIVE AT BUDOKAN 20135人組ガールズ・ダンス&ボーカルグループ「東京女子流」、2年連続同日での開催となった、日本武道館公演。最年少記録を樹立した2012年とは違った、大人なってきたメンバー、ソロ曲の披露など、1アーティストとしてのパフォーマンスを目指す姿が見られる今回のステージを収録!2014年は、映画主演2本や、期待される4thアルバムなど、「東京女子流」という名前が動き出す直前のLIVE映像商品になります!
TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE LIVE AT BUDOKAN 2013The performance at Nippon Budokan by the 5 girls of dance and vocal group TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE has been staged on the same day for 2 years on a row. The record covers the performance from the latest stage which differs from the one in 2012 where they established the youngest record, and shows the members confronting each performance as an artist, along with the appearance of the grown members and the presentation of a solo song! The year of 2014 is the live footage product right before the name of TOKYO GIRLS' STYLE was started up, which includes 2 films where they play the leading part, and the expected 4th album!