masanrtk2000 翻訳実績

Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
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Product engagement is very feature driven — simply, what can we build into our product that will keep users coming back? Brand engagement is more human — it’s being very responsive when people contact support or talk about us online. It’s reaching out to people that are using our platform, and talking to them on the phone for a half an hour. It’s following them on Twitter and responding to their tweets, even if they’re not talking about Zaarly. Every time you can genuinely engage a user on a personal level, you have the opportunity to strengthen their connection with your brand. Engaging with users is also very human, but in a different way.


プロダクトエンゲージメントは機能に依存 - 単純に、ユーザのリピートに繋げるために、自分たちの製品に作りこむのは何か?ということ。 ブランドエンゲージメントはもっと人寄り - 人々がオンラインで我々について話をする、あるいはサポートとコンタクトを取るときに、とても敏感である。それは、我々のプラットフォームを使っている人々にアクセスしたり、30分程度電話で話をしたりする、ということ。それは、たとえ彼らがZaarlyについて話をしていないとしても、Twitterで彼らをフォローしたり、彼らのつぶやきに答える、ということ。あなたが個人レベルでユーザと純粋に繋がるときはいつでも、あなたのブランドと彼らの繋がりを強くする機会を持つことができる。ユーザと繋がることは、違う方法を使うということを除いて、とっても人間的なのだ。

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Now that you have people who are highly engaged with your brand, the goal is to connect them with each other. People like to feel like they belong to a community. When they feel a stronger connection to other people in the context of your brand, they’ll naturally feel a stronger connection with your brand overall. Creating private groups on Facebook, or forums are a good way to accomplish this. And you don’t have to make the conversation about you or your brand. As long as these people are connecting around a common interest, you’ll be building a true community and it will result in a lot of amazingly engaged users.”
– David Spinks, director of community at Zaarly


― David Spinks、Zaarlyのコミュニティ・ディレクター

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Calling for Offline Activity

“Connect to something physical: As a business with brick-and-mortar locations, our engagement in social media is only as powerful as its ability to also create engagement in our stores. In January, we ran a New Year’s campaign, inviting customers to share their New Year’s resolutions on Post-Its in our storefronts as well as on Twitter with the #sweet2012 hashtag. Customers covered the windows of our locations with thousands of Post-Its sharing their goals for the new year, like “run a marathon” and “get a job I’m passionate about” or (my favorite) “ask her to marry me.”




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Regulations Clear the Road for Self-driving Cars
Nevada is the first state to allow the testing of autonomous vehicles on public roadways

In a step that puts Nevada first in the nation while paving the way for unique economic opportunity, the Legislative Commission today approved regulations allowing for the operation of self-driving vehicles on the state’s roadways.

"Nevada is the first state to embrace what is surely the future of automobiles," Department of Motor Vehicles Director Bruce Breslow said. "These regulations establish requirements companies must meet to test their vehicles on Nevada’s public roadways as well as requirements for residents to legally operate them in the future."




「ネバダ州は、将来の自動車を確認することに喜んで応じた最初の洲である。」 モータービークル部門のディレクターであるブルース・ブレスロウが語った。「規制はネバダの公共道路で実験を行うときに、企業が従わないといけない要求を明確にしたとともに、将来的に住民が遵法して運用できるような要求になっている。」

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In creating the regulations, the department partnered with Google, automobile manufacturers, testing professionals, insurance companies, universities and law enforcement all with a common vision of saving lives. Several other states currently have bills in front of their legislators that will follow Nevada into the future.

"Our work doesn’t stop here," Breslow said. "The department is currently developing licensing procedures for companies that want to test their self-driving vehicles in Nevada. Nevada is proud to be the first state to embrace this emergent technology and the department looks forward to sustaining partnerships as the technology evolves."




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I Want To Do My Own Sequencing

People have problems getting sequencing to work the way it was meant to because of interoperability issues between content and LMSs. There has always been too much room for an LMS to misinterpret the sequencing put forth by content creators.

The problem is pervasive enough that many content creators pack multiple SCOs into one SCO in order to have a fluid user experience, even though they forgo the extra reporting they get from using multiple SCOs.

The Tin Can API leaves sequencing up to the content/activity. There is no room for the LRS to misinterpret sequencing, because the LRS never touches it. The content/activity just reports statements to the LRS when appropriate.





Tin Can APIはシーケンシングをコンテンツ/アクティビティに残しています。LRSがシーケンシングを間違って解釈する余地はありません、なぜなら、LRSは決してそれに触れないからなのです。コンテンツ/アクティビティは、適正なタイミングで、LRSに命令文を報告するだけです。

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Now the folks at Kadinche Tokyo [1], the provider of Panoplaza, tell us that they have created two new virtual stores in collaboration with local companies. The first is a something called a ‘Virtual Switchroom’ for Tokyu Department Store’s shopping mall ShinQs. While the store only just opened yesterday, the virtual store was online a few days in advance as a means of virtual promotion. You can tour ShinQs’s restrooms (which the company hopes will appeal to female customers), by visiting the virtual switchroom. You can click the clever buttons on the left, which serve as your elevator to take you between the different floors of the building!



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The second initiative is Nissen’s ‘Smileland Virtual Shop,’ which recreates the in-store shopping experience [2] by giving you a panoramic view of the store and all its contents. Here you’ll find the search function is most helpful, as typing the desired item into the search bar will bring up suggested results that are in stock. It’s pictured below, but you can browse it for yourself here.

Creating such stores for Tokyu and Nissen is contractual development work for the company, I’m told. In addition to these prominent new clients, Panoplaza has also won the “Tablet Solution Award” and “Microsoft Innovation Award” in Japan already this year.


