Mars16 (mars16) 翻訳実績

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mars16 英語 → 日本語

Alibaba’s online mutual fund Yuebao is actually shrinking

Alibaba’s mutual fund Yuebao garnered a lot of attention when it first launched last summer, and at first, it grew extremely fast. But by this July, it had begun to stagnate, and now according to the latest numbers, investment in Yuebao is actually dropping.

Back in July, Yuebao held RMB 574 billion (US$92 billion) in assets, making it the fourth-largest money market fund in the world. But this past Friday, Tianhong Asset Management Co. (which manages Yuebao’s funds and which is also owned by Alibaba) announced Yuebao’s latest numbers: RMB 534 billion (US$87 billion). That suggests that users have pulled almost US$5 billion out of Yuebao since July.




さかのぼること7月、Yuebaoは5740億人民元(920億米ドル)の資産を有しており、世界で4番目に大きいマネーマーケットファンドであった。しかし先週金曜日、Tianhong Asset Management Co. (この会社はYuebaoのファンドを管理しており、かつAlibabaによって所有されている)は、Yuebaoの最新の情報を発表した。これによると5340億人民元(870億ドル)であった。この数字から判断すると、ユーザは50億ドルもの資金を7月以降にYuebaoから引き出したことになる。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

Yuebao has also been limited by government restrictions that emerged around March, which made it harder for customers to shift funds to online rivals, imposed transfer limits, banned new types of payments such as QR codes, and halted the launch of virtual credit cards. Alibaba chairman Jack Ma publicly slammed the central bank and big four for abusing their ‘monopoly’.

Of course, with total assets of US$87 billion, Yuebao is still one of the biggest mutual funds in the world despite its recent dip. Whether it can retain that title in the long run, though, remains to be seen.

We have contacted Alibaba for comment on this story, and will update if we hear back.


Yuebaoは、3月頃に発表された政府の規制による制約も受けた。これにより顧客がオンラインの競合に資金を移動するのが困難になったほか、送金金額には上限が課され、QRコードのような新しい決済方法が禁止され、バーチャルクレジットカードのローンチが中止された。Alibaba会長のJack Ma氏は、中央銀行とビッグ4(銀行)が「独占」を濫用しているとして公に非難の声をあげた。



mars16 英語 → 日本語

The SmartNews algorithm might know how to determine what people need to read but it still requires Jarovlesky’s input to craft a proper news cycle. A program that can perform automated news collation and news cycle design seems like a prime candidate to eat real life jobs.

Jaroslovsky, who still remembers the “wrenching” transition from print to media, thinks differently. “Publisher after publisher we’ve talked to has said that this year is the tipping point [to mobile from desktop],” he says, adding that most publishers are scrambling to survive the coming changes. Not wanting to see the industry go through the same upheaval all over again is one of the reasons he joined the SmartNews team.




mars16 英語 → 日本語

If Japan’s SmartNews is just another news app, why is it valued over $100M?

Japanese news apps are engaging in a war that shows no signs of stopping. SmartNews, a strong contender to emerge victorious from the fray is already looking to bolster its position with an influx of non-Japanese users. The company launched an English app earlier this month and has taken up residence in the Digital Garage office in San Francisco. Tech in Asia met up with founders Kaisei Hamamoto and Ken Suzuki, along with prize hire and creator of the Wall Street Journal’s online edition, Rich Jaroslovsky, to talk about the history of the company, its transition to a global media firm, and its future plans.



日本のニュースアプリは、とどまることのない戦争に巻き込まれている。闘いに勝利しつつあるSmartNewsは、日本人以外のユーザを獲得してその立場を固めようとしている。同社は今月初めに英語のアプリをローンチし、サンフランシスコにあるDigital Garageオフィスに居を定めた。Tech in Asiaは会社創設者のKaisei Hamamoto氏とKen Suzuki氏のほか、ウォールストリートジャーナルオンライン版で受賞歴のあるクリエーターであるRich Jaroslovsky氏と会合を持ち、同社の沿革、グローバルなメディア企業への変革、将来の計画について話をしてもらった。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

Finding serendipity

“What I found most interesting is that [SmartNews] is not designed to appeal to an audience of one, it is designed to appeal to a broad audience. One of the hardest things to do in digital media is to provide serendipity – the user experience of “I didn’t know i would be interested in [this thing] but I am,” Jaroslovsky notes.

Providing that experience depends on technology but also available data. The SmartNews team already has the tech but sees the media-saturated US market as a way to strengthen their product and maximize its value. “We want to be a global company so after the US we will launch in UK, Canada and other countries,” Suzuki says.





mars16 英語 → 日本語

SmartNews is also about to turn on a major new revenue stream, another point that likely resonated with investors. From December, the company will launch its own native ad network and has already brought on social network giant cum gaming giant Mixi to be a distribution partner.

Fumbling over personalization

SmartNews is riding high on a healthy valuation now but it arrived at this point after a major false start. In 2010, after Hamamoto left corporate work behind to set out on his own, he built a real-time web crawler for social media. In discussing the project with Suzuki, he realized that the product should be focused further on gathering news information. He built the service and called it Crow’s Nest.




SmartNewsは現在、豊富な企業価値という波に乗っているが、同社がここに至る前は大きな失敗からのスタートであった。2010年、Hamamoto氏が自ら企業を設立するために退社したのち、ソーシャルメディア向けにリアルタイムのウェブクローラーを構築した。そのプロジェクトをSuzuki氏と議論しているとき、製品をニュース情報収集に集中すべきと感じるようになった。彼はそのようなサービスを構築し、Crow’s Nestと名付けた。