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mars16 英語 → 日本語

Healthcare service for NRIs, OurHealthMate raises SG$560K in seed fund

The seed funding will be used to expand the team across India, Singapore and enter more cities in Asia. The round was led by Bimal Shah

Singapore-based service for Indian expats, announced closing a SG$560K (US$440K) seed funding round. The round was led by Bimal Shah, head of an international syndicate of business angels; it was supported by Singapore-based Benjamin Tsai and a second international angel syndicate led by high frequency trader Ben Ball.



シードファンドは、同社チームがインド、シンガポールでの事業を拡大し、アジアの諸都市に進出するために活用される。このラウンドはBimal Shah氏により主導された。

シンガポールを拠点とし、在外インド人向けにサービスを提供しているOurHealthMate.comは、56万シンガポールドル (44万米ドル)というシードファンドの完了を発表した。このラウンドはBimal Shah氏というエンジェル投資家の国際シンジケートのトップの地位にある人が主導した。シンガポールを拠点としているBenjamin Tsai氏、 高頻度トレーダーBen Ball氏が率いる2番手の国際エンジェルシンジケートからのサポートも受けた。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

The plan is to have your model exhibited between 3 and 6 months. We would like to have it as long as possible, since the AR-House Models have always been visited and payed attention to very much. So for you that would increase your brand and knowledge about your name and office quite a lot!

If you tell me, that you would like to have it returned and of march, fine, we will do so. If you want to leave it longer, we would be very happy to show it as long as possible.

The good thing for you is, that we show only your model - no others as we did in previous years - not even of the joint winner from spain. that means, your model receives even more attention!


計画ではあなたのモデルを3〜6か月の間展示します。できるだけ長く展示したいと思っております。AR-House Modelを見に来る人、関心のある人が多いからです。 あなたにとりましてはブランド力を高め、名前やオフィスのことをたくさん知ってもらえます!


あなたにとって良いことは、今回はあなたのモデルしか展示しないことです。以前のように他人と一緒ではありません。 スペイン出身の共同優勝者の分もありません。つまり、あなたのモデルに一層注目が集まるでしょう!

mars16 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Over 2,000 doctors later, patient management app gets $440k funding boost

OurHealthMate, a Singapore and India-based startup with an electronic health record (EMR) system for doctors and an online marketplace for medical checkups, has come a long way since it was an incubatee called MyFitnessWallet at startup accelerator JFDI last year.

Then, it only had six clinics as customers. Now, the site has over 2,000 doctors and 700 medical centers listed from over 50 cities in India, with an additional 30 hospitals joining each week. This early traction was enough to secure a $440,000 seed round led by Bimal Shah, along with participation from Benjamin Tsai, Ben Ball, and other angel investors.


後から2,000人の医師、 患者マネジメントアプリは44万ドルのファンドを獲得


当時の顧客はわずか6か所の診療所しかなかった。現在、同社は50以上の都市で2,000人を超える医師と700の医療機関があり、これに毎週、さらに30の病院が加わる。この初期のトラクションは44万ドルのシードラウンドを確保するには十分であった。このラウンドはBimal Shah氏が主導するもので、Benjamin Tsai氏、Ben Ball氏その他のエンジェル投資家の参加もあった。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

Zepp, a Sports Tracking Wearable Maker, Raises $15 Million of Series B Funding

Zepp, a manufacturer of sports tracking wearables, secured $15 million of Series B financing from GGV Capital, Legend Capital, Bertelsmann and Cherubic Ventures. The company previously booked $5 million of Series A financing from Legend Capital.

The company’s flagship product is a 6.3g square wearable sensor powered by 3D motion technologies. According to data released by the company, the sensor contains a powerful ARM processor and multiple sensors, with a battery life of eight hours and enough memory to store information for 200,000 swings at 1,000 data points per second.



Zeppというスポーツ追跡のウェアラブル端末メーカーは、GGV Capital、Legend Capital、Bertelsmann、Cherubic Venturesが主導するシリーズBファンドで1500万米ドルを調達した。 同社は以前、Legend CapitalよりシリーズAファンドで500万米ドルを調達していた。


mars16 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

As a commercial shipper we are required to comply with US export regulations. Shipments of a certain commodity and value will require extra paperwork for export purposes. This is required by the US Census Bureau to track what is being exported.

Some shipments will require the EIN from the merchants in order to complete this necessary paperwork. Once the ship request has been submitted we will notify you if any further information is required by you. It is always recommended to request the merchants to include their invoice. This will provide us the accurate price and their contact information if this is necessary.

Please let me know if I can be of further service.





mars16 英語 → 日本語

Basically, we would like to act as a supply and demand platform, where in startups, creative people and others can share their problems or obstacles around their ideas; and backers can come to help solve those problems leveraging their wisdom. This helps to lower risks as well as allows startups to pitch better for their ideas and projects.

Expanding the idea

Collisionable Networks was among the 14 selected startups for Berkeley’s acceleration program, wherein it had to undertake Webex-based interactive sessions over six weeks. “During those sessions, we were asked to interview real customers and solve real problems using a prototype of our product,” says Sharma.




Collisionable NetworksはBerkeleyのアクセレレーションプログラムで選ばれた14のスタートアップの1つであった。そこではWebexをベースとするインタラクティブなセッションを6週間にわたり実施しなくてはいけなかった。「このセッション期間中、私たちは現実の顧客にインタビューし、当社製品のプロトタイプを使用して実際の問題を解決するよう求められました」と、Sharma氏は述べている。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

Square-like Chinese startup QFPay swipes $16.5 million in series B funding

QFPay, maker of a Square-like gadget for taking e-payments via a smartphone, has secured series B funding worth $16.5 million, 36Kr reports today.

It hasn’t been revealed who the investment is from, but it’s worth noting that QFPay’s first major round of funding back in early 2013 was led by Sequoia Capital.

QFPay’s main product is QPOS, which looks like a mini calculator. It connects wirelessly to Android tablets or phones, or iPhone or iPad; or there’s a wired version that hooks up to a PC. It can be used by retailers of all sizes to take credit card or bank card transactions.




投資者については明らかにされていないが、2013年初に行われたQFPayの最初のラウンドを主導したのがSequoia Capitalであることは特筆に値する。


mars16 英語 → 日本語

110,000 businesses using it
QFPay – one of China’s leading startups in this business-oriented e-payments sector – claims to have 110,000 businesses using its gadget right now. That’s up from 10,000 when we looked at the company during its previous funding round. Its QPOS service sees over RMB 100 million (more than 17 million) processed in payments each day.

But this startup is up against rivals both big and small. There are similar products aimed at retailers, such as Lakala and iBoxPay, plus web giants such as Alipay (by Alibaba) and WeChat (by Tencent) are pushing consumers into mobile payments via their own e-payment platforms.

Check out the Chinese demo video here of QPOS in action:



しかしこのスタートアップは大なり小なり競合からの圧力に直面している。LakalaやiBoxPayなど、小売店をターゲットとした類似製品があることに加え、Alipay (Alibaba)やWeChat (Tencent)が自社のe決済プラットフォームを介して消費者を携帯決済に誘導している。
