Lawnsgarden (kohashi) 翻訳実績

9年弱前 男性
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 オランダ語
kohashi 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Through MaGIC’s e@Stanford Program, payment service provider Soft Space was able to visit Silicon Valley and engage with its VCs. In addition to securing a deal, Soft Space would also be able to help increase awareness about Malaysia’s startup ecosystem among the companies in the hallowed tech valley.

MaGIC’s CEO Cheryl Yeoh believes that Malaysia has the right ingredients to become a successful tech hub; all it needs now is to be assembled.

Last year, it launched MSA 2014, a five-day event in October, combining keynote speeches, workshops, investor speed dating sessions and the largest startup career fair ever held in Malaysia.


支払いサービス提供会社Soft Spaceは、スタンフォードプログラムの MaGIC’s eのビデオカンファレンスによって、Silicon Valleyを訪問しビジネス相談が可能になった。Soft Spaceは神聖化されたSilicon Valleyで、各種商談をまとめるだけでなく、Malaysiaのスタートアップ会社間のエコシステムについての認識を高める一助ともなるだろう。

Malaysiaには成功したテクノロジーハブになりえる正しい素材がそろっているとMaGIC’s社のCEO Cheryl Yeoh氏は信じている。後は、それらを合わせて組み立てるだけなのだと。

昨年が、基調講演や、ワークショップ、投資家スピードデートセッション、そしてスタートアップキャリアフェアなどの行事が合わせて実施されたMSA 2014が、10月の5日間Malaysiaで開催された。

kohashi 英語 → 日本語

Track 2 will focus on business ideas that would also bring positive impact to a social problem, whether it’s about poverty alleviation, environmental sustainability or access to education.

MA 2015 aims to help startups at all stages in the areas of business model and development, talent and culture, finance and funding, talent and culture, and marketing and operations through talks and workshops.

In the workshops, participants will be exposed to actual skills and knowledge provided by experienced instructors and speakers from various industries and backgrounds.



MA 2015は、会話やワークショップを通じて、ビジネスモデルとその発展方法、能力と文化、財政と資金調達、能力と文化、そしてマーケッティングと販売オペレーションなどの各分野について、全ての段階にあるスタートアップを支援することを目的としている。


kohashi 英語 → 日本語

1. Company Culture

Company culture is such a core element of the modern workplace, and many companies are highly invested in having built a particular company culture. So it is only natural that the new offices should not come with an entirely new culture of their own but should be an extension of the existing company culture.

Inter-city, -state, and -country offices should strive for a sense of connectedness and cultural continuity, such that someone walking into any one of the branches would have a similar experience at each. The best way to achieve this cultural continuity is with a personally invested CEO – more fluent in company culture than anyone else – at the expansion helm.





kohashi 英語 → 日本語

2. Recruitment

Culture begins with employees, and having the CEO involved in the recruitment process is the best way to ensure that new team members are a good match for the company ethos. Entrusting the face of a company across the globe to a brand new team is serious business, and the company’s new employees as well as the brand of the company benefit greatly from having the CEO overseeing those hirings.

Being on the ground in the new office from day one means the CEO can grow the staff and identify a suitable replacement at the executive level when the office has hit a level of autonomous operation and it becomes time for the CEO to return home.



