masanrtk2000 翻訳実績

Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
masanrtk2000 英語 → 日本語

They will scout and invite five start-ups to present at APMF 2012. When asked about why this session was added to the forum, Kevin Mintaraga, the head of selection committee, answered:

It is because more of advertisers spend more and more dollars in the digital space. The annual growth of ad-spend in digital is growing significantly compared to other media. Moreover, clients/advertisers see an added value on pushing their digital creativity by using new channels. We are very excited to host this session and to give the stage to these new startups for five minutes each to present their capabilities and to spark brand engagement ideas.


APMF2012において、5社のスタートアップ・カンパニーが招待される。なぜこのセッションがフォーラムに追加されたのか確認したところ、選考委員会のリーダであるKevin Mintaragaによると、


masanrtk2000 英語 → 日本語

Not an Infrastructure Problem: China Unicom,Telecom Say Internet Issues Not on Their End

Yesterday, China’s internet briefly became an intranet. Most users inside the country couldn’t access any pages hosted abroad, and net users worldwide lost access to Chinese sites. It had been theorized that this was an issue with China Telecom’s internet intfrastructure, or that it was related to the recent earthquake in Southeast Asia. But now both Telecom and Unicom have officially denied that the issues were caused by infrastructure problems on their ends. Both companies say that during the outage there seemed to be nothing technically wrong with their networks, and they aren’t sure what caused the problem.




masanrtk2000 英語 → 日本語

eBay has concluded their internal marketing test to remove cash-back for eBay purchases at Mr. Rebates which lasted from 6/15/11 through 9/30/11. We were told that eBay would return at a later date in October of 2011 but unfortunately that has not happened.
We are in contact with eBay but do not have any further information about if and/or when they will return to Mr. Rebates. We do hope to see eBay back on Mr. Rebates and encourage you to contact eBay to let them know how important cash back is to you in your daily buying decisions.
We do appreciate your patience in the past few months and we will update you as soon as we hear anything further from eBay.

Craig Cassata
Founder & President



Craig Cassata
Founder & President