・高基礎のコンクリートを活かしたキャンティレバーの上にスチールの柱を設け、大階段部分では最大約7mの奥行きとなる深い軒を掛ける事で ”雨に濡れずに車の乗り降りが出来るように ”とのクライアントからの要望へ答えた。・深刻な水質汚染から徐々に回復しつつある川へ意識を向けるきっかけになればと、各個室を川へ面した配置とし、大開口部へは高基礎を利用したワークカウンターを設けた。・このゆったりとした大屋根の家が地域のシンボルとなり、寄り添い包み込むような存在になることを望む。
・Meet the need of the client which was to 'get in and out from the car without being wet from the rain', by building steel collumns on the cantilever with the use of high-base concrete, and provide max. 7 meters long eaves in the area of large steps.・Let each of the room face a river, so that it would be a chance that users can be aware of the river wich gradually has been recovering from serious water contamination, and provided work counter in the large open space using high base.・Hope this relaxig house with a big roof becomes a symbol of the area, as if it is getting closer and enclosing it.
Regarding the tea room, I was planning to use smaller-size room. However with the consideration of clientts' request that they have been worried the number of tea rooms available as tea ceremony classes have been decreasing, I decided to use the 8 tatami mat size hall which allows people of groups can also use.It's no-ceiling style, which you can also see a whole attic from the hall, represents the mind of 'Wabi', and considering that the flat ceiling will be the basic style for tea room, pitcg-changed bamboo louvre were set on the ceiling, so that the attic can accommodate equipments.The plan of the corridor which is wider is for wheelchair-use in the future, as well.
I would lile to make a new order, please.I heard that No.5 has now been under sale, so I wold like to buy them.Here is a question.If I increase the number of the product I will purchace, will it be discounted further?As Amazon and British dealer are selling them with cheaper price, I would appreciate if I can sell them cheaper than that.Thank you for your reply.I understand.Then I will contact you separately to order this product on January.I will order according to the contents written in the attached file.Kind Regards,