こんにちは。 連絡有難う。貴方に連絡出来なかったことをお詫びします。以前貴方に骨折して入院したとお伝えしたと思いますが、実は交通事故にあって入院していました。そしてその後遺症からか考えをうまくまとめることが出来ず、皆さんとコミュニケーションをとることが出来ませんでした。しかし、最近やっと人とコミュニケーションが出来るようになってきました。貴方がもしあと一月ほど待ってくれるのなら貴方に仕事を渡すことが出来ると思います。また、貴方のメールアドレスを教えて下さい。
Hello. Thank you for contacting me. I am sorry for the late replay. I have already told you that I was hospitalized for broken bones. In fact, I was in a car accident. I suffered from the trauma from the accident, it was really hard to for me to communicate with you guys and have a clear thought.I was finally able to communicate with people lately. If you can wait for another one month or so, I can pass the work to you. Please send me your Email adress.
I would prefer if you can wrap the products completely, not only the bottom and the side, but by putting sponges on the head connecting part and on the sole of foot.I would appreciate to take care of the products carefully in order to deliver the high quality products in the future.I order the same body as I ordered before.I propose a deal for those dolls for 800 dollars.If you agree with this price, I would like to start selling them in Japan.There is no one who is dealing them in Japan and the price is quite reasonable, so I can sell a large quantity of them.Please consider our deal.I also want to know what is the lowest price after the discount of the head?Is it possible to lower the price to ○$?
SサイズのDUCATIジャケットをMサイズのハーレージャケットと比べると同じサイズでした。サイズラベルを付け間違えているのですね。安心しました。しかし出荷時点でMサイズの注文なのにSサイズのジャケットを送ってくるのはあきらかにチェックが不足しています今後十分注意して下さいしかし あなたの対応には満足しています。ありがとう
Comparing DUCATI jacket in size S and Harley jacket in size M, they were the same size.They must have put the wrong size on the jacket.I feel better to know that. Yet sending me the size S jacket when I ordered the size M is not professional. You must have checked the size.I hope you won't make the same mistake in the future.Anyway I am really satisfied with your reply. Thank you.
なかなか覚えられず、教えてもらう側も嫌気がさすローテーションがスムーズに進まない技能がなかなか向上しない不良が慢性的に出る新製品の立上りが遅れる、安定しない新しい設備や治工具が使いこなせない正しい仕事の教え方「人に仕事を教える」とは「教える」 方法とポイントコミュニケーションの大切さ教え方のトレーニングカッターナイフの刃の交換作業「教える」 ことのメリットASのマインドを身に付け、ときには厳しい指導も!仕事を指示する時のテクニック書いたものを見せる言わせて見せる聞いてみる
They don’t remember things and that frustrates the teacher.The work rotation doesn’t go smoothly.The skills of workers don’t improve.There are several bad quality products in regular basis.The release of new products gets late or not stable.Workers can’t use new equipments or materials well.How to teach workers correctlyWhat does it mean to “teach someone how to work.”?How to teach and important points of teaching.Importance of communicationTraining how to teachThe exchanging the blade of box cutter proceduresThe advantages of “teaching”Keep the AS mind and severe supervision if neededTechnique of how to give working instructionsShow what you wroteMake them say out loudAsk them
「コミュニケーション」と一口で言っても、様々な場面があります。 みなさんは、何を想像しますか?朝夕の挨拶、休憩所での談話、仕事の連絡や報告、QCサークルでの会話、若年者への作業指導等・・全て「コミュニケーション」 です。私たちは、一日中 「コミュニケーション」をしています。複数の人間が、感情、意思、情報などを受け取りあうこと、あるいは伝えあうこといつまで経っても生産性が悪く、コストが上がる。そのうちケガや災害が発生する可能性がある。人間関係(信頼関係)や職場の雰囲気が悪くなる
The word “communication” means many things in various situations. What comes to your mind when you hear this word?Everything is counted as communication – saying “hello” and “goodbye” in the morning and at the end of afternoon, chatting during break, communicating or reporting about work, taking about quality control, explaining young worker how to work, etc.We are all “communicating” all day actually.It means number of human beings are receiving and conveying their emotion, their intention and information.The productivity is still not so great. It increases the cost.There are possibilities of injuries or accidents if it continues.The working environment or human relationship (trusting relationship) will deteriorate.
Communication trainingHow much can you communicate with other people only using your words?Place a piece of paper with the longer side of paper on down before drawing.You should now draw 5 shapes: 2 rectangles, one circle and two squares.First draw a rectangle starting from the point 1 cm upward and 2 cm on the right from the left down corner of the paper. From that point, draw a rectangle of 15 cm length and 2 cm width.Next of all, you will draw a second rectangle.From the middle of the rectangle you just draw, draw a rectangle 4 cm of width upward and 8 cm length.The two rectangles are in touch. Two rectangles will look like the letter T upside down.
Let’s try to actually teach the job!This is the most important part of box cutter, which serves to cut somethingIt’s important to cut well.This is the important part that keeps the blade. We hold this part when we cut as well.The blade has one lined side and one side without lines.Do not pull out too much blade. If you pull too much blade, not only it would be hard to cut, but also very dangerous because the blade can break.Pull away the blade when you don’t use it.Structure and functionsThings that can cause injuries or illnessesWhen you use it, you should follow the proceduresOrder of workingSuccess and failure, Safety, Practical way of workingThings to keep in mind while following the steps.Why those are vital pointsWhy should you do thatThe new blade
Open the holderTake out the bladePrepare the new bladePut the new bladeClose the holderCheck if it worksHold on the middle part of the holder and pull out the clip using the other handHold on the middle par of the holder while putting the lined side of the new blade facing up and pull in the clip using the other handYou cut yourselfYou can't take off the bladeThe blade won't cutYou cut yourselfYou can't pull in the bladeYou can pull in and out the bladeIn order to obtain the same results no matter who is working on, breakdown how to proceed, vital points and quality pointsBasic operation manualPurposes of the operationWe have a clear view of the purposes of what we are working on (why we are working)Operation decomposition clue 1Rank A
This is an official paper with administration number, the date and the name of the publisher writtenPrepare before teachingExplain the proceduresExplain each step with demonstrationExplain vital points and why while demonstratingYou should studyYou would anguish, suffer and reflectYou will become self-awareWhen you teach other people, you will become more self-reliant and grow fasterCheck if measuring instruments work and put them to zeroCheck the expiration date of the good sampleS4 of worktablesAppropriate clothesUse fingerstalls or glovesThings to do before start working are writtenKeep the good working conditionSlider must move smoothly
After passing through Kaminari Jinmon, in from the Asakusa temple, you will see many people gathering in the middle.Those people are putting the smoke of incent sticks on their head, shoulder or back.That’s because it is said that “the smoke of this big incent burner will heal the bad parts of the body when you expose.”Yet some people mistakenly believe that “when you put the smoke on the head, it will make you smarter.” Therefore there are many of them who only put the smoke on their head and go home.More precisely, the smoke is said to have healing power but only the smoke from your own incent sticks. Therefore I recommend you to buy incent sticks and burn them as a great experience.
伊藤千晃専門ショップ【chiaki's shop gallery】2015年第一弾アイテム発売決定!!3月15日(日)東京都市センターホテルのトークショーにて販売☆昨年OPENして大好評の【chiaki’s shop gallery】。新作アイテムが発売決定です。今回のアイテムも、chiaki’s shop galleryの文字をオシャレにデザインしました。
"CHIAKI's shop gallery" presented by CHIAKI ITO: the first product release in 2015!! Product sales will start during a talk show at Tokyo center hotel, Sunday March 15th."CHIAKI's shop gallery" is very popular store opened last year.New products will be released soon.The cool design logo of "CHIAKI's shop gallery" will be on these products as well.
素材と大きさもchiakiが作りたかったものに出来上がり、この素材でデザインが映えるような色合いにこだわりました。その名もBIGポーチ!かなり便利です☆内側には、片側にファスナー付きのメッシュポケットが、もう片側には4ポケットがついているので大きいポーチの中でも用途に分けて小物をたくさん入れることができます。■BIGポーチ 価格:2,600円(税込)【サイズ】約縦210mm×横255mm×マチ70mm【素材】PVC、ポリエステル【原産国】中国
CHIAKI finds this product perfect in terms of the material and the size.She carefully choose the color of this type of material so that its design would look nice.She named it, "BIG pouch."It's very useful!Inside there is a mesh pocket with zipper on one side and4 pockets on the other side.Even if it's a big pouch, it can contain many small objects separately.Big pouch price: 2,600 yen (tax included)Size: About 210mm"H×255mm"W×70mm"DMaterial: PVC, PolyesterMade in China
Furthermore, please do not keep a place for someone else in line (that means someone else will cut in the line) for other customers. We would take no responsibility in troubles between customers.Handshaking event for purchased customersOn the day of the product release, we will organize a session of handshaking with the creator for people who purchased the products after the sales session.(If there are two sales sessions, the customers can participate this event at the end of their own session.)
お客様第一改善は、お金を出さず、知恵を出し、仕事の価値を上げる.改善活動の内容は生産設備の改造や工具の新作、ポカヨケの製作など業務効率の向上や作業安全性の確保、品質不具合防止など生産に関わる範囲全てにわたる。 改善は、日本の製造業が海外へ工場を展開した際に、日本から派遣された作業トレーナーが現地従業員に教え、また1980年代に日本の製造業の強さの研究などを通じて日本の製造業の重要な要素の一つとして海外でも広まり、結果「Kaizen」として世界でも通用する言葉となった。
Customers firstKaizen means improving the value of work without paying more and by only using our intelligence.Kaizen activities apply to all the area of production: remodeling of production equipments, renewing tools, creating fail-safe devices, which improve the productivity, the safety and the prevention of defective products.The concept of Kaizen started to spread in other countries when Japanese trainers taught local workers how to work at the time Japanese manufactory industry started to relocate its production overseas. Furthermore in the 1980s many researchers showed interests in studying how Japan has such a strong manufactory industry. They found out that "Kaizen" was one of the important elements of its success. As a result, the word "Kaizen" is now known all over the world.
You are wrong, saying that I am the reason why the returned products were late.You could always check my address on the eBay site. On top of that, there was my address written on the label attached to the product.Most buyers usually return products with that information.Because the returned products arrived so late, eBay has officially decided that the product can't be returned.If I were mistaken, eBay wouldn't come to this conclusion (eBay takes side of buyers 99% of time)You can still return us the product, but I can't refund the total amount.The selling price of this product has dropped to 250$ in the last two and a half months.If you don't agree with this condition, you shouldn't return this product.
ご連絡ありがとう。お問い合わせの件ですが、当方はSIPPINGアドレスをEBAYのサイトよりそのままコピーアンドペーストしており、間違えてはおりません。下記の日本郵便サイトで確認したところ、本日の日付で「Absence. Attempted delivery. 」と記載されておりました。最寄りの郵便局に下記のトラッキングナンバーでお問い合わせしてみてください。よろしくお願いします。
Thank you for your message.Concerning your question, we are certain that there was no mistake on shipping address because we copied and pasted it from the EBAY site.As we verified on Japanese post site written below, it said "Absence. Attempted delivery" dated today.I recommend you to check the nearest post office with the tracking number below.Hope we have answered all your questions. Have a nice day.
It has been two months since they have arrived in Japan. We are very satisfied.I have a very important favor to ask you.I want you to refuse if ●●● want to buy a serval from you. It's because I am fighting them in a court right now. They said that they didn't want this animal, which you have raised preciously, because they are getting bigger. I feel like servals that you have raised with a lot of care as a part of my family. Yet ●●● treats these animals like objects. He is not a good person, so I want you to be careful.I am drawing pictures of Serval for you right now. Thank you for giving us many hopes.