San Fransisco is far, isn't it...Being a pilot is a hard job, indeed😵I was on board A380 only once but it is hard to believe that you, whom I chat with Whatsapp all the time casually is a pilot of an A380, it is just so amazing! lolIs this Philip the guy who owns GT40?Randy once showed me a photo of him. Including you, his friends all have such an incredibly expansive hobbies and it almost seems unreal to me who is just an ordinary guy. hahahaI wonder if I should sell my Raptor and purchase something else? haha
この商品はプラスチック製のつけ歯になります。"Export Description"と"Schedule B" を下記のように変更していただけますでしょうか。Export Description : Dentures (False Teeth): Of PlasticSchedule B : 9021.21.4000購入時のインボイスは必要ですか?必要であればチャットでインボイスを送ります。
This product is dentures made of plastic. Would you please change the "Export Description" and"Schedule B" as follows?Export Description : Dentures (False Teeth): Of PlasticSchedule B : 9021.21.4000Will you need an invoice when you purchase? If so, I will send you an invoice via chat.
Buyer send the picture said damaged / defect but the picture is not clear. Anyway I accepted return and will refund after received the return parcel. Thanks
This is 100%brand new item and you only sent 2 picture and can't see anything is damaged. Please return to me immediately.
Thank you for the questions.1. $265 would be the price until we could ship a partial shipping container.2. We could ship 200 braces per month at current capacity and increase that number quickly to meet your demand.3. We can fit 4 braces in a box that is 32" x 12" x 12".4. We will get quotes from shipping companies to get an approximate price per box.5. We plan to maintain the current price through 2021.6. We would be able to send you a link to our cloud storage where you can download high resolution images and video.7,8. We will review the document but we should be able to provide you with exclusive distribution for Japan.
お問い合わせをいただき、ありがとうございました。1、$265の価格は、当方が部分的コンテナーを発送できるようになるまでの金額となります。2、現在の生産量ではひと月に200のブレースを発送できます。そしてそちらの必要に応じてすぐ増加することもできます。3、 32" x 12" x 12"の箱の中に4つのブレースを入れることができます。4、複数の運送会社に、一箱当たりのおよその料金の見積もりを出してもらう予定です。5、現在の料金は2021年を通し維持する予定です。6、そちらに高解像度の写真やビデオをダウンロードできる当社のクラウドの保管所リンクをお送りすることができます。7・8、書類を検討しますが、貴社へ日本への独占販売権を差し上げられると思います。
The price for OO is wrong.Would you mind changing it and reissue an invoice, please?What a heavy snow!It is very cold this winter in Japan, too.
Will you be able to wait until January 25th?? I really appreciate it. Thank you very much. I will update my situation every few days. Thank you.
I felt that during 2020 I was supported by many people.I wish to make this year, 2021, the one in which I can show my gratitude to you all.Unfortunately, Tokyo, the capital and center of Japan, is now seeing an increasing number of covid-19 patients and is at a critical stage.Both our country and peole are searching for the best way to respond and behave, since this situation cannot be resolved simply and everyone has a different interest and is in a different situation.However, I believe that I have an anwer.I cannot go back to the past but since it is now 2021, I will just do my best to accept the many changes this year will bring.
Don't you feel guilty when telling me lies like that? You just want to steal money from a Japanese man by telling lies? I will forgive you if you admit telling lies and apologise to me. However, if you don't want to do that, just please return my money at once that you borrowed from me. If you don't have money, start working immediately and return the money within two to three months. I will never allow you to return only little amount each month. Just return the money back to me now. I cannot trust someone like you who complains to me instead of apologising.
Please apologise me for sending you a very rude message since I was beside myself in the middle of the night. I could not understand why you blocked me on your Facebook. Yesterday I saw your photo enjoying yourself sight seeing when I saw your post. You told me you are in hospital, didn't you? Why did you tell me a lie? You admitted that you told me a lie, then you deleted that photo, did't you? The fact that you deleted the photo means that you were travelling with someone. Why do you continue telling me lies like that?
I live in ● prefecture in Japan. The person who purchased the product lives in ● prefecture but I cannot go there.Would you please find someone who speaks Japanese at the time of repairing the product, since English will not be understood there?Also I would like to know if it can be repaired perfectly.If it cannot work after fixing it, I may need to return the item to you.I hope you can refund all the cost which should be needed for the purchase.Thank you for your understanding.
PACKAGE ID ○○と▲▲にチェックを入れ”CREATE SHIP REQUEST”をクリックしますと、以下のメッセージが表示されます。そしてそのまま“CONTINUE”をクリックして次のShipment Details & Optionsの画面に進みます。そのときにShipping MethodでFedExを選択することができず、DHLしか選択できません。これはおそらくパッケージが大きいからだと思います。FedExで発送できるようパッケージを分割していただけますか。
When I put a checked mark on Page ID ○○and▲▲, and then click ”CREATE SHIP REQUEST”, the following message appears. Then I continue clicking “CONTINUE” until I get to the page of Shipment Details & Options. At that time, I won't be able to choose FedEx as Shipping Method, only DHL is possible. I presume it is because the package is too large. Would you mind dividing the package so that I could use FedEx shipping, please?
Thank you very much for your reply.I would be very happy to talk with you on the phone at your convenience.I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
I understand. I will purchase it. However, I will pay it through Discogs, not to pay directly into your paypal account. This will work as an isurance just in case there is an accident or something. I apologise for taking your time but would you please change the item to $130 and re-list which you have listed on Discogs? As soon as you notify me about it, I will purchase it by pressing the button. Thank you very much.
How do you do?I am Arakawa from company A.Thank you for your support.I am going to take over from Takeuchi who used to be in charge of your company.Although I am new to this job and may not perform totally to your satisfaction , I will do my very best to work with you.I started this job in March and hope to meet you soon to introduce myself.I apologise for taking up your time while you are busy but would appreciate very much if I could meet with you one afternoon next week or the following week.Thank you very much.
1) 46 days have passed since you shipped the item. Are shipments from South Africa to the US subject to some restrictions because of Covid-19? Will this item ever arrive?2) My job history at UCLA3)My job history at UCLA overseas4) My job history at other amusement parks5) Painting at attraction areas6) I have updated my job history related rides and attractions on OO site for the time being. As soon as I get my photos ready, I will update them as well. Please confirm. Thank you very much.
Fortunately I have a full support from many friends who assist ADK.These friends are really great!I hope to continue to celebrate the success of this wonderful vision with these friends.If you have any Information that I need to know, please let me know.Thank you very much for your continuous support.
You are truely a brilliant staff.You accomplish all your work.I respect you deeply.Just as I trust you fully, I also wish to do my best so you can be totally confident in what I do.It is not easy to trust someone who is from a different country or who has never met before.However, what I can say surely is I believe in the success of your wonderful vison and want to be a part of it.If my words are not enough, I am only too happy to see you and your staff face to face. I would like you to believe I really mean what I am saying.
貴方のアイテムは7月15日に大阪よりカナダに向けて発送されています。アイテムはカナダには到着していますがカナダポストでの入力がないためアイテムの追跡はできません。大変申し訳ございませんがカナダポストに連絡をして確認していただけますか電話番号は 1 866 607 6301 です。それでもアイテムの所在が分からないようであれば返金対応させていただきます。ご面倒ですがよろしくお願いいたします。
Your item has been shipped from Osaka to Canada on July 15th.It has already arrived to Canada but I am afraid that we cannot track it since Canada Post hasn't been updated.Would you mind contacting Canada Post to confirm the status?The phone number is 1 866 607 6301.Even if you try the number and still cannot find where the item is, I will be happy to refund it.I am sorry to trouble you and looking forward to hearing from you.
1) I mailed it yesterday and they said it should arrive in two weeks. Also, I overcharged on the shipping, so I'm gonna refund 10 to your PayPal. Hope you enjoy the record?2) Lol that was supposed to read "hope you enjoy the record!"3) Hi , sorry for the delay in coming back to you.We have tracked it up to Johannesburg international, which means it has left and should be you soon. SA Postal Service is bad at the best of times , so it possible for around a 6 week delay during the Covid pandemic. Dont worry though. It was packed properly and will arrive in 1 piece .
1) 昨日発送した際、2週間ほどで到着すると言われました。送料を実際より高く頂いてしまいましたので、そちらのPayPal口座に10(ドル)お返しします。このレコードがお気に入るとよいのですが?2) (笑)レコードをお楽しみになりますように!と書くつもりでした。(?と!を書き間違えた)3) こんにちは。お返事が遅くなりすみません。調べましたところ、ヨハネスブルグまでは追跡できました。つまり商品は出発しており、もうすぐ到着するといういうことです。南アフリカ郵便は通常一番良い時期でもあまり良い仕事をしません。このコロナ禍においては6週間ほど遅れるかもしれません。でもあまり心配なさらないで下さい。梱包はきちんとしていますので、ちゃんと一個の荷物として届くはずです。