Hello.I saw your website and decided to contact you.I'm interested in ● listed on your website. Do you have any inventories? If you do, would it be possible to ship them to Japan or to the warehouse in the states? I'm thinking about making ● purchases. How much discount can you give me?Please let me know the price and shipping cost. If they sound ok, I will make a purchase.I own a retail business in Japan, so I'm hoping to purchase constantly. I mostly sell the items online, but I also do some wholesale.
I received the items the other day, but when I checked the items, I realized I only received 10 while I ordered 12 items. Also, two of the 10 items I received had scratches and some black stains and air bubbles. I took pictures of these, so I will send them if you could provide me your email address. Please let me know how you can take care of these. I think I can give up on the two with stains, if at least you could send me the missing two items.
Among the list you provided, I'm very interested in 83xxx and I'd like to purchase the photo and the audio source. Could you tell me the prices?
Thank you for the invoice.I'm very pleased with the prices.According to the eBay page, the shipping cost was cheaper from the second item.Would it be possible to make the shipping cost the same as eBay?If this is ok with you, I will continue to purchase from you every month from now.Looking forward to hearing a positive response from you.Thank you.
商品説明に、賞味期限が04/2011が2箱、01/2011が1箱、03/2010が2箱で、合計5箱の商品と記載ありましたが、実際届いたのは04/2011が1箱、04/2010が1箱、01/2011が1箱、03/2010が2箱でした。賞味期限04/2011までの商品が1箱、04/2010の商品と間違えて送られてきたようです。交換して欲しいです。間違えて入っていた商品のLOT番号は CS10081です。LOT 番号CS09891が2箱送られてくるはずが1箱でした。
The explanation said there are total of five boxes which expiration dates were, for two of them were 04/2011, another two boxes were 03/2010 and the last box was 01/2011, but what I actually received were one 04/2011, one 04/2010, one 01/2011 and two 03/2011. The box with expiration date 04/2010 was shipped by mistake in a place for the box with expiration date 04/2011. I'd like to request an exchange. The LOT number for the box sent by a mistake was CS10081. I was supposed to receive two of CS09891 but I only received one.
Feed the baby bird with this mixture for the first couple of days.Step 4 : Make a pea - size ball with the food mixture and place it in the baby's mouth using a toothpick.Never force food or water into the bird's mouth.Step 5 : Feed the bird every 15 minutes over the first couple of days.When it's stronger, feed it every 30 to 60 minutes.Step 6 : Feed the baby bird room temperature canned dog food, lean raw beef and fruit after the first couple of days.Step 7 : Wean it away from hand - feeding once it starts moving around.Did you know? In 2007, an ostrich egg set a record for the largest egg from a living bird at five pounds nine ounces.
最初の数日間は、このミックスを鳥の赤ちゃんにあげて下さい。ステップ4:餌のミックスを 豆くらいの大きさにして、つまようじを使って赤ちゃんの口に入れて下さい。絶対に無理矢理餌や水を口に押し込まないで下さい。ステップ5:最初の数日間は、15分ごとに餌を上げて下さい。元気になってきたら、30分から60分おきに変えて下さい。ステップ6:最初の数時間が過ぎたら、常温の缶詰のドッグフード、脂肪の少ない生の牛肉とフルーツを赤ちゃんに上げて下さい。ステップ7:動き回るようになったら、口に餌を持っていってあげるのをやめてください。知っていましたか?2007年に産まれた5ポンド9オンスのダチョウの卵が、生きている鳥から産まれた最大記録を更新しました。
I will create the largest platform by securing 60 billion imps advertising budget per month for bypass and 40 imps advertising budget for Adsta. RTB will change the market and I will leave the result to enhance my value to the market.
I am the personal to be working in the International Business department for two reasons. These are very simple and clear. First point is, I have been selling our service to both sell side and demand side since I started working for this company. Lucky, I'm currently handling Adsta's account all by myself while other companies have 25 people to cover it. This is 2/3 of Adsta's revenue for February. It's hard to find 2 year business person like me. Second point is my age. I'm 24 right now and I'm probably the youngest of all people who applied.
I sent $100 to the same account as the last time today.They charged me $16 for handling fee last time, so I added extra $16 this time.I think it will take a couple days to be reflected on your account.How long would it take for you to ship the item?
We’ve got 2 of these bikes due in, however they are not estimated to arrive until the 11 th April when the first shipment arrives in the UK. Additionally shipping to Japan is higher than quoted on the web due to the high value of the bike – therefore we would need to charge £250.00 as opposed to the £106.16 quoted below.
このバイクを2台、色は青で購入したのですが、英国への最初の配送がある4月11日まで届かないそうです。日本への配送は、バイクの価格が高い為ウェブ上での見積もりより高くなり、下記見積もりにある £106.16ではなく、£250.00となります。
First you will select the item. Please use the list title to search the item on amazon. Please check several times to make sure that the same item is not listed. If there was a same item, please add a color to the list number. If there was not a same item listed, please use the template to make a list.
価格は商品価格 ÷ 60 × 1.3 +送料です。例えば、価格が1000円、送料が20ドルの商品の場合、1000 ÷ 60 × 1.3 +20です。説明は翻訳サイトなどを使って、できるだけたくさん記入してください。箇条書きでもかまいません。ただし、子供でも分かりやすい文章を書いてください。写真もできるだけたくさんアップロードしてください。
The total price is, item price/60*1.3+shipping cost.For an example, if the item price is JPY1,000 and the shipping cost is JPY20, it will be 1,000/60*1.3+20.Please leave a detailed comment by using translation services. It could be in bullet points, but please make sure to write in the way even children could understand. Also, please upload as much photos as possible.
First, you will select the item. Please use the list title to search the item on amazon. Please check a couple times to make sure the same item is not listed. If there was a same item, add a color to the list number. If there was not a same item listed, please use the template to make a list.
Hello,It is still showing pending on our side with Paypal and Paypal said it is pending. I am not sure what is going on with the payment. I checked with the warehouse, and we have since sold out of the metal chrome, but still have the black in stock. I can either cancel the transaction beings it is a gift and you need it quickly, or I could send out the black one as soon as the payment clears. Let me know which way you would like to go. I checked and Best Buy or Lowe's sell this item for around the same cost as I do. Please let me know so I can take care of this as soon as I can.
こんにちは。こちら側では、まだペンディングとなっており、Paypalに確認したところPaypal側でもペンディングとなっているそうです。支払いの状況がどうなっているのか分かりません。工場に確認したところ、メタルクロームは完売しているのですが、黒は在庫があるそうです。贈り物でお急ぎということなので、取引をキャンセルさせて頂くか、支払いが確認出来次第黒を送ることができます。どちらがご都合良いか教えて下さい。確認したところ、Best BuysかLowe'sでも、私のところと同じくらいの値段でこの商品を取り扱っているようです。できるだけ早く対応できるよう、ご指示いただけると幸いです。
Hi, I sent a invoice as soon as auction was over....I can send it to the California address, but do not ship out of US as stated in auction, no international shipping...please let me know on thisI just spoke to ebay and they said once it is paid, to ship to the Calfornia address, not Japan...as I stated in auction, no international shipping..do you want me to cancel this? or once it is paid to ship to California address? Please tell me what you mean about no excuse? communicated first communcation with other item by mistake? what do you mean by?
オークション終了後すぐに請求書をお送りしました。カリフォルニアのご住所にはお送りできますが、オークションにも記載しておりましたとおり米国外には配送しておりませんので、配送先について教えて下さい。先程eBayと話したのですが、支払いが完了するとカリフォルニアのご住所に配送されるそうで、日本には配送されないそうです。オークションにも記載しておりましたとおり米国外には配送しておりませんので、キャンセルした方がよろしければお知らせ下さい。もしくは、お支払い確認後カリフォルニアに配送してよろしいでしょうか。no excuse(言い訳無し)というのはどういう意味でしょうか?他の商品について間違えてコンタクトしてしまったということですか?おっしゃっている意味を教えて下さい。
こんにちは。私は、○○○(←商品名)P-301を2つ、注文したのですが、○○○(←商品名)P-301ではなく、○○○(←商品名)P-200が届きました。商品ページURLをご確認ください。このページ上で、商品名が、○○○(←商品名)P-301 で掲載されてあります。注文番号は・□□□□□□□□・△△△△△△△△です。私は、商品を返送しますが、・私がクレジットカードで支払った金額と、・商品返送にかかる送料を、返済していただきたいです。
Hello.I ordered two of ○○○ P-301 but instead I received ○○○ P-200.Please see the URL of the item.On this page, the item is listed as ○○○ P-301. The order numbers are followings. ・□□□□□□□□・△△△△△△△△I will return the items, so please refund what I paid with my credit card and the shipping cost to return the items.
送料については、以下URLをご参照ください。http://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/charge/list/ems_all_en.htmlSecond Zone の中の、左側の列が、日本からアメリカへの送料となります。品物2つを同梱します。おそらく、送料は、2500円から3000円程度と思われます。商品返送にあたり、日本から米国への送料の金額を証明する必要がありますが、どのようなかたちで証明すると良いでしょうか?
As for the shipping cost, please see the URL below.http://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/charge/list/ems_all_en.htmlThe column on the left in the middle are is the shipping cost from Japan to the US.I will put two items in the package.It will probably take JPY2500 to JPY3000 to ship them.I believe I need to send you a confirmation of the shipping cost.Please advise what would work for you.
Also, I have another question.Since I purchased two items, the order numbers are different for each item. In terms of the inventory control. would be better for you to receive the items separately? If so, shipping cost should increase little more.Please advise.Thank you.
"I should be so lucky" by Kylie Minogue was originally released in 1987 and reached number 1 in the UK charts.This is the 2012, 25 year anniversary, cover version.Thanks for listening and hope you enjoy it.
カイリー・ミノーグの"I should be so lucky"はもともと1987年にリリースされ、英国のチャートで1位を獲得しました。今年は2012年なので、25周年記念のカバーバージョンです。聴いて下さって有難うございます。気に入って頂けると嬉しいです。