I got a flu and I've been out of the office since last Tuesday, but I'm back in the office since yesterday. But I had to cancel my business trip to China which I was supposed to leave yesterday. It will take little more time to get back on my normal self.
郵便追跡サービスで調べたら、荷物は24日にはUSに届いているのにずっと保管状態でした。私はPCに向かって"早く荷物を配達しなさいよ"と怒鳴っていました(笑) 。無事にあなたに荷物が届いてホッとしました。そしてそれを気に入ってくれて嬉しいです。明日あなたはベビーシッターしなければならないの?おやまぁそれは大変!ベービーシッターって体力がいりますよね?がんばってくださいね!私は彼のゴージャスな写真が沢山ネットに溢れているのでそれらを保存にするのに大忙しです!どれもみんな素晴らしい
I checked the tracking system and it said the item was arrived to the US on the 24th but has been on hold since then. I was yelling at my computer screen, "Just deliver it already!" lol. I'm relieved to know you received the package. You have to babysit tomorrow? Wow that's hard. I bet baby sitting take up a lot of energy. I'm so busy saving all these gorgeous pictures of him on internet. All of them are so great.
The shipping address is correct as you listed below. Also, since I can estimate the shipping cost for EMS, I've decided to use EMS for this shipping.I'll look forward to your Paypal invoice.Thank you for your help.
*Nice tea is made by a nice tea pot* Don't you just focus on tea leaves when you make a tea? In order to make nice tea, it is important to use a nice tea pot. A good tea pot bring out the scents and flavors of tea leaves. This new tea pot has both perfect form and design. It is a brand new model even in Japan. Please enjoy a quality tea time/* It may look small but it actually holds a lot *It's a round shaped opening and it opens wide and holds more that it looks. It is made of Japanese traditional material since the Edo era that has many creases.
始めまして月 日に滞在させていただきます Iと申します。新婚旅行で憧れのバリに参ります。すばらしい旅にしたいと思っていますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。すごく楽しみにしています。
Hello.My name is I and I will be staying at your place on (月日).We're visiting our longing city, Paris for our honeymoon.We're hoping to make this trip an amazing one. Thank you for your help in advance.We'll look forward to visiting the city.
I used to think that separation and specialization and subdivision were the ways to evolve and develop civilization but perhaps that's not true and evolution is happening in the opposite direction. Internet and democratization of the technologies allowed an individual or a small team to achieve wide range of activities that were not possibly imagined before. The empowerment by the technology is working towards win back the "integration of the individuals" rather than specialization and subdivision. With this point of view, we can rebuild what were separated until now.
こんにちは私は落札者の町田と申します。先日、マイセン人形が壊れて到着しましたので、商品はEMS郵便で、壊れないようにしっかり梱包して、速やかに日本の住所まで送って下さい。日本までの送料込みの請求書をお待ちしています。又、出来ましたら、日本で転売しやすい様にビデオ画面のチンタオ酒がはっきり写っているオリジナル写真を何枚か 後でEメール住所を送りますのでいただけませんか。
Hello.My name is Machida and I won the bit.The Meissen doll which arrived the other day was broken, so please pack the item carefully and ship it via EMS to the address in Japan.I will look forward to receiving the invoice including the shipping cost to Japan.Also, if possible, could you send some original photo that shows the Tsingtao drink on the video monitor clearly? I will send you the address via email later.
The photo on Ebay is too small when I copy it, so I can't use it. I would very appreciate your help on this.I will check the Paypal address and send you an email separately.I'm sending you the email address.Please send me some original photo that shows the Tsingtao drink on the video monitor clearly.This will be really helpful.Thank you.
GREE Announces Partnerships with Chinese and Korean Game DevelopersJapanese mobile gaming company GREE (TYO:3632) has today announced multiple partnerships with leading social/mobile game developers in Korea and Greater China. The partnerships will result in 12 new iOS and Android titles coming to the new GREE platform when it launches later this year, we’re told between April and June.Among the most prominent of these titles on the way is Punchbox’s Fishing Joy which recently celebrated its 30 millionth download just last month [1]. The complete list of companies and games coming to the new GREE platform are listed below:
GREEが、中国と韓国のゲーム開発会社との提携を発表日本のモバイルゲーム会社GREE (TYO:3632) は本日、韓国と中国本土におけるソーシャル及びモバイルゲーム開発会社大手との提携を何件か発表しました。提携により、今年4月〜6月に公開されるGREEの新しいプラットフォームにおけるiOSとアンドロイド端末用のゲーム12個が、今年後半に発表される予定とのことです。これらの最も特出しているのは、PunchboxのFishing Joyで、これは先月30百万ダウンロードを達成しました[1]。GREEの新しいプラットフォームに参加する会社とゲームを網羅したリストは以下の通りです。
GREE also recently announced that it will be in attendance at E3 in Los Angeles this June. We expect that its global platform will be ready by then, and will be front and center at the show. After the company’s acquisition of Open Feint, there are now almost 190 million users under the GREE Group umbrella.1 Note that GREE specifies Fishing Joy X in its announcement, so I assume this could be a new version.
また、GREEは最近、ロサンジェルスで開催されるE3に参加することを発表しています。彼らのグローバルなプラットフォームの準備は、それまでに整うと見込んでおり、ショーの目玉になるはずです。Open Feintの買収後、GREEグループの傘下にはおよそ190百万ユーザーがいることになります。
Japanese social network Mixi (TYO:2121) has announced its Q3 2011 report [2], and since we last looked at the company’s user numbers, it seems that its growth has hit a distinct plateau since early last year. Expert on all things social on the Japanese web, Serkan Toto, who we interviewed on stage at our recent Startups in Asia event, finds it interesting that the network has stayed above over 15 million, in the face of challenges from Facebook and Twitter.
日本のソーシャルネットワーク、Mixi (TYO:2121) が2011年度の第3四半期決算[2]を発表しました。最後にユーザー数を確認した時の数字から考えると、昨年前半から成長は明らかに停滞期に入ったようです。最近の我々のアジアでのスタートアップイベントの壇上でインタビューした、日本のウェブ業界におけるソーシャルのエキスパートであるSerkan Toto氏によると、FacebookとTwitterとの競合環境にも関わらずユーザー数が1.5億人を超えた状態を維持していることは興味深いとのことです。
返信ありがとうそれでは ALPINESTARS S-MX5 を2足注文します内訳は BLACKが1足 REDが1足 サイズは共に43でお願いします金額は1足156.1ドルですね?PAYPALで支払いますので 運賃を含めた合計金額をお知らせ下さい。私のPAYLPALアドレスは・・・です。よろしくお願いします。
Thanks for the reply.I will order two of ALPINESTARS S-MX5.I want one pair in black and another pair red, both in size 43.The price is $156.1 per pair, right?I will pay through Paypal, so please let me know the total cost including the shipping cost.My Paypal address is .....Thank you for your help.
When I think about what I could've done to make your life better, I feel sad that I couldn't come up with something that sweet, even there are countless things that could've done the opposite to your life! But I don't think it was a coincidence that two of us met. I never regret about us even when it hurts so badly, when I miss you so badly and when I feel so sad that our feelings never met. I guess people go on with their life with their unrealizable thoughts and feelings. Maybe I could be a "nice" guy? lol
ヤッホー商品を受け取りました 完璧な71j、しかも、驚きのボーナス特典、ありがとうお薦めなんですね、早速、販売してみます(税関に止められたことも忘れてしまいました)私が見込んだ通りの素晴らしい取引相手、感謝しますこれからも長いお付き合いをお願いします正直で素直なhironobuの連絡は日本から敬具
Yayyy!! I received the item. Perfect 71j and surprising discount. Thank you.I will sell them as you suggested.(I even forgot that it was stopped by the customs.)You are a great business counter party as you expected. I appreciate your help.I hope to continue doing business with you for long term.Honest and amiable hironobu from JapanBest regards.
I'm finding chronic problem with the item, A. Don't you happen to have the same problem with us?I reported to the manufacturer but I haven't got any response on this matter and there has been no improvements. If you have the same problem with us, it would be great if you could also report to the manufacturer.
I can see it does not make any different in price if you take 5 or 10. If you took 5 I will send it Royal Mail signed for and 10 I will use Fed ex (which I have a good experienc from) from them it make no different if you have 2kg or 4kg. So I will charge £25 for shipping whatever. Regards Mette
I apologize for the delayed response.We're still discussing internally. Could you please give us little more time?-------------------I wasn't able to get an approval on the price.We'll look forward to do another business in the future.
"quadee" and logo are the trademarks of quadee Co.,Ltd.registered in EU and other countries. Can also be connected to USB 2.0 ports.
"quadee"とロゴは、quadee Co.,Ltd.のEUとその他諸国における登録商標です。USB 2.0ポートにも接続できます。
商品届きました。製品の保証についてシャネル日本法人に問い合わせました。ご購入先のスタンプ等必要事項が記載されている保証書をお持ち頂ければ、"Certificat de Garantie"(同封の冊子)の内容で対応いたします。ということでした。貴社のスタンプが押してある保証書がないと、日本の取扱店で保証が受けられません。保証書を送って頂けないでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。
I received the item.I contacted Chanel Japan for the product certification.They said if I bring the certificate with a stamp from the store you purchased from, they will take care of it based on "Certificat de Garantie". I won't be able to have the item certified in Japan unless I have the certificate with a stamp. Could you please send it to me?Thank you for your help in advance.
When Micah and I first decided to try funding this project on Kickstarter, we set our goal at $37,000 so that we could cast 500lbs of new type at the end of it. As we got closer to the launch, we decided to lower our funding goal to $25,000 because it seemed more realistic. After reaching $25,000 on the first day, we figure we might as well go for the whole shebang! The way we reached our initial goal was by offering good deals on extremely expensive, pre-existing work.